No that does not mean I found a bust at a thrift store or garage sale.
Nothing much good to be found other than the salted caramel truffle ice cream we both had instead of lunch.
No photos of those, you gotta eat them fast in the summer heat.
We left a garage sale and I commented about the set of 8 traffic cones all for $2.00 dollars and how with our quarter mile long driveway I felt like I must want those for something, but couldn't think of what.
Dii told me her and the mister used traffic cones when their kids were learning to drive and needed practice with parallel parking.
She said they would set it up in an empty parking lot with broom handles out of the top so you could see where the cones were, and they would practice with whatever one of their kids needed it at the time.
BINGO! That was just the reason I needed to buy them.
I stopped the car and went back and slapped down my two bucks.
There just happens to be a 16 year old who lives here that needs that practice. Two dollars seemed like a bargain to procure his parallel parking expertise.
Of course before the cones could be used for the intended parking stunts, they were used to mark the dry land kayak paddling area, minus the kayak.
And now that I look at this photo, I think instead of broom handles we can take kayak paddles apart and stick those in the cones for the parking practice.
We have at least two sets of paddles, so that's four cones worth and I won't have to search for my broom when I need it.
Although if the paddles get run over during practice I could find my self up that creek without one huh?
Is it better to lose my paddle than my broom?
No flying on my broom comments please.
Notice those boxes on the side of the driveway.... the delivery man dropped them right there instead of the porch. The big one is a farm sink that is heading to #1 Sons' new house. I wanted to open it up and have it for myself.
It's no secret around here that I worry about someone getting hit by a vehicle on the driveway.
The driveway is long and winding, lined with wild tree and shrub covered sides, and the UPS man and I met head on one time narrowly averting a collision.
We both looked at each other with a 'slow the helll down' look, but you know.... it's my driveway and he drives a big truck, so I think at my house he's the one that needs to drive more careful when he's coming in.
About 5 years ago I ordered this metal reflective sign online from a place that makes quality signs like the ones on roadways only you could pick what you wanted your sign to say.
'Slow The Helll Down' wasn't really appropriate, so I went for the above wording instead and the sign was fastened to a big old maple tree at the famous site of the UPS Man vs. Mom, vehicle face off.
My traffic cones are not as small as the ones you can buy at the store, and not as large as the ones the highway department use on the roads.
They are the nice heavy rubber kind, just not as tall. They're marked with a business name, so my guess is they were used to mark a walk or running route of some kind.
I Googled "traffic cone sizes" and found quite the variety. Why did I Google traffic cones sizes you ask? I was going to pirate a photo of all the heights, but then I decided I didn't want to get sued for stealing someone's prized cone photo.
However I did learn they make collapsible cones, different color cones, and many cones have reflective tape, mine do not.
My eight garage sale cone scores do have three different colored bottoms; black bottoms, orange bottoms and the lovely orange dotted base.
There is even a traffic cone dot com. Thanks, but I'll just get mine at garage sales for the bargain price of two bucks... that's .25¢ each.
Google showed me marching traffic cones in a parade with people inside them, and also someone had painted cones like candy corn. Pretty sure now I'm doing that to mine in October, unless I get a costume and find a parade. And 7 other people who want to dress like one and march with me.
But here at the ranch they will be used to alert people coming in, to drive careful because there are short people riding bikes and scooters or playing ball on the driveway.
Or cordoning off a work space.
A certain 7 year old is on a quest to get a long not running four wheeler back into tip top shape.
And he's not amused his sister is satisfied with being pulled via bike for a spin on it.
Oh.... and eventually the cones will be used for teaching a certain 16 year old how to parallel park.
You certainly got a deal! I can see those babies being used for multiple uses through the years ( I definitely want to see some candy corn though!).
ReplyDeleteI'm pretty sure that you are the only blogger in all of blogland that could make a post about buying traffic cones at a garage sale this entertaining! Love it!
ReplyDeleteThose cones were a great find! They are nice and sturdy with a broad base. I remember using some smaller soccer cones with flags to teach our kids to park, worked anyway.
ReplyDeleteThat sign is perfect for your driveway...
Quite a lot of use already for your $2-my kind of bargain
ReplyDeleteI need some of those to use when we have a garage sale to keep people from running over our water meter. I think I will need TALL ones. Love your ideas and good that the children are having fun with your great $2.00 purchase. Cheap entertainment.
ReplyDeleteGood luck kids at the parallel parking stuff. I'm xx years old and never did learn. Hey, with this added "age" weight, I park far away and walk for all the exercise! When I got my license, I was supposed to pull in between two lines. After many tries, the rather rotund cop testing me, said if those had been real vehicles I'd have hit them several times already, so we might as well skip it. He DID pass me though (guess he felt sorry for me), but he told me to find somewhere to angle park . . . far away from other cars.
ReplyDeleteGlad you got those cones! Looks like they'll be used for more than $2 worth!!!