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VIP Paint Tote (Very Important Parts)

I spotted this wooden tote at the end of a driveway at a home that was having a garage sale. 

It was with the pile of free stuff.

Free?  Why yes thank you very much. 

I hopped out and walked directly to the tote and picked it up.

Then I went to pay for something that was free because I had to know why it was in the free pile.

I mean holy moley - totes are like wooden gold to me, there is always a use for them.

Wooden Paint Supply Tote

The lady told me it had been in the back of her closet taking up space for years and belonged to an old boyfriend.

I guess she was finally saying good-riddance to the last reminder of love gone wrong.

Yes it pained me to type that sappy line above.

I don't know how many years it sat in her closet - she didn't look like a spring chicken to me.

Wooden Paint Supply Tote

It's a good size tote, 11x11x23 and that's just to the top of the slats, I only measured the part I can actually tote stuff around inside.

I didn't do anything fancy to this bare canvas of wood.

No clever wording.

No colorful paint job.

This tote was marked to solve an issue I have with my supplies.

The issue of never having them handy, thus making 25 trips around the house for the little things I need when I paint.

Wooden Paint Supply Tote

I used Howards Restore-A-Finish in dark walnut and just rubbed it on the wood.  This tote isn't for display so I guess I didn't even have to stain it.

I bent a piece of wire hardware cloth I found in the garage to fit inside a bucket, and that is where all the small paint brushes are now located.

Wooden Paint Supply Tote

The paint lid opener is handy too.  I will no longer have to grab whatever sharp object I find to pry open a lid.

I had a large Basmati Rice bag doing nothing, so I stuffed it with rags and the handles can loop over the top of the tote.

Wooden Paint Supply Tote

The idea for the tote is that I can just grab it from the closet and haul it to wherever I am working - usually the dining room table - and all the little things will be there.

What are the little things you ask?

Wooden Paint Supply Tote
Well let me just tell you what I fit in that tote......

Wood blocks to raise projects up while I paint them.
A big peanut tin holding foam and larger paint brushes.
Rubber gloves - I hate getting wax on my hands.
Paper towels.
Sanding blocks.
A box of plastic sandwich bags to wrap wet brushes between coats.
Plastic spoons to scoop out paint when I'm doing a custom color.
Stir sticks.
Paper plates/plastic cups to mix those custom colors in and on.
A dining room table size drop cloth.
All the colors of wax I have, 5 to be exact.
A hammer in case the project doesn't go right I can smash it.

Wooden Paint Supply Tote

I will probably add a few more things if I have to run around the house to locate them, but for now the tote is full and fits nice in the toilet paper closet. 

I can take it by the handle easily when I'm painting something outside.

Wooden Paint Supply Tote

My paint cans and jars are stashed in three different spots - next I will organize those. 

"Next" could mean 2 years from now.


  1. What a fantastic score and it looks cute with all of your supplies in it!

  2. Wow, that's an awesome tote and looks good too. Totally logical fill.

  3. What a great tote for all of those necessities!


  4. I love freebies, and, this is a good one.

  5. Perfect (and great price). I need one of these. I thought screw drivers were paint can openers. And wax...looks lovely over my new manicure. Still buffing it.

    Jane x

  6. Love it! I need something similar. My mess is in 3 different places. I need to get organized too.

  7. Cute!! I have that I picked up a few years ago at our ReStore. There was an older gentleman that would always chat with me about my projects. He was cleaning out his shed because he was just getting too old for doing that sort of work anymore (his words :)) and he brought his old one that he carried to me. I use it for holding my artist brushes & tools on top of my work table. I will never let it go :)

  8. That is a nice big the slats. You made it look great and it sure holds a lot of stuff. Great find! I know if I really want something gone...I put it in the free pile. I gave away a huge old ironing machine...great color of jadite green. I should have made a bar or server out of it, but I was just tired of it taking up space in our garage! So into the free pile it went.

  9. This is a MAGNIFICENT tote! I need it. I guess I will have to make one for myself. I mean 11x11x23! WOW! Maybe I wouldn't keep losing everything if I kept it in a huge tote????!!!!

  10. That was a great "free" find! It looks very sturdy. I like how you organized it too. That's a great idea to have everything available to just lift and carry to the "job site". I have all of my paint supplies in a rubbermaid tub down in our garage but I still have to dig through it to get what I need and carry it to my destination. I like your idea better.

  11. Smiling a nodding my head in your tote...and the definition of "next"...from someone else who has that same timeframe going on! xx

  12. It really doesn't need anything other than your supplies. Love can't beat free!

  13. Great idea Bliss... and free! I have all my paint supplies (at least my upstairs supplies) in a rolling ikea cart in the middle of my kitchen... it's my place to keep it all in one place or it would be all over the house (well it kinda still is) but a tote will work too! :)

  14. That's a lot of stuff to stuff in that tote! My supplies are located in no less than 5 different areas. I look at it as a way to get my daily exercise in.

  15. Fantastic tote. The rubber gloves are a necessity. Sorry I'm late playing catch up.


  16. 2 years from now... I hear ya! I'm so disorganized!

    that is a nice roomy tote you got there friend! It looks great.


  17. A place for everything, and everything in it's place - my ex used to say that to me and your handy tote reminds me of it, though in fact he was the untidiest and most unorganised person I know !
    I'm intrigued by the big basmati bag, I've only ever seen it in plastic ones.

  18. the tote is cute, but the content list is the real jewel here.


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