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$250 Gift Card Giveaway To Rock On

How about a Rafflecopter $250 gift card giveaway?  
Target, Michaels, Staples, Visa....

Lots of great bloggers in the bunch to follow and meet as you get your entries going.  Sure 'ya gotta jump through a few hoops, but somebody's gonna win and it won't be you unless you enter.

$250 smackaroos.  I could get my craft on with that much moula. 
So what are you waiting for...... rock click on at the end of this post. 

And because this is a rocking gift card giveaway, I've got a teaser for 'ya. 

Remember the Rock & Roll dresser I made?  
Well it had a secret.  And it wasn't a good one.

After it got all painted up in it's musical coolness, and put in my son's room, we started to notice an odor that was not directly related to my son.   Like ummm.... well maybe animal.  Because it definitely wasn't vegetable or mineral.  

As much as my son loved the dresser it was outta there.  Pppppppppppp Ewwwwwwwww.  Now I know why it was out at the curb with a FREE sign.

Little Rocker said ok, fine, now you have to make me another one just like it.  So stay tuned for the encore.

Rock & Roll Dresser #2....In Concert Soon.

Oh yeah Jenny, I got your number..... again.  #6 kid, #4 son is calling.

And if all that isn't cool enough for you, stop over at Nellie Bellies where I'm guesting today.

a Rafflecopter giveaway



  1. Oh no! Sorry about your stinky dresser. I can't wait to see how you duplicate it.

  2. That's awful about the dresser!! The new one is looking cute! I entered!

  3. Ok jumped through as many hoops as I could! Too bad about the dresser but now he gets a newer more awesome one I'm sure!

  4. Lawd...that takes forever.

  5. Can't wait to see the dresser!

  6. Eewww....too bad about the stinky dresser....but the new one looks like a chart topper too!

  7. Oh my. A smelly dresser? I wonder what the previous owners used that for? Perhaps it lived in the barn ....

    Can't wait to see the new creation.

    :) Linda

  8. Looking forward to seeing this piece of fabulousness finished! The lady I bought my $10 buffet from used it as a cat house for 5 cats. Thought I'd never get the smell out.

  9. Gosh, that's weird about it suddenly having a bad smell after all this time! I know you hated to get rid of it after all the work you put into it. Hope your next one proves to smell better! LOL!

  10. I love to win! And I can't wait to see the dresser!

    1. Of course I meant I'd love to win...but I love to win, too lol...

  11. What a shame about the smelly dresser, are you going to keep it outside somewhere, or did it really have to go go go !
    The new one looks pretty interesting !?!

  12. It saddened me to read about your dresser ... it's a beauty. Thank you for the inspiration - always!


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