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Projects That Go Bump In The Night

Last Sunday feeling a little deprived and depraved because I had no Halloween party to plan this year, I decided to get my spooky on by hosting a Mystery Dinner for a group of 10 friends.  In anticipation of their arrival I went to my Pinterest board to see what I had pinned that I actually thought I could accomplish on a weeks notice and still leave me time to clean my house, set up and cook.

First up was converting a couple of Good Will silver trays into chalkboards.  Brawn cut out two pieces of thin plywood to fit the bottoms and I painted them with chalkboard paint. 

You might recognize the brooms, they have been all over the internet, but I got the inspiration right from InspiredByCharm.  Michael did a whole wall.  I was pretty proud of myself for freehanding the brooms and I intended to go back and write the *names* like his, but never got back to it. 
After I saw an amazing haunted dining room at BeauxR'eves,  I knew I had to copy her Madame Leota from the crystal ball in the Haunted Mansion at Disney.  I didn't get any photos of Ms. L. last night - you know I got busy enjoying my guests and not once picked up the camera - but I stuck a couple glow sticks in her skull and she looked pretty creepy, and I loved it.
 While you are admiring Ms. Leota's beauty, look on top at the bird.  I also copied Shannon at FoxHollowCottage(If you are keeping track that is three copies so far in this post).  Shannon tore apart a simple stainless steel scrubbie (.50¢ each at the dollar store) and used it as nest filler.  Yeah, I pinned that great idea and then did it. 

The Eyes Have It
My absolute favorite project last week was the Paranormal Portraits that I copied from Tracy at CrowsFeetChic.  I took a few photos from the internet, and the rest were photos of the guests at the party that I turned into black and whites.  Cracked. Me. Up.  Third person from the right is Dii, my one BFF who knows I blog.  (Hi Dii).  I had plenty of frames, just took out the glass and got lucky that the lights stuck right in without tape.  I think the secret was foam board as the mat.

Eventually I will get around to doing a post about the above dresser from helll redo.  That monster of a dresser keeps showing up in my posts but the horror of it's conversion is still too fresh in my mind and I just can't bring myself to blog about it just yet.  I hope you understand.  I'm traumatized and may never pick up a paint brush again.

Last, lest you think all I do is copy everyone, I do have something that I didn't copy.  My oldest daughter is a stained glass artist.  She worked in that trade for I forget how many years six maybe?  Before she left, she took me to the studio, and since she got the patience gene in our family, was able to teach me how to make a simple project.

Yes that is a glass block stuffed with a string of half lit orange lights.  But no, that is not a sticker on the front or around the edges.  That BOO is cut out of stained glass, and the edges of the block are done in mosaic with the pieces and grouted.  I love it, but mostly I love it because I got to spend the day with my daughter.
Close up of the edge

The glass block works as a night light till Halloween.  I should make a stained glass Christmas block.  I wonder if my daughter has any patience left to do another one with me?


  1. You rocked the Halloween projects this year, Bliss! Great job!

  2. Wow... you did all of that with only a week? You ARE amazing! Love all of your decor bits, the wonderful glass piece you and your DD made, and I must say, you did an awesome job of your paranormal portraits! Brilliant idea to use foamcore for the backing!! I bet your guests loved them. I sure do! xo

  3. The Paranormal Portraits were winning hands down until I saw the block - just brilliant. Love the mosaic - you have such a creative family !
    Btw, you just can't give up painting furniture, though I feel your pain Mrs. B. My worst experience meant that a table didn't go right till the fifth attempt !!

  4. Those portraits are my FAV! They rock!

    And I'd love to spend the day with my mom making stuff... that would be a total treat...

  5. Oh my - those portraits are amazing in a creepy way - love them!

  6. I think you get first prize for Halloween concoctions! My fave is the portraits with the glowing eyes and I love that you included photos of friends that were coming for dinner. Brilliant!

  7. you are completely out of control but in a completely out of this world way! What I want to know is what you served for dinner?

  8. BLISS!!!! You rocked the Broom art. That was why I finally broke down and painted a wall :) Of course, it's too coarse.. but, I'll get to fixing it one day ;) Great party prep. You are such a good hostess. I can tell.

  9. You pulled off all the pinterest/blog inspirations perfectly.

  10. Bliss I LOVE it all!! Those photos with the orange eyes are my favorite!! So cool!

  11. Your paranormal family portraits rock - but you all look like you could use a bit more shut eye!

  12. Love those paranormal portraits. Great job. It looks like you had a party to me.
    The crystal ball is wonderful too.

  13. Oh, I do love the paranormal portraits! Especially when you use photos of your guests as you did. The stained glass block is a fun night light for the season and how fun to spend the day with your daughter working on it. Happy Halloween!

  14. Ok those portraits are awesome, spooky and oh so cool! I have been lame this year Bliss for some reason, I just did not knock it out like the past.

  15. Well, you copy catter you. It all looks great. Love the glowing eyes.

  16. Can I get an invite for next years party? Those pictures are super spooky!!!

  17. Oh my goodness...your whole family is talented, aren't they? I am glad you got your Halloween groove on and had a small dinner party. You certainly went all out with decorations and they all look GREAT.

  18. Great job in just a weeks time! When I grow up I want to be organized like YOU! :)

  19. You are so creative Bliss even when copy catting! I love the picture portraits! Enjoy your day, Gail

  20. You mean you actually DO what you PIN? Brilliant. Simply brilliant. :)

  21. You are, hands down, the coolest bloggy buddy I have. I don't care if they are copies - they are awesome. The lit up eyeball pics?! Amazeballs.

    I'm sorry we weren't there... our invitation must have gotten lost in the mail. ;)

  22. Ohmygosh! Those glowing eyes pictures are seriously creepy!

  23. took a moment to step away from the duties of family and cleaned out my email and checked on my blog...I want to say your Halloween decor are so very fun...have a hoot!

  24. Bliss!!! Those are some seriously cool projects!!! WOW! I have to laugh, you did say you didn't have a lot of time right?! Wooowww! You are a crafting maniac! Can I come to your party? What time should I be there??!! Sounds like fun to me!

  25. Too cool!! LOVE those pictures with the light up eyes :) Looked like a fun night!!

  26. Amazing - those photos are simply the best!!!!
    Your friends must love coming over ( you're too nuts not to be the best hostess ever!!! ) Wish I lived closer

  27. OH I love everything, Bliss...especially that crystal ball...creeps me out!

  28. You are just amazing. Everything is picture perfectly wicked! Love your stained glass craft. If you're not patient enough to do a similar project for Christmas - I just put lights inside the block and wrap a nice ribbon/bow like a present. You can use them separately or in a bunch.

  29. Hmm my invite must have gotten lost in the mail. I forgive you, just send me those glowy eye portraits and we'll call it even :)

  30. Absolutely incredible and so much fun!! You really got into it this year ~ and I didn't. :/ That stained glass block is just awesome! Yes, do one for Christmas and if you need my address, don't hesitate to ask. LOL

    Seriously, such great spooky stuff!

  31. Okay, I'm late to this Halloween party (so sorry my friend) but can I just annoint you the Supreme Queen of Halloween! Seriously! Love. It. All.



  32. How did I miss this fabulous post??? Love it...all!

  33. Do you mind sharing where you got your Madame Leota image???

    1. Oh Gosh Christy, it was too many years ago, I'm sorry I do not remember.


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