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Family Room Area Rug

Area rugs.

For me, those are in the same category as paint and couches.

I have trouble picking them, hate them when I get them home, and usually end up doing whatever it is at least twice and keeping one that is just "ok".

Orange Area Rug

If we're talking about paint the agony mounts, and it wouldn't be out of the question for me to paint a room in the morning and by dinner it's another color that's better - but still not right.

I have such trouble picking colors it's probably the reason I stick to earthy hues.

Such is the current situation.

After a three year search to replace a 15 year old couch, I bought a new one for our family room, mostly because I was just sick of looking.

I can now describe every couch on every showroom floor in the state of Minnesota.

I saw plenty of couches I liked, but there are issues of design, vs people actually plopping down on a couch to watch a movie, that made most of the fashionable couches just not work for the room layout or the way we use the room.

So I caved in to the demands of the masses:

Reclining please.....

The firm opinion that they hate leather.......

And the questioning of why everything in our house is brown or beige or some shade of either.

So needless to say when the couch arrived I missed the mark on color as well as style.

It's just gray, but a style that is oh so very contemporary for my not contemporary house or taste.

I envy the ladies who can pull a room together as simple as buttering bread.

How after a three year search could I mess up in the end?

I could live with the style if the color was more homey.  Or I could live with the color if the style was more old world.

Whatever, it looks like I'm going to have to live with it just how it is, so what to do?

Becky from Beyond The Picket Fence had the answer when she made a casual comment to me on how to live with the couch I got wrong and "help" it.

Such a simple tip, something everyone else probably already knew........

"Accessorize.  Rug.  Pillows".

Orange Area Rug

I'm working with some existing elements that are not going to be eliminated.

There is some log siding in part of the family room.

With lots of windows, in the winter when it's cold out, the wood really warms the room up.  But it does have an orange cast to it.

Willow Chair Coffee Sack Pillow,

So I made a decision that to tie that part of the room in, I would order a rug.

An orange rug.

The orange tones are the elephant in the room, and no amount of changing to a gray couch and painting a coffee table to look like zinc is going to hide those tones, so I decided to leave my comfort zone and roll with it.

But orange????   That is a giant leap for a greigy beigey colorless sort of gal.

I took to the internet to search for rugs and after I narrowed it down from pattern, price, size and color, I ordered the two contenders.

I even asked input from the people who pressured me into the couch I don't like.

I ended up liking both rugs.  The orange isn't fluorescent like it looks in the photos, both rugs have a muted shade more of a vintage orange that has been around for a while, burnt orangeish.

So which one did I keep.......

Orange Area Rug

or..... B.

Orange Area Rug

To you, what one looks more casual in a down to earth style?


  1. I love them both but for some reason #2 seems more casual to me...maybe it's the slightly thicker pile (or does it only look that way). I think the design is less formal as well.

  2. The rugs are wonderful! I love that you chose orange...and I am dying to see that room! I am guessing rug #2, but either one would be beautiful!

  3. is beautiful! Has larger repeats of the grayish beigey leaves and seems to be more mottled light and medium tones of the orange.

  4. I would go with A as it has more gray (or bigger gray), which might look better with your gray couch. I also think the other one has a smaller pattern that looks busy.

  5. Welp I am not sure I am going to be of much help :( I have a hard time with rugs as well. I've gone through so many for our upstairs. I just can't find the one. If I had to pick, I'd probably choose B...I think.

  6. I like B. A is more modern and the pattern catches my attention more, but they are really very similar and I think the orange is a good choice!

  7. I like B. A is more modern and the pattern catches my attention more, but they are really very similar and I think the orange is a good choice!

  8. I love B. I'd have it in my house anytime, orange or not! :)

  9. No question about it. It has to be A. I might look it up and put one like it in my hallway.

  10. I'd go with rug #2! It totally looks like something I'd buy!
    I dig your style!!

  11. Both rugs are pretty. I can't wait to see what you choose. My biggest problem seems to be finding the rug


  12. Well I love A. Would have kept A. But I think you kept b. Which is still pretty.

  13. Love A! B is just too busy for my taste.

  14. Okay, the burnt orange is definitely within the Blissranch color wheel, and A seems more like what you would choose, but either one is good. They're very similar at first glance.

  15. I like them both. They almost look identical! I think that color will look great with your new grey sofa. I hope you'll share your room once it's finished. You can now pull some colors from the rug into pillows on the sofa!

  16. Hard to know, of course, without seeing them in your room. That said, I'd choose A. I like the more defined design rather than the random bits and pieces. To me it's more pulled together and would add a little structure to a space. Plus, I love how the colors weave in and out of each other in A. You've got lots of wood tones and beige-grays in your home and this would definitely work with those AND your new couch.
    Let us all know what you decided. Can't wait.

  17. I'm sure you've decided because I'm really late here. I see you picking B because it's less formal and more casual, probably because it has no border, but they're both great.
    If I came round your house and saw the whole room I would tell you exactly which one to chose and why, but not because I have superior knowledge, just because I'm indecisive friends love it !

  18. I see you're not getting much help here.... I like the second one because it seems less busy and more casual. I'm so behind reading you've probably picked by now. Catching up today...


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