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Copy Cat Challenge Tote

It's that time of the month.  No, not that time.  You know, Debbie Doos Copy Cat party.  This month she gave us a twist.... we could either copy something out of a magazine OR copy another blogger.   My intention was to copy a blogger.  Lord knows I have Pinterest boards full of inspiration.  But one item to complete my blogger copy is elusive so I went to plan B and plan B had to be quick because the challenge date is here, as in today.

How could I not copy this for a link party, it says Party Time!
Now don't everyone get all excited about my creation.  I didn't even want to copy it exact because I didn't think it was all that cute.  What a vote of confidence huh?  My spirits are dampened, I have a summer cold.  You know when you feel run down and the only thing you want to copy is a sleeping baby?  I'm there.  And I have a sore toe. Partially smashed actually.  Brawn and #1 son accidentally dropped the base of this antique barber chair on my big toe.  I wish I could breath and walk.  (Dii if you are reading this neither will stop me from sales this week).

500 Pounds of Hell

My magazine copy cat came out of a Food Network magazine, June issue of last year.  I saved these three beverage carriers from stocking my Libation Station.  I don't know why I saved them, but I'm glad I did or I would of needed a plan C.  I chose the box with 6 slots, the Corona one, since that's what the magazine one had.  Corona beer smells like a skunk.  I don't want to be reminded of it.

I wasn't sure at first if I was going to use paper or fabric.  As I sneezed my way through the decision I took two of the fabric pieces and steamed the folds out of them, my bed was within view of the steamer, so I decided paper would be faster.  I was all about fast since I was running low on Kleenex.  Basically I cut and glued, if you need a tutorial for that drop me a note.  I used "The Podge" because I wanted it to hold.  I also went for a two tone look - stripes and dots.  I'm guessing there are plenty of these tote things floating around on the internet, I didn't look, I was focused on breathing and not banging my toe on the table.

I liked the look of the white mayo container better than the mustard in the magazine photo, but I took a picture of it the other way too.

And speaking of copy cats.  I've been copied!  Me!!!  My Kodak dresser has a knock off!
Here is mine.....

And here is it's copy from StarviewSonnet

Wonder if she knows about Debbie Doo's magazine challenge?  
Should I drop her a note or soak my toe and lay my snot filled head on my pillow?

Linking up to the one, the only, the famous DebbieDoos Copy Cat Challenge
Also linking at some of my other fav par-tays:
All Star Block Party
Made you look @ MadeInADay


  1. Feel better! Did the Corona smell go away after you used the 'PODGE'? Awesome copy cat!

    1. My nose was so stuffy I couldn't smell it anyway! Did you know this comment came as a no-reply blogger Vicki?

  2. What a great copy kat. Better than the original! Very creative. Kudos to you for being copy katted!

  3. Great job on the copy cat challenge! Yours is even better than the magazine. Feel better Bliss...

  4. I like yours much better than the one in the magazine - I'm not crazy about the big yellow spots they used.

    What a honor that someone copied you - the highest form of flattery!

    Now...go to bed! :0)

    Angie @ Knick of Time

  5. Love your copy cat idea and of course someone copied your chest.

  6. Actually Corona's kill a cold- lots of them! And if you nose is clogged up you won't smell them anyways!
    Feel better.

  7. Hope you're feeling better soon. A summer cold is the worst!! And ouchies on your big toe. You tote is so crafty and cute! So cool that you've been copied but I'm not surprised in the least!

  8. So cute! I love that your dresser was copied! Such an honor. Feel better!


    1. Thanks for sharing this at the All Star Block Party!


  9. This is adorable Bliss. I really like this copy. Plus it an upcycle:) Very cute. Thanks for joining me. Have fun!~ Enjoy.

  10. yay!! Looks great! I've made these recently and was surprised how hard it was. Sticking modpodge to beer cases is not easy!
    You've been copied? That is too cool!

  11. Oh Bliss, I love your copycat. I've wondered where you've been. BTW, that dresser ROCKS...of COURSE someone copycatted it! Feel better, girlfriend! xo

  12. Poor Miss Bliss :( No fun being sick&soar. Here's to another cute project "Blissafied". Now, go rest! PS-I sure hope that gal gave ya a nod for the inspiration :)

  13. Love your copy!! Congrats on being copied, that dresser you did is awesome! Feel better!

  14. So cute! I think your tote turned out even better than the original.
    That dresser is fabulous and I'm not at all surprised that you were copied.
    Are you from the Rochester area?

  15. I like your tote much better...very classy! Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery! You should spread the word then go lay your head down : )

  16. Cute tote! How much flattery is that?! To get copied with that dresser... so cool.
    Hope you're on the mend soon...get well, Pat

  17. Get better, Bliss. I am NOT going to copy your broken toe--I've managed that a couple of times, so the thrill is gone.

  18. Imitation is the best from of flattery, right?! Ice up that toe and drug yourself silly, because the Buffalo sales are coming up soon! I won't be there, but it looks like some good stuff again. :(

  19. So cute! This would be cute for a little homework tote for my Kate too! Love it!!

  20. Way to power through the misery, Bliss!! Hope you feel better soon -- go lay down now. :)
    xo Heidi

  21. It was interesting to see the comments to this post. Your condiment tote is really cute,and the party sounds like a fun thing to do. But being copied on your dresser, not so cute. To be inspired by an idea is fine, but to copy for profit is just plain dishonest. Just my opinion.

    1. I didn't mind. Makes me think mine might be worth something other than to me. Besides, I certainly didn't come up with the idea of putting words on dressers. I wish I did!


  22. How fun you were copied!
    How cute is the carrier!

    How NOT FUN is your cold :( Feel mucho mucho better soon!!!

