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Copy Cat Cloche

Nah nah nah nah nah .... copy catter, dirty ratter......

Cloche to copy from Okio B. Designs
 Technically this is not a magazine copy, it's a blogger copy.  I wanted to copy all the magazine cloches I found but most of them use amazing tall beautiful cloche's.
I have two small squatty cheese domes.  

As the last person in blogland to own a cloche, I was super excited when I came across not one, but two of these cheese thingy's at garage sales last week.  One was darn near free (fill a bag for a buck) the other was a buck.  So lets just say they were each .50¢ and I came home with a bag of junk that I don't know what to do with.

I got to work painting with what was left of my Annie Sloan Old Ochre sample pot and even had to add water at the end to eek out enough paint.  Sand to distress and wax, Ive got that drill down pretty good these days.
Done painting, now what?  
I was going to put one of them on a base and bought a little milk glass style vase to glue on.  But didn't get around to that.  Maybe after I finish this post.

 The glass dome on the left is really heavy.

Enter the magazine copy cat challenge at DebbieDoos my favorite link party because I can find something and copy it.  Don't need any special talent like thinking up something.  Easy.  Except this challenge took me longer than anything because I had to look at every single cloche photo I saw.  I wanted to do a chocolate cake copy since daughter #2 made chocolate cake yesterday.

I wanted to do this.......

Not this........

 So instead I did this........

Because I looked at photos so long I missed the party!

Linking to:
Summer Cloche Party with Marty @ AStrollThruLife


  1. Love the empty cake dish! My kind of decor!

  2. Loves it Bliss.What you did not even save me a piece?!

  3. Very nice cloches, Bliss, and a great copycat you are! Still laughing over the plate with the crumbs!


  4. Love your copy Bliss and would LOVE a piece of that chocolate cake right about now LOL!!

  5. the cloche is adorable, but you are making me hungry.

  6. So beautiful, and can I have some cake :)

  7. I just purchased a set of glass domes and have yet to use them. My domes are much smaller I'm thinking I can stash a truffle or 2 in mine :)

  8. Even though you missed the party, you still got to eat some cake AND you have two new cloche's - that's a pretty good result !

  9. I'm expecting that you saved an extra piece of cake for me..... or at the VERY least..... ate that piece of cake for me ;)

    Nice job!


  10. Good copy job. I don't own a cloche either, just a cake topper unless you count that tiny weeny one I bought at Tuesday Morning and you can't put squat under it because it is way to small. It's cute though. So does that count?

  11. HA! This is the way I fel when I read fashion magazines:they are tall & beautiful and I am small & squatty.
    Gimme some more of that cake!

  12. The plate with the crumbs is all I'd have left to photograph, too. I mean, come on, chocolate cake?! That cloche is uniquely yours.

  13. Love your vignette, Bliss ~ and the chocolate cake looks pretty mac-daddy, too. :)
    You'll love your cloche -- endless possibilities!
    xo Heidi

  14. It looks great Bliss, I like the cake cloche best! You rock!

  15. I like yours better! and the cake looked yummy :)

  16. That cake looks amazing. Fact: everything looks more beautiful under a cloche. Congratulations on owning two!

  17. It looks like you had a party- cake and all.
    Don't you just love finding something for a $1.00 or less?
    I have those same cheese cloches-

    White Spray Paint

    Thank you for your visits to my blog!

  18. Great finds and a great make-overs as well Bliss! Enjoy your day, Gail

  19. What a clever idea! I never see cloches....but this works I could find one. I'm glad you ate the was getting to me!

  20. Love this! The one with the empty, crumbly dessert is my favorite! I still don't own a true cloche either. Those things are expensive! But I know that one of these days there will be one at a garage sale. And then I will copy you :).

  21. Ha! I just thought of a new series...nasty objects look better under a cloche!

  22. Anonymous5/01/2012

    Nice job, love it! I have yet to do a cloche - what's up with that, eh? Your's is inspiring though!

  23. Okay, you're so NOT the last. I keep passing them up. I just keep thinking that a 5 year old boy will put a superhero under it and pretend it's a force-field. Then it'll fall to the floor and end up in a million pieces. sigh... anyway, yours look awesome! Now I want cake! ~L

  24. Hehehehe... I love you. That made me giggle. But seriously, it turned out beautifully!

  25. Hi Bliss,

    Wow! You finally found cloches. The missing slice of cake PRICELESS. lol


  26. What awesome deals...I love cloches, any kind and I think your sweet little ones turned out just beautiful with their new coat of paint. Oh and can't forget the copycat one...Beautiful. Happy May.

    Hugs and Kisses,

  27. I can copycat that eaten cake under the cloche pic. Oh, wait, I can't. You see. Now it's official. I'm officially that last blogger who does not own a cloche ...



  28. Anonymous5/01/2012

    My 93 year old grandmother kept asking me what I was going to do with two cheese domes on my table (waiting to be painted I might add). I kept telling her that I call them a cloche and that cheese dome was soooooo out of style. She said when you are 93 there is no use for "style" anymore and once a cheese dome, alway a cheese dome no matter what you do with the silly thing. Needless to say, my cheese domes are still waiting to be painted...kind of lost its

  29. You're too funny!!! I love your copy catter. Very sweet!

  30. I don't own a cloche either! I once owned a cheese dome but I must have sold it in a yard sale years ago. I can't find it. Love the missing cake. That's a hoot!

  31. Very nice copy cat! :) Great idea eating the cake...I mean, why leave a piece of chocolate cake covered up?

  32. you and me - no chocolate cake left :) Love these cloches, on a stand or not.

  33. Funny! I could copy the empty plate myself lol! The cloches look great!

  34. The plates with the crumbs is my favorite. Love the cloches and your paint did an awesome job of updating them.

  35. I hate to break this to you but I am the last person to get a cloche! I love your photo and that aged paper under the key. I never would have guess it was a cheese clever!

  36. Bliss,

    I love your cloche and that's exactly how I want my chocolate cake plate to look :)

    It's all about the crumbs, baby!


  37. Your cloche looks better! : ).. Soo, yummy, soo, delicious, soo, enjoyable! Great idea!

  38. Bliss you just make me laugh right out loud. Yep the chocolate cake sure did look good but you made up for it (BIG smile.) Love what you did. I was going to do a copy cat too but couldn't get it together in time either. And next week will be my last week with Debbie Doo as I will then officially be a 6 month blogger!


  39. I don't have a cloche yet either, but now that you have one that makes me the last blogger to jump on the cloche bandwagon! Love yours!

  40. Ok, I just got my first cloche last week. I was a 53 year old cloche virgin. But no longer. Now I am fulfilled. Of course the cloche is still in a pile with the other things I got at the Salvation Army that day. Your cake is beautiful. I mean your vignette is tasty. I mean....sometimes my words get mixed up when I see cake.

  41. Why. Why don't I ever think of these things! I see these "cheese" domes at Good Will all the time and think...hate the dark wood. Duh. I love how you painted it!! So cool. Love the vintage paper and key. Such a cute way would the chocolate cake even last a second here. At least you got a photo!! ;) New follower!

  42. Cute, cute, cute. I love the copy cat, I may need to copy that one too. Your cloches are so pretty and fun and the cake just cracked me up. I love it all. Thanks so much for being so creative and fun and for joining the party. Hugs, Marty


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