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Recycled Name Plate Food Tags

Food tags from old desk name plates

Turn Tim Harrison into Food Tags

As I'm digging through bins of stuff I found these food tags I made last year, you know BB (before blogging).
Simple project.....
Bliss's Half Azzed Tutorial:
I got some old name plates at a garage sale
Slide out the name thing (that is a pirated photo, I do not know Tim Harrison and I do not own that photo).  You have to use the other side of the name plate because the front side is engraved so it has indentations where the name is.
Ask someone handy to cut them all in half - the name plates and the metal stand.
Paint chalkboard paint on the smooth side
Spray paint Hammered Copper on the metal part

And the reason I'm spending less time right now at the computer and more time staring out my windows........
The View at the ranch
(I should be on the other side actually washing those windows!)

P.S.  This is my busy season, but I want you all to know I haven't sacrificed reading blogs.  I climb into bed with my Ipad and still read all million that come to my email.  However I'm not commenting as much right now.  It's just important to me that you know I'm still there with 'ya and the stuff you all make and write amazes me. 

P.S.S.  That big old dresser in the first photo is sitting in my entry way after it's redo from HELLLL over the weekend.  When He-Man and She-Ra have time they will move it to it's new home and She-Ra will blog about it.

These Tags are partying at:
Wildly Original Party @IGottACreate 
 My entry into No Minimalist Here Open House Party  sponsored by Appliances Online


  1. What a great idea! I really need something like that, since I'm not a great chef - without a label, people may have no idea what they are eating! :0)

  2. great job on the name tags turned food tags! love 'em

    pretty, pretty fall pictures!


  3. What a brilliant idea! And...I can't wait for that fall color to creep a little further south into my picture windows!!

  4. JUST G-E-N-I-O-U-S! Genious, I tell ya!
    P.S. I don't know Tim Harrison either. But, I am going to pretend that he is a really nice man..... for the sake of the genius idea!
    P.S.S. I really miss fall colors like that. <3 the photos.... I can almost smell the fall air.

  5. Great idea! Love the fall colors outside your window!


  6. Your sumacs are way ahead of ours! That is a stunning view. Great idea for the desk plates! ~ Maureen

  7. What a cute idea Bliss and that view is to die for!!!

  8. You are under its spell. Who can blame you! By the way, I love the part of your directions for the project above where you ask someone else who is handy to cut them for you. I would love to ask someone handy to do a lot of things around here. Well, a girl can dream.

  9. Oh I'll be searching Etsy for nameplates! With football season underway we are finding that our house on Sundays have become the meeting place to watch the game and eat lots of yummy (fatty) foods. This is such a cute way to let everyone know what's being served. Thanks Bliss!

  10. Great repurpose!!!! Wow - those leaves are gorgeous! Jealous!

  11. i love the tags, but the leaves take the cake for me! STUNNING!

  12. love the re use of the name tags cookie...
    Now can I have some cookies and milk and just sit and look out your windows...what do I miss the most living in Texas...Fall colors really strong what you are showing...Hmmmm love them and thank you...

  13. I love the tags. The views are stunning!


  14. You have the best ideas! These food name tags are fantastic!

    I am so jealous of your Fall color...we are getting there slowly each day. I can't wait!

  15. Doesn't work...... came to my email but yours is still a mystery since it was a no reply blogger address.

  16. What an incredible view.

    I'm relieved to see that those aren't actually being used on someone's desk. I would have to for shame the woman that named her son 'Ghost Balls'.

    Brilliant idea.

  17. Bliss it looks beautiful in your neck of the woods. I can't wait for our leaves to change.

  18. Bliss - How lucky are you to have such a beautiful view. That is a day dreaming view! I sit in bed with my computer too, trying to keep up! haha sometimes I falll asleep with it in my lap. My husband gives me a hard time. A direct result of joining the blogging world :)

    Love the signs - very clever!

    Blessings - Sara

  19. Nice way to use something that would have otherwise been tossed in the trash. So clever! Your photos are beautiful, btw. If I had a view like that, I wouldn't be spending too much time on the computer either.

  20. Only you would see old name plates and make something so useful out of them! I love them, but since 'someone handy' around here is me, and I don't work well with metal...they probably wouldn't ever get made into anything :)

    I'm living vicariously through you for Fall color...her in Maryland, it's still mostly green and warm.

  21. Finally found the time to visit your blog. So. Stinkin. Cute. And I love this idea I make chalkboards out of anything and everything I can think of to sell at flea markets, but I would have NEVER thought of this. I will certainly be on the look out for the name tags now.

  22. What a very cute idea! I love it. My kids would love it. I don't know anyone handy. Well, I guess that would be me.

    Your pictures of your ranch are breathtaking. I don't see anything half that nice out my window. I will just look at yours on my computer instead. -K

  23. Anonymous10/04/2012

    You never run out of seriously amazing ideas!

    WHAT A VIEW! I'd just sit and stare and never get anything done. Not that I do now, anyway...

  24. Brilliant repurpose, B! But I'm wondering... Do you think ghosts really have balls? ;) Love it!

  25. Thank you SO MUCH for the foliage pictures. The Oklahoma drought has eliminated our chances (such as they were!) for anything comparable around here.

  26. Be still my heart! Is there anything more beautiful than autumn in Minnesota?! Enjoy. We've got snow falling right now. :(

  27. So jealous of your beautiful fall color!!!
    It's still 90 here. Horrible!
    Cool front on the way...can't wait.
    Your photos gave me hope.
    Don't worry, we understand the half-azzed.
    Take care, She-Ra. And don't break a toe!

  28. Brilliant. Just brilliant. nice views!

  29. The little plate tags are adorable and your view...WOW! It is still 90+ degrees here in Florida and I miss Fall weather. Thanks for linking to the Open House party and for entering the giveaway.

  30. Cute idea! Your scenery is gorgeous Bliss!!

  31. I bet whoever sold you that nameplate is still in shock that they were able to sell someone a used nameplate. What are the chances than a Tim Harrison would walk right into their yard sale?!

  32. Great idea Bliss. And even better idea to be soaking in that amazing glory outside your window.
    Busy season indeed. I can totally relate!!
    Thanks so much for linking up at I Gotta Create! <3 Christina

  33. Ok, now how do I make a sign for "someone handy needed" so I can stand out on the street corner? ;-)

    I once sold a hair dryer to a bald man at my first garage sale...your buying the nameplates is about the same. LOL


  34. P.S. Absolutely gorgeous views! That is a real blessing to look out and see the gorgeous foliage.


  35. Handy hubby to the rescue again.
    Love your autumnal photos. Autumn is late here, because summer was late because we had enough rain earlier on to last for a few years !
    What's it doing outside - oh yes, it's raining lol !

  36. Oh, I LOVe those nameplates! What a fabulous idea!

  37. Oy~ clever girl! Beautiful scenery, too!

  38. What a great project! So easy and very useful!
    Please stop by TUTORIALS TIPS AND TIDBITS with your easy dyi! LOVE IT!


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