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Rockin' & Roastin' Coffee Giveaway

I'm gonna talk a little bit coffee...
        a little bit the life of Bliss...
and a little bit rock & roll.

 Joey Kramer's Rockin' & Roastin' coffee, music to your lips. 

Rockin' & Roastin' Coffee
How do you like your coffee?  Rocking?

Served roastin' hot on the deck like that photo above?

With a side of 6 inches of snow and a 39 below windchill?  Yes 39 below ZZZEROWW.

You can't see the steam that was wafting up from the cup for all of 3 seconds before it turned into ice, but it was there.

You also won't see a picture of me falling on my asss because I had snow stuck to the bottoms of my slippers after taking that photo, and slippers get slick on a wood floor when coated with ice.

Someday I'll remember that snowy Midwest fact.

Rockin' & Roastin' Coffee

I'm a rock n roll gal, an original California Valley Girl.  Old enough that the very first concert I attended was in 19&%.  (What... you can't read that year?  Tuff.)

I also drank coffee back then, and it was the only bad habit I had, I was a good girl.  Well... ok... I did like the boys......

My boyfriend in those days was a drummer.  He used to put his headphones on so only he could hear the music, then make me sit and listen to him bang on his drumset.  It left a bad impression on me, mostly because he was a jerk and I really didn't like him all that much.

I told my daughters they could never date a guy who played the drums on the dashboard of his car.  The air drums as we call it.

Rockin' & Roastin' Coffee

And then it happened..... first one of my kids took percussion in school.  Then another.  Then another.

And now I'm surrounded by drum helll.  But I like it.

Rockin' & Roastin' Coffee

We have snare drums and bells for school, we have Zildjian cymbals, wood blocks, and all sorts of musical stuff on stands by a deep red metallic drumset.

And cowbell.  Yes it's true, there is a cowbell because well, you know, you always need more cowbell.

We have electric guitars, a Les Paul, and soon a custom handmade guitar from Guatemala.  Guitars and coffee are both better from Guatemala.

There are a couple acoustic guitars, mics, amps, cords, banjo's, bongos and bass. 

Piano, harmonica, mouth harp, and rain-stick.  And more speakers than you can shake a rain-stick at.

Spoons, we have a set of spoons.  Did you know spoons are a musical instrument?

We even have a didgeridoo.

Don't know what that is?  Look it up.

Whose kids ask Santa for such weird stuff?


So really, it's no surprise then, that Little Rocker has the coolest dresser in the state right?

Rock & Roll Dresser,

Anyway, so back to that first concert... it was Aerosmith, at the Forum in Los Angeles.  Yup, contrary to what my kids think, I was young once and I thought I was cool.  I wore my little white tank top with a couple of perky girls tucked inside, along with freshly tanned skin showing at the midriff - no muffin top then - and off I went with the beautiful people to see my first live concert.

In those days the Valley Girls didn't talk all stupid like that 80's movie, but we did hit the beach every chance we could to get as much bronzed skin as possible over winter.

If someone would of told me then I'd live in a state that has a 39 below zero windchill, so far from Malibu that I barely remember what hot sand feels like, well I'd of thought them nuts.

Rockin' & Roastin' Coffee

But here I am, freezing my once perky girls off.  I must be the one who's nuts.

But I drink pretty cool hot coffee.

So what does all this rock and roll drumming and reminiscing stuff have to do with coffee?

Rockin' & Roastin' Coffee

Joey Kramer of Aerosmith has a coffee company.
Joey is the drummer in Aerosmith.
I drink Joey's coffee.
I have two drummers, a pianist, and one guitarist with a band.
And I'm cold because it's freaking below zero here.

Rockin' & Roastin' Coffee

The tag line is 'Music to your lips'.  Drinking it doesn't make me sound good when I sing, but I do moan "mmmmmmm" when I have my morning cup. 

I think my favorite of the three roasts is the one from Guatemala.  Maybe.  Definitely maybe.

I won't claim to be any kind of an expert on how coffee is roasted, how to pick beans, or what the real differences are in organic, and regular coffee.  

But I do know what tastes good.

I've had plenty of the fancy coffees from coffee houses, and ordered way too many beans claiming to make the best cup of joe out there.

I wasn't sure a dude who plays drums for a living was gonna be capable of making a coffee I would like.

