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Valentine Chocolate Box Door Decoration

A funny thing happened on the way to the trash......

Do you ever save something you don't really want to keep just because you don't want to throw it away?

Every time you open the closet door, you see it hanging out in there and think, man I've gotta toss that thing out.

But you don't.

Then several years go by, and the damm thing is still in your closet..... right?

So you finally decide, that's it - to the trash it goes, but then pause because you remember seeing something creative made from the trash you are about to dispose of.

Maybe you could make something out of it then throw it away in a week or two after it had lived out it's usefulness?

Chocolate Valentines Box Free Door Wreath

Well such is the case with this Valentine chocolates box.

It needed to take a walk to the garbage bin, but how could I just throw it out right before Valentines Day?

I couldn't.

I remembered seeing a repurposed heart box over at RedHeadCanDecorate.

So instead of walking to the trash, I went to the garage trash pile and picked up two pieces of wood not knowing what one I would end up using.

One old slivered piece of a barn board, and the other was part of a dowel.  I took them both back inside to decide which one would become an arrow through my heart.

It seems instead of getting rid of trash, I found myself picking through it.

I had just tossed a big cardboard display tag from some new slippers. 

Nice thick cardboard that could be cut for arrow ends - so back out of the trash it came, to cut into shapes that might resemble arrow parts.

Chocolate Valentines Box Free Door Wreath

If you're reading this and expecting some amazing conclusion to this craft, well please don't hold your breath in anticipation.

I don't craft often, you know with hot glue, glitter and scissors, but I do reuse junk from time to time to amuse myself.

Anyway, I wasn't about to spend one penny or invest much time on a big red heart that was previously on it's way to the dumpster.

I impaled the side of the box with the old piece of barn wood and then pierced the other end of the splintery spear right through the front.

Chocolate Valentines Box Free Door Wreath

No rocket science here.  My intention was to make something fast for my mudroom door.

For fun. 

For free. 

Chocolate Valentines Box Free Door Wreath

Thanks to one of my sons for being a heart head model of the progress up to this point.

I dabbed red craft paint right on my pointer finger and started finger painting the cardboard arrow ends.

Obviously it needed more than a little red paint, so I fished around in a bin I keep of useless crap, and inside were two cedar lats, one was already painted white, so that's the one I chose.

Chocolate Valentines Box Free Door Wreath

I tore apart some letter stencils and used the cardboard parts from the center.  Those were also finger painted red and sprinkled with some pink glitter while the paint was wet.

I had to use the B the way it was - for some reason the center pieces were already punched out, so to make it match I used the *M* that way too. 

I will need to take both of those off before the heart hits the trash or I won't have a M & B when I go to stencil.

Chocolate Valentines Box Free Door Wreath

After they were painted red, the little punched out parts were glued on the wood which was glued to the red box, and the box was stamped with a few X's and O's.

Chocolate Valentines Box Free Door Wreath

Part of a bunched up burlap coffee sack was added on hanging wire, and the whole shebang was hung on my mudroom door.

Chocolate Valentines Box Free Door Wreath

Fast and free.

I'll take off the burlap coffee sack and file that back in the crap bin, but the red chocolate box will still be going to the trash - it just gets a reprieve till after Valentines Day. 


  1. I've been holding onto one of them too. But I just pop it up on the mantel with the other V'day stuff. You're much more ambitious! As usual!

  2. how sweet. nope, don't got any of those piled up anywhere. When I devour the chocolate, I devour the box too!

  3. That's so cute! I never would've thought to turn a candy box lid into a door decoration. I like the arrow going through it too.

  4. Pretty sweet decoration for your mudroom door and free makes it even sweeter!

  5. Too cute ! I have a metal one that I can't let go of LOL

  6. Oh, that's just too sweet! I thought I was the only one who's mind worked like that...keeping it only because I didn't want to do the inevitable. My hubby thinks I'm nuts. He was doing an outside clean last weekend, filling our trailer with metal stuff for salvage. Every other item he picked up I'd, I'm making a sign out of, I can sell that--it was a vintage fire extinguisher. Can you believe he wanted to throw that away ? We still got a trailer full, but I gotta watch that man!

  7. This is so cute! Love that you did a little reusing to make it. Pinned. ;)

  8. Love the arrow! Darnit. Why didn't I think of THAT!!!!! XO >>>>PINNED

  9. OK. So that's pretty stinkin' cute.

  10. Yep, it's hard to throw these heart boxes out. Love how you upcycled this one and I like the reverse "B" touch!

  11. Yep, it's hard to throw these heart boxes out. Love how you upcycled this one and I like the reverse "B" touch!

  12. Well, crud! I gave my dad a box of chocolates, and he polished it off quick, but I threw the box away. I guess I better go buy myself a box and eat it quick so I can make one of these! :)


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