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Halloween Wrap Up

Since Halloween is tomorrow I figured I better get the last October post in so I can move on to completed furniture projects and then Christmas decorating.

 I got lucky at a thrift store the last time I went.  You know, lucky as in there was actually something I wanted.  Forget the weird prices of $1.91, all I saw was glass that could be turned into cloches.

 The tall one fit on a metal candle holder I got somewhere else, so I just stuck in a wood candy corn.  I will use both these for Christmas decorating somehow.

When we open up our dining room table to seat more than 6, the light is way off center.  We put this branch and birds on it Saturday to balance it out.  It worked so well I'm thinking of putting turkey's and leaves on it for Thanksgiving dinner.

I have had these dollar store skeleton hands for years, they are glued on to rocks to hold place markers.  This is one of the names of the Mystery Dinner guests, it's a fake name because they are all fake people.  Well... real people who arrive in the character of a fake person. 
In real life I don't know anyone named Margo. 

Fortunately I have quite the supply of plates for smashing into mosaics.  I just go out to the garage and look for a color or pattern and make due with what I have for what the occasion is.  I chose white, black, and a dark pattern in keeping with the Halloween theme.  Maybe next year I will do a Halloween mosaic project and smash these plates.

My daughter helped me set the table and we wanted the ghosts on the napkins to look like they were floating up off the plate so we just sort of made our own folded tee-pee and plopped it down in the center of each plate.

I made a few more of the light-globe pumpkins to use as a centerpiece and put dollar store battery lights inside them.  I plan to use these for thanksgiving too.

I also used the Recycled Name Plate Tags I made to mark decalf, regular, creams and other coffee flavor stuff.

I didn't carve the pumpkins, but the masks were my attempt at the cute ones I've been seeing on the internet.  We lit all the pumpkins and grouped 5 of them in two spots with a 6th on the porch.

 This bottle was a gift from some friends, they thought the old bottle was pretty cool and thought I would like it.  It has it's original liquid inside. 

I would love to see if anyone can guess what kind of a bottle this is.

I had a good time Saturday night and I hope my guests did too.  It wasn't as easy as I thought to cook for 12 and also be a character in the mystery dinner.  The next morning this is what I looked like...............
Happy Halloween


  1. I've wanted to do a mystery dinner FOREVER - hope yours is a blast! Did you buy a mystery game or make it up? Have fun!

  2. Love how you get right into the theme! Over here in Australia, Halloween isn't much of a big deal.

    As for the mystery bottle - my first guess is Oil. Not exciting, I know. If only I could give it a sniff...

  3. Sounds like so much fun, love all your decorations they look great.

  4. You're so skinny! Maybe I need to host a mystery dinner.

  5. you do halloween SO well. i love it.

  6. Happy halloween Bliss!! That bottle is from an embalming company... ewwwwwwwwwww!

    Nice touches!


  7. Happy Halloween to you, too! What a fabulous all the decorations and the idea with the twig in the chandie...what a great idea! I so totally love your centerpiece!

  8. Okay, I cheated and looked up the company name on the bottle. It is indeed embalming fluid. I hope it isn't used embalming fluid but it's very cool since you go all out for Halloween. Great table decor. Wish I could have been there. Sounds like it was a great party.

  9. So many neat details. I mean really. You didn't just hang orange and black streamers, you know? Even the pumpkins had costumes! And you make it sound like no big deal.. Oh, I just ploped them down and made little tee-pees... Psh. I think this is all amazing!

  10. Cute pumpkins and what a great deal you got at the thrift store. We went to a thrift store last week and didn't find any steals like that!

  11. Oh my, your soiree decor is fabulous! Love the idea for balancing your light and all of the little touches! With a name like Champion I was going to guess oil, but Googled for interest sake. I have to give you this link to a home in BC built with embalming fluid bottles: Love the outfits for the pumpkins and I'm sure looking forward to your Christmas decor projects!

  12. Okay, embalming fluid is really creepy to have hanging around! Everything else is so well done that I guess I could have overlooked the creepiness of that. lol ~ Maureen

  13. Fun, fun, fun! Happy trick or treating!
    xo Heidi

  14. Totally cute creepy - love the twigs on the chandelier and those great pumpkins.
    So the latest diet fad, is to dress up, act up and cook up a great dinner for 12 - sounds like too much hard work to me !

  15. Oh yeah, love the new header Mrs. B x

  16. You are so creative! Love all your unique decorations and those great glass domes you found. My favorite is your pumpkin display with the masks. We'll be carving our pumpkin tomorrow afternoon.

  17. Why is the skeleton giving me the finger?? I like you. I really do. Tell it to lay off!
    You are a master holiday decorator! Really!

  18. Anonymous10/30/2012

    Oooo you've got some really cool stuff going on there! I love the crows and those pumpkins - adorable!

  19. My guess was to be, mouthwash. But as I scrolled down...I caught the words embalming fluid. *sigh*

    1. Hey Five Monkeys & A Chick.... you are a no reply blogger, and I can't find your email address on your blog. If you want help with that no reply thing, drop me a note and I will give you a link for a tutorial to fix it.

  20. Hey, lady! Your halloweeny decor is spooktacular! You always do it up right, girl! It was great to stop in and visit the Ranch for a while. You're the best!

  21. I love it cute, so unique, so awesome!

  22. A mystery, you are a fun gal! I'm knee-deep in a small kitchen re-model and am not getting anything Halloween done. Looks like you had a great party!

  23. So you're really pissing me off with those dang 1.91 cloches! All I can ever find is those cheese covers and I have enough of them. I want a tall one like you found! Those branches extending to balance out the light are pure genius. You are quite the Halloween goddess.

  24. I'm not surprised in the least that you would have real embalming fluid.
    Only you, Bliss. I can see the twinkle in your eye from here!

  25. Wow...that's quite a diet lol! Your party looks like so much fun...I'll bet your guests felt very special!

  26. What a fun party you put on!!

  27. Wish I had seen this post and your previous ones before Halloween. I am so far behind with blogging and am trying to catch up. I LOVE everything you've done and I honestly don't care if you copied them or not. If I hadn't seen them here then I would have missed them all completely. You've done a good job of spreading the word and I for one appreciate it. I'm hitting all the neat blogs you mention next. Haven't posted for two weeks and have got to get on the ball. Love to visit. You always make me smile. Miss ya girlfriend! Nann

  28. Wow! What an incredible dinner ~ did you create the mystery or was it already arranged. I don't know how you did so much ~ it's just awesome! Embalming fluid? Hmmmm, what an interesting item to have around the house! :)

    I need to try and find out how you did the light bulb thingys. Love it all!

  29. I have a hard enough time planning a pot luck, so kudos to you for pulling of a mystery dinner. I think I'll use that as the theme for my very first Thanksgiving dinner that I'm cooking. I'm getting palpitations just thinking about it!

    Whoever carved those pumpkins did an awesome job! I love the teeth!


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