I mean come on, surely Mr. Kramer played dashboard drums once or twice right?  The type boy I warned my daughters about?  Well someone's daughter married him.  Wonder if he uses his fingers as sticks on the dashboard of his RV? 

One of my sons brings me plenty of coffee beans back directly from Guatemala.  In fact, he's there now, so I'll probably be getting coffee for Christmas.

But this Rockin' & Roastin' stuff is good.  The drummer dude wasn't lying.  We have gone through 6 bags trying to decide which roast we like the best.  Maybe #2 son will bring me back Rockin' & Roastin' this time?  I can hope.

Joeys coffee is smooth.

No bitterness, it really is the best coffee we have ever brewed.  It comes in ground or whole beans.  I like to grind my own.

Coffee & Hot Cocoa Condiments

How do you drink yours?

I like mine with real cream and a few lumps of sugar.  Mmmmmmmm......

And now, because sometimes it's just who 'ya know, 
I've got a giveaway of some Rockin' & Roastin' coffee for one of my readers.
All you've gotta do is leave a comment - winner will be chosen at random by my top secret scientific method of winner picking (drawing a number out of a hat).

Giveaway closes Monday December 16th, 2013.  Winner will be notified via
email, so make sure your comment is linked to an email in case you win.

Now Kramdog.... what about getting those K-cups on the shelves?

**Update, the K-cups have arrived.

Oh, and Joey, just so you know..... 
we've got a long driveway for your RV and Tina isn't the only one who can dog sit!


  1. I woke to no coffee in the house one morning this week. I immediately called my husband to let him know "I have an emergency!" Funny he didn't think that qualified as an actual emergency! You guessed it he is not a coffee drinker. We have big discussions ( sometimes heated discussions) as to why I cannot , no make that will not, compromise on my coffee when as he puts it " this one is 5.6 cents per ounce cheaper". Did I mention he is not a coffee drinker? And that I am?

    1. Ha! Only non coffee drinkers don't get it. And that IS an emergency, right up there with the out of cream emergency I try to never have.

  2. Oh how I love coffee! I fix a full pot at 4:00 am every morning, and then again another pot at 1:00 in the afternoon. And then, a few more cups at 5 pm. That's a lot of coffee, I know...but I was raised in a coffee drinking family. There's nothing like a good steamin' hot cup of black strong coffee!! :)

    1. Wow! You drink 3 pots of coffee yourself???? I love mine, it's a treat a couple cups a day at most, but I can't drink it black.

  3. Love a good cup of coffee with lots of cream and sugar.

    1. Me too. That makes it more like a treat huh?

  4. All those instruments ????
    I love the peace and quiet...
    and coffee ! ;)

  5. OMG, I loved this post... took me back to my too tanned hot little body covered in a white tank top that sported perky girls and a firm tush poured into some oh so very short shorts. Did I mention the legs were without cellulite back then? Just don't ask about today's state of affairs!

    Fingers crossed that I win - love coffee and Aerosmith!

    1. Those were the days. Hard for me to remember them now.....

  6. You are so funny. My son is a drummer, too. Oh, how I kept putting off getting him a set and then we caved and he is actually very good. Of course he is 34 and married and his drums are with him so I don't have to listen to them anymore except when we visit and he plays a drum solo. I would love to try this coffee out. Sounds good.

  7. First of all, I'm almost paws-itive that Miss Lucy Kramer isn't cool with your kind of temps. She has luxurious blonde hair like her mom but I think she's staying put here in Texas. Joey and Co. will be thrilled to know how much you appreciate his brew.
    Your dresser is fabulous and your son has the coolest mom in the history of all dresser makeover mamas.
    Put on your crown and your fanciest jammies, you've earned it.
    I hope your asss isn't frozen to the deck, but I would laugh if I saw you busting it.
    I'm that kind of girl. ;)
    I'll opt out of the coffee giveaway since I have a very close source...but I know one of your readers is going to love it!

  8. One of my favorite big mugs with hot, hot black coffee--and maybe a "little sweet" to go with way to start any part of the day...

  9. Don't let anyone tell you that you are a lazy blogger! I can't believe that you went outside in the snow with those kinds of temps to set up your coffee display just for little ole us! Impressive. Sorry you slipped though. I love my Starbucks coffee in the morning, but I'm always up for a new brand that gets a lot of good reviews. I've never heard of this brand before. I'm now a decaf drinker though.

