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Cake Tester Winner (s)

First of all, thank you to everyone who entered to win one of daughter #2's lampwork bead cake testers.

But there can only be one winner.

Well usually.

Hip Interactive Handmade Card,

But not this time.

This time there are two winners for the one cake tester I am forcing my daughter to make for me to give away.


Because the random number generator went and generated a number that might make people think it was rigged, and I didn't want that so I opted to give two away.

Now noone can raise an eyebrow.

Well my daughter might raise an eyebrow, but I'll deal with her.
Cake Tester for Bakers,
Sample, not the actual giveaway tester

The random number generator first generated the random number of #24 and since #24 and I go way back to almost day one of blogging I didn't want anyone to say, 'yeah right', or think something was fishy.

So I advised the random number generator to randomly generate an additional number and both winning numbers will get a cake tester.

Soooooooooooo, the second number generated was #4 a truly lucky winner, Judy Clark North Ora, come on down.  I'll be dropping you an email to talk about colors.

And then we have that mischievous #24 who is always causing trouble.  Seriously.

Kirby you have entered the winners circle, can you even eat cake anymore?

*The hip hip hooray card was made by daughter #2 for her friend heading out to bone or medical school of some kind.  It's an interactive hip replacement card and the leg bone wiggles back and forth when you pull the side arrows.  Yeah, she's a hoot!


  1. Not only will I eat one, I will BAKE one!! I'll get Quirky to send me a recipe! (And 24? I don't remember being 24.) yay!! Thanks!

  2. I AM SO EXCITED!! Can't wait to put this gorgeous thing in my kitchen I'm getting ready to remodel. Thank you so much!!


  3. OK. I REALLY do read your blog, but I don't get 24. Have I lost my mind?

  4. Congrats to the winners ! These things are pretty enough to WEAR !

  5. Beth's cake testers are not only beautiful, they are extremely functional as well! I have ordered several of these beauties . . . once I ordered two for gifts and couldn't stand to part with them, so I kept both for myself! Beth is fun to work with . . . a cute sense of humor . . . and she makes the ordering an adventure if you want her to customize the tester. I know I will keep my two forever!

  6. Coolest Card Ever. And I'm with everyone else . . . what's the #24 deal? Did we all miss something?

  7. Cute card and congrats to the winners!


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