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Fusion Mineral Paint Front Porch Update

Summer had seemed to be taking it's dear sweet time arriving in my neck of the woods, but I really didn't mind days with temperatures in the 70's.  Considering we received snow in April, those mild temps felt more like the spring we were cheated out of.

The cooler temps also meant that catching up on a few things on the to-do list would be more enjoyable not to be working in the blazing heat.

Now at the end of June our heat has arrived, and I'm glad I got the front door painted before it did.

Fusion Mineral Paint Front Door Refresh,

One chilly day I looked at our brown front door and decided I either had to give it a good scrubbing to remove dirt, webs and bugs, or give it a good scrubbing to remove dirt, webs and bugs then paint it.

I opted for new paint as the end result of the scrubbing.

Two years ago I painted a garage side door with Fusion Mineral Paint and it has held up excellent, so it was the obvious choice for the front door redo.

I picked a color from my supply of Fusion Paint and set out to cover up the faded brown and update the mismatched hardware.

Fusion Mineral Paint Front Door Refresh,

Our front door was last painted 7 years and 2 feet ago - judging by the small size of the oval evergreen to the left of the steps that has grown two feet since the before photos.  The below picture is pre door paint and before the steps were redone, but you can see the brown door with the white trim. Nothing wrong with it but nothing special about it either.

Fusion Mineral Paint Front Door Refresh,

The door has been many colors over it's 20+ years of service.... black, barn red, white, and I've lost track of the bolder colors I slapped on and almost immediately painted over because more often than not I get color wrong.  Pretty sure there is a dark green and a blue somewhere in those years too.

Even though I'm not known for my color choosing abilities, some of those colors might have been fine had I chose the right shade of the particular color, and fortunately I do get projects right when I use a shade of Fusion or I'd be repainting the door yet again.

Fusion Mineral Paint Front Door Refresh,

It looked like I had enough Fusion Mineral Paint in the color Bedford from the Michael Penney Co. Collection, so I got started painting the door, not considering what I would do with the rest of the frame and sidelights, just happy for the burst of energy that made me decide to change the door color.

Then I ran out of paint because that burst of energy didn't plan very well, so while waiting for Fusion to send reinforcements, the exterior scraping commenced.

Fusion Mineral Paint Front Door Refresh,

On previous paintings of the front door, I always left the storm door the white it came in, but this time I decided to paint the whole kit'n'caboodle for a much more cohesive flow.

This is by far my favorite door redo and color, and I'm glad I finally painted the whole thing - frame and all - it looks so much better all one color.

Fusion Mineral Paint Front Door Refresh,

The color Bedford is a little tricky, it's hard to tell the exact color from my pictures.  It's like "the dress" that captured the internet in 2015, is the door greenish or is it gray?  Well I say greenish, my husband says gray, and whichever one it is that you see I assure you that the door and the trim are all the same color, just my camera says otherwise.

Some light captures it totally gray......

Fusion Mineral Paint Front Door Refresh,

With the reflection of the glass in the storm door photo below, the main door looks different than the trim.  Hmmm, it's an optical illusion.  It's the same, but there you can see the greenish hint of the door.

On a side note, my plants were purchased at half price because of a freeze one night while they were outside at the nursery, and the store thought they were damaged.  I took a chance on them and they seem to be doing fine.  I didn't have a color choice for flowers, but at half price, purple became my fav.

Fusion Mineral Paint Front Door Refresh,

I bought plain white ceramic pots with the intention of putting graphics on them, but that was before I hauled some old milk cans out of the woods.  The cans are sporting Old Sign Stencils - the bakery and antiques designs - and are also wearing Fusion Mineral Paint.  I'll have more about the milk cans in another post.

The previously silver kick plate was painted black to match the door and storm door hardware.

Fusion Mineral Paint Front Door Refresh,

I like the new color and the simple 'Welcome' right on the door.

Fusion Mineral Paint Front Door Refresh,

The painted metal milk cans probably won't stay on the front porch, I have other spots I think I would like them better, and the white ceramic pots contain houseplants that can come inside before winter, assuming I don't kill them over summer.

Fusion Bedford really freshened up the look of the front porch and it made me ponder why I waited so long to do it.  Bedford is complimentary to another Fusion color, Linen, that I used on a recently updated mudroom door that received a paint makeover along with a kids rubber boot wreath.

Two doors I can check off the Spring to do list.... now that it is finally summer.

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  1. love the new color with the brick, and that puppy!!!!

  2. It looks so refreshed. Love it!

  3. That looks beautiful Bliss... I love that color! After painting my door about 20 times I went with neutral white this time too. Your whole entryway looks amazing!

  4. Great color! I’ve never thought to paint my storm door but I think it looks great. Of course I’ll be cussing you out while I’m painting mine in 90 degree heat today!

  5. Such a big difference! Your front door stands out and looks so welcoming.

  6. Love the color. I like paint that changes with the light almost a two for one.

    Puppy doesn't look like a puppy. Big boy. Enjoy


  7. Aww puppy is so cute and the door is quite lovely too!

  8. I love how the door turned out, Bliss! The decorations are perfect...especially your pup! Happy 4th to you!


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