  10. Ha! Aerosmith was one of the first concerts I attended as a teen, but indoors at the Duluth Arena in the middle of winter! Still one of the best concerts in history, don't you think? Anyhoo, thanks for freezing your tush off to take that lovely shot and sign me up for the rockin' coffee! I do love my coffee, but these days I leave the grinding to the folks who package it so I'm not late for work in the morning.

  11. Love me that first cup of steaming coffee in the morning....I even am happy to have it first thing in the morning in the summer here in Arizona where the temperature may still be over 100. Nice here now, so coffee on the patio is a must!

    1. Oh, you can be sure I have my morning cup no matter the temperature outside. I just need it more to warm my hands when it's as cold as it is today!

  12. mmmmmm coffee. It's -27 here this morning, that's -17 to you! then wind chill. Whatever am I doing living here?!!!!!

    Love that dresser! Love the coffee. Love, love, love..... where are those Beatles when you need 'em?

    Happy Saturday Bliss!

  13. He, he... I can relate to the iced up slippers but these days it's snow boots and a parka baby! -52F with the windchill last night, -39F without. You would think I'd learn to appreciate a hot cup of coffee, or tea, but no. I leave that to the Mr. who was up at 1 a.m. when our new furnace quit in 50 below weather. Believe you-me, there was some music to be heard then!

    Love that you've got a family of musicians and you're making beautiful music with the man wielding the reciprocating saw. :)

  14. I know I should be using skim milk, but dang it, it just isn't coffee without real cream! I keep some on hand just so I can go mmmmm as I taste that first sip.

  15. I did not know you were a southern Cali girl! That's okay, I still like you! ;)

    And I, too, like the real cream and sugar ... helps to fluff up the muffin top!

    :) Linda

  16. I went to my first concert in 19*# - Billy Idol! My girls were perky, I was rocking my cropped top with my double studded belt and jelly shoes! The ticket was $15! Now I have to pay $100+ to see the Joe Bros and other lame bands with my girls - oh, and I have to see those lame bands with a muffin top!

  17. oh, bliss....been there, done all that....and my kiddo hasn't a clue of the coolness factor his mom used to rock, although his auntie and I did take him to see KISS when they came to Lake Tahoe a few years back....that should count for something, no?

    as always your posts are a delight to read....cheers to another cuppa Joe....

    1. Goes by in the blink of an eye doesn't it? Here's too youth & coffee! You've gotta get your email on your blog. You are a no reply blogger. If you want help with that, drop me an email and I'll help 'ya with a tutorial.

  18. Fun post, Bliss! Aerosmith for your first concert, how great...mine was the Monkees (that tells you how long ago). Sounds like you have a wonderfully musical family! I am all about good hot is SO cold right now. This coffee sounds really good...I like that it isn't bitter. I love to grind mine, too...and usually have it with cream and a little sugar...sometimes I add a small scoop of homemade hot cocoa mix. I usually have a couple of big cups a day, but I would love to drink it all. day. long. Fun giveaway...I'd love to win! Stay warm!!

  19. I have never seen first concert was Boston. But I drink about a zillions cups of coffee a day.
    Send me coffee.
    But keep the snow.

  20. i LOVE coffee, especially good coffee.... i would like this. :)

  21. Girl, you sure know how to tell a story! I got to the end of it and "was like" (said, Valley Girl style) - "Oh yeah...there's a giveaway!"...I was so carried away with your story I forgot! Forgive me, for laughing about you falling on your patootie, because I did the same thing last year and it HURT, but it's funnier when it's someone else! Oh, and for the record - I HATE coffee of all types, but my daughter dearly loves it, so I'm hoping to win for her!

  22. The first Concert that I ever saw was The Rolling Stones!!!!!! I was but a teen, at the time. (My Boyfriend took me, long story) That show was in a tiny club, as it was not announced. Mick was Stunning!!!!!
    The last Concert that I saw was the Stones, and the tickets were a lottery type basis. I was lucky as I got two tickets, front and center by the stage!!!! The prices sure have changed, since that first show but Mick can still sing!!!!
    Bliss, I am with you, as I have to have my cup of Joe with lots of cream and sugar, also!!!

  23. I need a coffee to start my day, or I'm not ver nice. Just with a dash of milk.

  24. Valley Girl? LOL I am a coffee drinker too Bliss however, I could not handle that cold. I get cold when it reaches 17 here... and that's above zero!! Yuk... winter is not for me but I do like rock and roll and coffee :)

  25. Yummmm coffee...I'm pretty sure I can't live without it. Cream and a little raw sugar for me! And..yeah...slippers on a deck..I've learned that lesson more than once.

