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Two Groovey Side Tables

Earlier this year I redid a garage sale coffee table that only a few months prior had been given a makeover.

Fusion Mineral Paint Coffee Table Redo,

That coffee table had two side table friends living in close proximity who also had been given a previous makeover, so then they needed to receive a makeover on top of a makeover.

Confused?  Don't be.

That just means they were updated twice in 8 months.

Fusion Mineral Paint SideTable Redo,

This is how the side tables started.  Once upon a time I had already sanded down the top and given it a darker stain.

Which of course showed ever scratch that kids, dog, and life were able to give it.

The two side tables are made by Lane and belonged to my mom.

My intention wasn't for them to live in my home for what has become the past fifteen years, but here they still are.

The tables originally arrived in my house in a set of three - two side and one coffee table.

The matching coffee table is used in another room and instead the $7 dollar garage sale table is in this family room paired with the Lane side tables.

Fusion Mineral Paint SideTable Redo,
For their first makeover they received a coat of black paint, and then a faux metallic grayed zinc looking treatment on the top that became the gray base for the current redo.

I didn't hate them, but they matched nothing and looked out of place.

I used the same painting process on the side tables as I did on the garage sale coffee table -  Fusion Mineral Paint in several colors.

Fusion Mineral Paint SideTable Redo,
Coal Black and Chocolate on the left are currently being used on two other projects around here.

I wanted to lighten up the black base, so the bottoms received a coat of Algonquin and were eventually distressed down to the black.

Fusion Mineral Paint SideTable Redo,

But there was a problem with the side tables..... they were out of sync with the coffee table, not in the same groove.

Because they literally had no grooves on top - the side table tops were flat.

Fusion Mineral Paint SideTable Redo,

So the man with the power tools taped himself up lines on the table top with a piece of wood as a guide, set his router to a nice groovy depth, and enlisted the help of a four year old quality control expert.

Fusion Mineral Paint SideTable Redo,

The top colors are Fusion Soapstone, Ash, Algonquin, and Sterling to give each new groove it's own tone and then sanded to distress.

Fusion Mineral Paint SideTable Redo,
The Fusion paint is excellent on furniture.

I didn't distress as much as the garage sale coffee table, but I can tell you the nice thing about the side tables compared to the solid dark they were - the dust doesn't show.

And any new nicks and scratches become part of the patina.

Fusion Mineral Paint SideTable Redo,

Which is important in a well used room. 

Minimal upkeep means less fuss, and less fuss means go ahead and set down your cup of coffee or soda can.

Fusion Mineral Paint SideTable Redo,

The tables in the family room are meant to be used... and they get abused as well.

But the four year old quality control expert is just fine with that.


  1. I was following along, believe it or not! He sure is groovy!

  2. What a great idea to use a router...they go perfectly now. Four year-olds have a way of making everything turn out right...

  3. Great idea to rout those suckers, Bliss! And can I have that little girl?

  4. Wow, I love following your train of thought.:) The router idea is pure inspiration.:) Now, I get it and the tables look magnificent. Just right. :) ~ Christina

  5. I love the routing! Great colors too!

  6. Those are awesome, Bliss! Love the variety of tones... and your QC expert. ;-)
    xo Heidi

  7. Hey, Lady ... show us some pictures of your rooms with all of this great stuff in em.!

  8. the routing makes such a difference! Everyone did a great job, even quality control. Love the new(est) look of the tables....


  9. Those tables look great! I love the idea of painting it so it looks like individual planks of wood on top.

  10. Love those grooves! Great job and a BIG high 5 on the team effort!

  11. Any furniture that hides dust is a wonder-piece! I love that you want your furniture to be used, I'm the same way with three crazy monsters, I mean children. If my furniture can't handle the kids than it needs to be in another house. lol Your table makeovers are gorgeous!

  12. Top notch technique!! Both the faux plank method and the "more chips will just add to the patina" paint theory!! Best of all, you still have your mom's tables and I bet that would make her smile xo

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