  23. I actually prefer your copy - very pretty!

    My dad is a barber and has a few of those antique chairs which are very cool - but yes, VERY heavy!

    Feel better. :)

  24. You've kept your sense of humor, Bliss! You're so funny! I like your creation better than the original, too! I need to get my stuff together and join this party sometime...I don't even have a broken toe excuse! (Although I do have a nice bruise from my son setting a banquet chair on my foot this week...can't imagine a barber's chair...yikes!) Hope you are feeling better SOON! XO

  25. I love your KODAK dresser! I must copy you! Now, I'm off to find the perfect dresser. LOL Three Mango Seeds

  26. Your copy-caddy is way better than than the original!! Hope that toe is better!!!

  27. so cute! and as luck would have it i think we probably have some empty six packs around here....

  28. Ice that toe and rest your snotty head, Bliss.
    I would not have the patience to put paper on a beer/soda thingy.
    Corona is skunky but just let it breathe a minute and squish in some limes.
    We all have a summer cold, too. It's on my last nerve.
    Get well soon.

  29. Cute idea! Perfect for an outdoor party!

    Hope you get to feeling better soon!

  30. Pretty cute Miss Bliss. Too bad about that toe. You could be in Chicago with me...I can't believe I missed that party AGAIN.

  31. Your tote is super cute. My husband uses a lot of condiments and I have a carrier in one of the fridge door shelves but it's the way it came from the store, no fancy paper or decoration here. Get some zinc lozenges, they will make your cold shorter at least.

  32. Well, yours is cute!
    I hope you feel better soon~and I hope your toe heals fast. You sound like you're miserable.

  33. Cute, cute! Bummer about the cold...we had it last week at our house, no fun. And the toe too...yikes, get some rest my friend!!

  34. That little tote is so cute. I love it. Your Kodak dresser was the bomb. The copy cat one is cute too, but you were truly the original. Feel better soon.

  35. You are such a cool (copy) cat. Feel better!

  36. Love this copycat. I need to make one for my daughter's apartment @ college! :D

    Linking from Debbiedoo's,
    Ricki Jill

  37. What a great copy! We always seem to have empty beer caddies and scrapbook paper lingering about.

  38. Love this copycat! You did a fabulous job! I've always loved your Kodak dresser. It's so cool that others are copying it!

  39. So cute... I love it! Hope you feel better soon.

  40. I like your condiment holder better. Hope you are feeling better.

  41. Oh Bliss! I hope your toe is better soon! Love your ketchup holder :)

    Have an awesome day rock star!


  42. Gosh, why did I just throw those things away! I love yours! Best wishes to the toe, that's a heavy chair!

  43. I love your little condiments carrier! So cute. And how cool that your project has a knock-off! Imitation is the greatest form of flattery!

  44. Well Hello there!
    I have seen your name around and finally decided to drop in and see what you're all about! So I'm reading this blog post and I just can't believe. . . I too have an antique barber chair - is that one on your house? Mine lives in my kitchen and is the most sat in chair in the place. AND I ALSO HAVE AN INJURED TOE!! I won't even say what happened to it because it might be a bit much for some readers. . . but I too have been limping around trying not to bum into anything! I don't have a cold. . . I hope I don't catch yours!
    I love the little condiment carrier - and of course it looks better without the mustard! who doesn't love black, white and red?
    Nice to meet you - I just linked up to Debbiedoo's for the first time this week. Yay for new friends!

  45. That is a serious chair to have dropped on your toe-
    and your projects are so great, that chest won't be the first that gets copied!

    White Spray Paint

  46. It is never a dull moment in blogland when you write a post!! You poor thing...having a cold and a sore toe. My question is, why do you even have a barber chair in your house? Enquiring minds want to know. Your copy cat version is very cute. Now, are you going to save it and actually use it next time you have a cook-out? Enquiring minds want to know that too. Now go take 2 asprin and call your doctor in the morning. We can't be left without your wonderful creations too long.

  47. How fun that she copied your dresser?

  48. LOVE the drink carrier....and, oh, PLEASE send her a note! ;)

  49. Stopped back to see if you are feeling better...hopes that you are on the mend....the gal that copy cat'd yur photo dresser....what a nice compliment...Back to painting...I have a dresser and I am thinking may be play with some glace...never have so their is always a first time

    Take care and will check you again....

  50. Goodness! Hope the toe is OK! Love the little carrier copy! Great job! And congrats on BEING copied....high flattery!

  51. I cannot believe your toe wasn't crushed into oblivion. I hope you're feeling better and can walk. The drink/condiment carrier is an adorable project and
    your Kodak dresser and its copy - LOVELOVELOVE!

  52. It's been a week now where's the new project!!!

  53. Seems there's an epidemic of smashed toes around this week. Must be the Olympics inspiring folks.

  54. Thanks for coming by and the sweet comment. Now, you did a great job on your copy cat project, and LOOK, you got copied too:)


  55. So sorry about the toe! My husband dropped a table on his toe (a table that I picked up at Salvation Army for a makeover for my nieces) and now his pinky toe looks, well, ewwww...

    Love your knock-off. And not at all surprised that your fantabulous dresser was knocked off! I'm sure there are hundreds upon hundreds of them out there now ...



  56. I would love someone to knock-off something of mine, even if it was going to be sold - greatest form of flattery !
    Love your cute tote, well done for battling on and still being creative - I hope your toe is better, sounds pretty painful.

  57. Oh no...your poor toe!!!! This copy cat project is simply AWESOME and we were so happy to see you over at Junkin Joe today : ) sending hugs and hope you will be "dancing" soon!!! : ) lol!

  58. LOVE your dresser! New follower! come say HI :)


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