  26. I have a very funny "Joey Kramer" story to tell you, but it's a little too long and embarrassing for this comment. How cool that he has his own brand. I don't like the bitter coffees, no matter how trendy,so I'm very intrigued. With all the banging on didgeridoos, you need a smooth blend of coffee to calm your senses. Hope you all are keeping warm ~ Amy

  27. Mmm coffee! I love all the flavored creamers to go with it.

  28. Love my coffee! My favorite creamer is French the afternoons I like to try others. Not sure why I don't in the mornings...who knows? Lol


  29. Loved your post! My first concert was going to Aerosmith in Washington, D.C. a l-o-n-g time ago, lol! I love coffee too any time of day and I'm always trying to find good brews. I'd love to try this too. Merry Christmas!

    1. This quickly became our favorite. I can't wait till they come out with the K-cups.

  30. Ahhhh... Guatemala, coffee, rock and roll, with a little Aerosmith...
    sounds like a perfect combination.

    Currently, we are in a frozen entombment in Dallas. Going on day 4 of being "iced-in". So HOT coffee.... plain HOT coffee is the way I am downing my coffee these past 4 days.

    Stay warm and safe... no more slipper/ice scenerios ;)

  31. Ummmm yummy.. I want to win! Please please please!

  32. The moment I pulled up your post I said "Joey Kramer. Isn't he in Aerosmith?" Scout's honor!
    "More cowbell" is one of the favorite sayings at my house.
    I don't let anyone beat out a tune on my dashboard out of fear of setting off the airbags.
    My first concert was Heart, but Aerosmith was soon after, and I won't tell you the year but will give you one hint: the tickets were SEVEN DOLLARS. I saw all the good bands!

  33. I like black coffee-but I also love flavored coffee too, esp. pumpkin!

    1. OH I knowwwww, those pumpkin spice flavors are my favorite. Mmmmmmm.......


    But not in my coffee, please. Because I take it black.

  35. @Amy that's Def Leppard!! LOL!

    Great post Bliss, love your blog!

    1. Thanks for stopping in Rachael, nice to have you here. You can be the song monitor for me.

    2. just stumbled across your blog, i love it, we drink Timmie's up here but i would love to try Joey's!! I grew up with Aerosmith too!! As long as we're still young at heart!!

  36. What a fabulous post! I loved reading this, even though I never drink coffee. I've tried, believe me, it's always available when nothing else is. But I can't get used to it...unless it is in a glass mug, rimmed with sugar, with some good liqueurs in it (like Bailey's and Kahlua) topped with whipped cream, cherry optional. But you're kidding! Aerosmith's drummer has coffee beans? Who'da thought...
    My first concert was Bobby Sherman...yeah, I was a bubble gummer back in the day. But I did progress, never saw Aerosmith (what a shame!) but did see some great rock & rollers in my time.
    Debbie :)

  37. Brrr!!! I loved reading your walk down memory lane! This is my kind of giveaway! Love my coffee!!! Hope I win! I drink mine with skim milk or black.

  38. I stumbled upon your blog while tracking down that fabulous wood spool Christmas tree and now I'm not leaving! Love your imagination and creativity. I thought at first you were nearby in Wisconsin with your description of the weather and the frozen tundra, but maybe in neighboring MN? I've got lots more reading ahead of me to get caught up with all of your past posts so I'm going to need to win some of that coffee! I'll provide the half n half!

  39. it's WAY to cold here too! Yesterday we had 35 below windchill and subzero temps as well... give me lots of coffee with half & half...who cares about dress size (@#>$^&$... that's me cussing) and cocoa (A$^(%(^%@@@~!...cussing some more cuz I like that with redi-whip) and I'm a happy (slightly plump) gal. Thanks for a chance to win me some tummy warming YUMMIES!

  40. My hubby plays every instrument I can think of...he is in a gazillion bands..and the dude can drink some coffee! Count me in if you please. Thanks!

  41. OMG! I'm addicted to coffee and so is my hubby! This would be an amazing thing to try!!
    Thank you so much for the chance! BTW your blog rocks!


  42. I don't know how I got so behind on my blog reading. I know I'm too late for the giveaway, but I don't drink coffee anyway, so that's cool. Love Aerosmith. I, too, have seen them in concert. What a great show....



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