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Fusion Mineral Paint

Fusion Mineral Paint.

Ever hear of it?

I know many of you have because I get emails asking me about it every time I paint a project in a Fusion color.

So readers.... this post's for you.

There are a lot of options in the world of specialty paint. 

I've been fortunate to try a handful of brands and of the ones I've used they each bring a little something different to the table depending on what surface I happen to be painting.

Fusion Mineral Paint Ash, Create Inspire

Fusion Mineral Paint is currently my paint of choice for the furniture I have been doing.

If you are thinking it's a thick chalky style paint, it's not.

Fusion Mineral Paint Butter Cream, Q is for Quandie

It's like the smooth paint we all used before the boutique paints hit the scene, but it does all the same things those style paints do.

Fusion covers wonderful, and it's self leveling so the brush marks pretty much fade right in and you can distress it if you choose.

Fusion Mineral Paint, Knick of Time

Fusion is minimal or no prep.

I don't even know what the minimal prep part means, I always opt for the no prep! 

I don't like to fuss when I paint.  I want to get on with it and get it over, maybe even sometimes when I should of prepped, but I've had no issues marrying this line of paint with my lazy painting ways.

Fusion Mineral Paint Beyond the Picket Fence
I suppose if I was selling my projects I might take more time to make sure each nook and crannie was perfect.  Don't open the drawers or tip my projects upside down, the imperfect parts will be obvious.

Fusion Mineral Paint, Homeroad

I am often asked if I have favorite Fusion paint colors.

Fusion Mineral Paint, Bliss Ranch

I guess the best way to answer what my favorites are would be to list the colors I've gone through the most of..........

Casement.  Lamp White.  Ash.  
Champlain.  Sterling.  Algonquin. 

If you read Bliss Ranch from time to time, then you know when I post projects, I don't tend to use bold or bright colors very often, but it doesn't mean I don't like those colors, it only means they probably don't fit quite right on that project for that spot in my home.
Because I don't have any of those colors in my home is probably the reason I'm so attracted to them when fellow Fusion paint users use them on one of their projects.
For me, one of the hardest parts is picking paint colors. 

Narrowing down what color I want to use is a challenge.  I find it difficult to choose color no matter if it's for furniture or on walls. 
I've never painted a wall in my house right on the first try.  Thank you to my husband for his willingness to repaint all the mistakes, find ways to use up the opps paint, and for not paint-color-bashing me to everyone we know.
Fusion Mineral Paint Funky Junk Stencils
Jennylyn Pringle
Jennylyn from Fusion Mineral Paint has put together videos to make paint color selection easy, especially for someone like me who needs that visual to pick a color.

I refer to her videos each time I'm ready to pick a new Fusion color. 

In the videos she simply paints on the colors from the Fusion collection on a plain white piece of paper next to each other as she discusses them, so people can see the shade and tone changes.

This helps me get the color right, and sometimes if I'm still not sure or I see a color I think I might want to try, I request a sample size pot.

Fusion Mineral Paint Funky Junk Stencils

The Fusion Mineral Paint line has glaze. 

There is Beeswax. 

Fusion Mineral Paint Beeswax

There are two different designer lines; The Michael Penney Collection has 7 paint colors to choose from and just out, Matthew Mead Studio has metallics.

Fusion Mineral Paint Dining Table Bliss Ranch

I've tried just about every product in the Fusion line, the Tough Coat, Sandstone Texture, I did a review on the Brush Cleaner.

Fusion Mineral Paint Bliss Ranch

The metallic gilding paste is a favorite of mine to give things a shimmer.

Fusion Mineral Paint Mirror Bliss Ranch

A little goes a long way with the Gilding Paste.

Fusion Mineral Paint Mirror Bliss Ranch

Recently I did a makeover on a thrift store candlestick using the copper gilding paste.

Fusion Mineral Paint candlestick Bliss Ranch

I use every Fusion product in my cabinet, except the Apron because I don't have one.

Fusion Mineral Paint Apron Bliss Ranch

Judging from all the paint splatters on my clothes I should probably try one of those too!


  1. Looks like some great stuff. I need to check it out!

  2. I love this paint!! Thanks for the mention Bliss!

  3. Love all your colors- I tend to go with neutral myself. I'm going to take a look at it all...thanks for the info.

  4. LOL. Never fails. You crack me up before the post is a wrap!

    Thanks for the mention! I love the stuff myself. I call it my 'cheater paint', because if there's a shortcut, I am IN!

  5. After this great promo, they should give you a free apron!

  6. Guess I need to know how much this outstanding paint is, would really love to try so samples would be good. Give me feel for how paint goes on, how it handles. I realize using a good paint is so important but if a person doesn't have that kind of money they just don't, me for example. Will be finding out about getting some samples first, then see what I can do. Glad you featured this paint tonight as I'm considering trying it in lieu of making my own chalk paint. I want quality paint to make pieces "sing'. Glad to get info. Happy weekend

  7. I MUST try this paint! Esp. since it has Canadian names.

  8. I have never heard of this brand before! It sounds like a dream to work with though. I will have to look for it some time. It looks like they have some pretty colors but I was most impressed with the fact that the brushstrokes don't show. I hate brushstrokes and that is usually a problem I have when I paint something. I also love that you don't have to prep the wood before painting. That's very important!

  9. Thanks for showing off my mellow yellow dresser Bliss!

  10. I want some of this stuff so stinking BAD. Can I order a color swatch/sample? Where?

    1. Click on the link to Fusion Mineral Paint in the post, or google it. That should get you the info you need.

  11. I have some small pots I got at Haven, and haven't used them yet.... I should do that very soon.

    thanks for the inspiration!


  12. Did you say no-prep? Just my speed. I've been admiring your Fusion painted projects for a while now, and these additional beauties only add to the conclusion: I need to try this paint!

  13. Just discovered your blog. Great review on Fusion. Have you seen their 5 new colors? I'm guessing you would love Goddess Ashwagandha. It's a white with gray undertones. I'm a Fusion merchant and happy to ship to any of your US readers or answer questions as they arise. v

    Keep painting!! You do beautiful work!!


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