You never know what you'll get in a box of junk from an auction.
Like a pot to piss in.
Sorry if that's blunt, but back in the day before the advent of indoor plumbing and bathrooms, lots of folks weren't about to take a walk in the snow in below zero temps, just to make a little water in the middle of the night.
And the saying "didn't have a pot to piss in" meant you were pretty broke if you didn't even have a pot to do your business in.
When I went through the box of auction items I hauled home last spring, I pulled out this cute little antique red and white enamelware pot, but really all I saw was a planter. It wasn't until after it sat on the steps holding a plant last summer that I realized what it really was.
The little red enamelware pot was actually an antique pot to piss in. Gross!
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How to Make Metal Tags Look Like Mini Enamel Signs
Is it March? April? Soon to be June?
The previous months probably seemed long for most folks, and looking back I guess I squandered much of that winter time. And now that those months are gone, it is still as if they have disappeared in the wink of an eye, but because of that squandered time my to-do list has been left mostly untouched even with all the "stay at home" time.
In December I promised a 'how to' post on cute little eye fooling tags that mimic an enamel look. I made them for the markers of a 25 days advent calendar.
Dog Feeder Project And Elephant In The Room
About that elephant in the room.
It's in my room, your room, big brothers room, all the way to the room of a remote isolated indigenous tribe in the rain forest, so I thought I'd just address that prior to sharing a project.
Bliss Ranch has very loyal, engaged, and sweet readers, and I thank you all. And based on the amount of email I get, (which I finally checked) when you don't hear from me for an extended time via blog posts or on social media, you worry and ask if I'm alright. I am. But are you?
Those instant messages and emails have prompted me to acknowlege the elephant in the room; that ever big, ever present, sort of hazy gray cloud hanging over us all in everything we do right now.
About that elephant in the room.
It's in my room, your room, big brothers room, all the way to the room of a remote isolated indigenous tribe in the rain forest, so I thought I'd just address that prior to sharing a project.
Bliss Ranch has very loyal, engaged, and sweet readers, and I thank you all. And based on the amount of email I get, (which I finally checked) when you don't hear from me for an extended time via blog posts or on social media, you worry and ask if I'm alright. I am. But are you?
Those instant messages and emails have prompted me to acknowlege the elephant in the room; that ever big, ever present, sort of hazy gray cloud hanging over us all in everything we do right now.