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Make Your Own Succulent Planter

Last month I told you how #2 daughter must be plotting a blog takeover since she's been creating and taking photos of her progress as she goes.

She did a hack of a Target nightstand, and that post included some succulents she planted in two heavy glass squares but she forgot to take photos of the mystery process.

I didn't care because I didn't have to do anything but write the post.

And such is the case with this post, and a trio of succulents she bought.

DIY Succulent Planter,

Last week she had a girls night out for some shopping, and she got home in the 10:00 pm range.  I heard a lot of rustling going on in the kitchen so came to check it out.

A minute after I came in the kitchen, #6 kid arrived from outside carrying a handful of rocks.

Apparently when #2 daughter is in the mood to create, not only does she mean NOW she also means who ever is still awake will help no matter what time it is.

DIY Succulent Planter,

The difference from her first succulent planting adventure was that this time she took photos of the process even though it was in the dark of night, and her photos came out good.

She's hired.

She started with a heavy clear glass trough style planter that I picked up at a garage sale for a buck because it matched the other two she had picked up at Goodwill and used for succulent planting adventure #1.

DIY Succulent Planter,

Rocks went in first.

I don't know what the difference is between regular moss at the craft store and reindeer moss, but #2 daughter bought the latter and topped the rocks with a layer of it.

DIY Succulent Planter,

On top of the reindeer moss is a layer of a plant specific potting mixture.

DIY Succulent Planter,

She did her homework, I didn't even know this stuff existed.

DIY Succulent Planter,
I also didn't think I was a fan of succulents. 

Growing up in Southern California we had them around all the time and I thought they were sort of boring. 

At age five I also met a giant succulent in my aunt and uncles yard with my back side.  It was after a swim and I backed into it.  My mom and aunt spent an hour pulling out tiny clear barbs with tweezers and a magnifying glass as I lay on my stomach in my swim suit and swimming cap. 

Remember those caps?  I hated them about as much as I hated cactus after that.

DIY Succulent Planter,
 The three succulents went in the soil and I admit, I think it's pretty cute, not boring at all. 

I'm also in no danger of them growing to 8 feet and backing into one.  Mostly because I don't run around my yard or the yard of anyone else for that matter, in a swim suit anymore.

And maybe because cactus don't grow naturally in Minnesota.

DIY Succulent Planter,

Last, another couple handful's of rocks supplied well before midnight by one of her younger brothers, and we had another container of succulents to display.

DIY Succulent Planter,

They must be hearty little things, I haven't killed them yet.

The succulents, not #2 daughter and younger brother.


  1. I';m like you - I didn't use to like them but they are kinda growing on me - not literally! LOL

    Happy 4th!


  2. I live in Mexico year round, and succulents are my plant of choice. My husband hates cactus, for the same reason you do, so I just go with whatever succulents I can scrounge cuttings for, and I've been surprised at the variety I've found. Grouped together as your #2 did makes for a very pretty succulent bouquet. Does she know about letting cuttings dry out and scab on the stem end before planting? And being stingy with the water? I killed quite a few before a friend set me straight.
    Bliss in Mexico

  3. I love succulents! Hers look great. I like how she layered everything in a glass container. Now, it's more interesting to look at. I have a few in my kitchen and so far they're still alive but the jury is still out as to whether they will continue to thrive or not. I'm all prepared to replace them with fakes if they die though! LOL! Can you tell that I give up easily?

  4. That is pretty cute. I have a problem here with getting enough light in the wintertime to keep the succulents happy. I like the clear planter aspect because it doubles the interest of the plant.

  5. I habitated (well, co-habitated) a couple of years in California. Used to walk through a canyon across the street from our studio. I LIKE the smooth and/or fuzzy succulents, but those prickly things are ...well, pricks! You're training the kiddos right ... passing on all that creativeness so they can support you in your old age :) Speaking of old, today I'm a decade and a half beyond the half century mark. Geez (: (

  6. I say keep that girl'll need blog help this summer while the grands are there to play with.
    Hope you had a good 4th. xo, T.

  7. I've killed succulents. And cacti. But, funny enough I can't kill those darn ivy that grow along the house. Sigh.

  8. I only have fake ones...but this is so pretty, I want to go buy some and make planters! Thanks for the heads up about the potting mix, too.

  9. Those swim caps were torture!!! This looks so pretty, the rocks make it that much better. You're daughter's full of talent and she sounds like a born leader. Brava!!


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