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Vintage Inspiration Party

Welcome back to the Vintage Inspiration Party!
The VIP is the place to share anything old, treasured, passed-down or tattered, but you can also share projects that were made to look old, including repurposed and upcycled creations.

Vintage Inspiration Party Features

repurposed and upcycled
vin-tage (adj.) 1.) used to describe something that is not new, but that is valued because of its good condition, attractive design, etc. 2.) used to describe something that has the best qualities or characteristics of the things made or done by a particular person, organization, etc.

Let's see what your party hosts have been up to!
Betsy @ My Salvaged Treasures - Repurposed Architectural Salvage Projects
Bliss @ Bliss Ranch - Mud Pie Station
Carlene @ Organized Clutter - A Surprise Junky Wreath for My Patio

Now let's take a look at the features from last week's party selected by
Betsy @ My Salvaged Treasures
link party features

My Vintage Life found some beautiful treasures at an antique fair. 

Charm Bracelet Diva updated this beautiful vintage bird cage.

Simply Vintageous covered three large cardboard boxes with burlap, then added some cute chalkboard tags.

Papillon Creations shared this dry brushed wine barrel from her Facebook page.  The addition of the French graphic is so pretty.

One More Time transformed an old coffee table into this unique farmhouse hall tree.

Chic By Tab shared a real simple tutorial on how she made this bathtub shelf with scrap lumber.

This week's featured shop item is from A Familiar Past.

Our featured blog this week is A Stroll Thru Life

If you were featured this week, we'd love for you to spread the news. 
Vintage Inspiration Party Featured link party button

Now, let's see what vintage-inspired decor you have to share this week!
Link Party Guidelines
- You are welcome to share anything vintage or vintage inspired. This includes yard sale finds, repurposed and upcycled creations, family heirlooms - including vintage Etsy & Ebay items you have for sale! If it’s been around awhile or just looks that way…share away!! No food links please.
- Pin away, but please be sure to pin directly from the original source, not from my blog.
- Be sure to have a visible link to Bliss Ranch within your post (text link is fine).
- By linking up with the Vintage Inspiration Party, you agree that your photos and links may be shared on Pinterest, Facebook, and other social media sites. You may be included in a round up to promote the party or individually with a link back to you. We love what you share and the extra exposure is a benefit to everyone.


I read every.single.comment. If comments are turned off on a post it's due to spam, so drop me an email instead