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My Blog Critic

The Bliss Ranch blog has a new reader.

Not only is this reader a smart azz, he's a critic and comedian both, probably learned it from his parents.

The guy felt the need to send me an email pointing out some incorrect information I had written on a post last week about why the ranch and my life will be fuller this summer.

You can read that post {here}.

Because I would never intentionally mislead my readers I will publish the corrections.


Subject:  Your Blog

"Hey mother dear.... Your story about us on your blog is misstating some pertinent facts. I would appreciate it if they would be corrected.

Please read below:

1. Our house sold in 14 days not the first week.
2. The camper is 29 ft not 30 ft
3. The camper is more likely 150 ft. from the front door than 100 ft.

I don't think you should be misleading your readers in such a drastic way".

#1 Son


Maybe I should take a 150 foot walk and punch #1 son in the nose?


  1. Just don't cook him any meals! LOL


  2. yes- or kick him in the azz....or arse as we like to say! lol Ummm...your link goes nowhere---lol xo diana

  3. Ha Ha Ha!!!!! Boys will be boys. Tell him to write your next post since he knows so much!

  4. I doubt that a lot of sons read their Mom's blogs. It's even more amazing that he took the time for such an email. It's quite a compliment and very cute, I think.

  5. Moms have to be on their toes all the time! Nice to have fact-checking staff looking out for you. :)

  6. That's funny! Well, I'd say you did well, mom - he's reading your blog AND staying in touch!

  7. I would be so disappointed if the kids weren't smartasses like their mom. ;)

  8. Bwahahahaha! That Number One son is one funny guy! Wonder where he got it from ...


  9. It's good to hear that others have sons like we do. Constantly making sure everything is factual down to the tiniest detail. It's sometimes a burden even trying to converse with them!!!!

  10. Ha! He sounds like my son!

  11. Daughter #2 felt she needed to correct me on the age of my oldest cat. The argument is whether he was 26 or 22 years old. I have compromised by saying 20+ yrs. and thanked her profusely for saving me from any possible ramifications of one of my blog readers conducting tests on said cat to determine his age and finding me out in a lie. It is a comfort to have her assistance in my dotage.

  12. I was laughing and I appreciate his snarky humor


  13. hahahah He gets it from his MOTHER!


  14. Just make sure to measure how far you walk before you punch him so he can't correct that! LOL Kids! Hugs, Leena

  15. It sounds like that bright young man is bored and maybe needs a 100 ft or maybe a 150 ft long list of "chores" to do around the Ranch! LOL!!

  16. yes, I think he needs too remember that he is now only 150 feet away from you...

  17. this what I have to look forward to? were way off. I can totally understand the corrections by the CORRECTOR:)

  18. Hmmm..........I wonder where he gets it from..........being such a smart arse, and funny too !!!

  19. I agree with what Evelyn said, give that boy some chores to do!!


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