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Rock & Roll Dresser, the Encore

September 2013:  the mission .... to finally get rid of one smelly brown dresser.

If you've been rocking along with me, you know that last year I made a brown Rock & Roll Dresser for my son from a yellow lemon I found on the side of the road.  He loved that dresser.

There was a good reason however that it was free on the side of the road and it soon became obvious.... it smelled, umm, well.... like a mens urinal.  I thought it would air out so painted it anyway.  Finally my nose couldn't take it anymore and I banished it from the house.

Funny, but the menfolk around here didn't notice the stinky aroma.

And honestly, while I loved the chestnut brown of the first dresser, it really never did much for my sons greige room.

Everyone knows Rock & Roll will never die, so long live rock.... and enter dresser #2.

The little rocker made me promise the new one would look as much like the first one as I could make it, and I kept my word.  We reused everything we could off the old one, and this one smells good.

Basically I did a copy cat of my own project.

Bliss Ranch copied Bliss Ranch! 

I had to hand paint the Hotel California album cover drawer.  And unlike #1, this time I had a Cameo Silhouette for doing the other lettering.

I also painted the dresser a better color for his room, CeCe Caldwells Pittsburgh Gray.

The whole thing looks like it's been on the road with the band - sort of like an equipment crate loaded and unloaded over the years, worn and faded.  Just the look I hoped for and also a look I know well.

This dresser belonged to the grandfather of my son in law.  It is a heavy solid maple piece that had been painted white.

It looked like the picture above.

Yes I realize there is no photo above, just white dead space.  I couldn't find the before photo.  I took it in Spring and it's somewhere in photo helll on my computer.

There are actually two percussionists in the house, three if you count my daughter who gave it up after a couple years in favor of the piano.  Someone is always banging on the drums or the ivories, and sometimes I'm banging my head on the wall.

The sides of the dresser mimic a pebble washed pair of dark grey jeans.  The right amount of "cool".

Dresser #1 had the small drawers along the top.  As you can see #2 has them down the middle.   We reused our dogs old tags as the drawer pulls, and Brawn again cut out the centers and put in wire mesh.  I did have to modify the belts for the handles.

To top off the dresser, I made a bed spring bulletin board with chippy old pieces of wood and it's now hanging above the new rocking dresser.

And yes Little Rocker loves the new dresser just as much as the old one, and so does his mama.

Base coat of white came with the dresser.
Under color of letters, Caldwell Mississippi Mud
1 coat Ce Ce Caldwell Pittsburgh Gray
Waxed with clear Annie Sloan

Rock on!


  1. yes! love this one so much more!! i am just not a brown paint fan in general- LOVE the new color! and i can't smell it from here like i could the other one.... ;)

  2.'s amazing...I don't even know what to say, I am so impressed. And I'm glad you found your O.

  3. Now, I'm confused. Doesn't the fact that the original dresser smelled like a men's urinal make it authentic rock 'n roll? Maybe throw in a little vomit, too, and some skimpy panties shoved in the back of one of the drawers.

    Wait a minute; this is your teenage son's dresser we're talking about... My bad.

    Love both versions, but I do think you're going platinum with #2. The color is perfect. You nailed it.

  4. That piece is gonna shake me all night long.



  5. Oh, I love Atta Girl's response. How funny! I also love that you made a copy of your own design. You are the good momma!

  6. Wow; that is so awesome; I could never accomplish this!

    1. I saw your suitcase with graphics on it, so I think you could!

  7. You rock! This dresser looks amazing too. I'm so impressed with it all and especially your Hotel California "cover". I'm gonna be singing Eagles songs in my dreams now...I'm a diehard Eagles fan.

    I'll bet your kid loves this one every bit as much as the first dresser and the color is perfect.

  8. This dresser is amAZing, I love everything about it! So many details, and great colour, and I love the castors!

  9. That's awesome Bliss truly amazing. My Dad used to sing hotel California when he was in a band when I was a kid. The song scared me to this day I shudder when I hear it start lol

  10. WOW! This is the coolest dresser! You've outdone yourself AGAIN! A cool dresser that doesn't stink...nice!

  11. You have to be the coolest mother on the face of the earth!! (Mine threw my Alice Cooper albums in the trash!!) That is one killer dresser and I'll bet you 10 dollars to a donut hole that I see it featured every single place you submit it! Rock on girl!

  12. Perfect. Even better than the old one. The new lettering really enhances it. And I like the grey. What a great mom you are.

  13. WOW, Bliss ranch copied Bliss ranch spot on. I really love this piece! Long live ROCK on Bliss!

  14. Bliss, this is awesome! Definitely just the "right amount of cool!"

  15. Awesomeness... repeat again... AWESOMENESS!

    You can give me a call anytime: 867-5309.


  16. I like this one even better, Bliss! You are a super cool! I said that in a Miley Cyrus voice...or rather the girl on SNL that makes fun of her.
    Bow down Joey Kramer and enjoy this masterpiece!!! And send this woman some coffee!

    Love it, love it, love it! You never disappoint, my friend.

  17. Bliss, this is fantastic!!! I like even better then the other one. I like the colors. Your son is really lucky to have a talented mom that is willing to do this work for the second time!!!


  18. Girl. You are hard core! How can version two be even better!?!?! Looks fantastic!

  19. You are the Queen of cool. I bow to you oh great rock goddess of cool furniture. I love the drumsticks on the side, that pushes it way over the top. Did you cut out the center of the drawers to add the screen wire? I am slow on the uptake, maybe you already 'splained it....

  20. I love this!! :) Thank you for sharing!!

  21. You -- quite literally -- outdid yourself!! AMAZING! Hope the little rocker is happy as a clam. You, Mom, are a rock star. :)
    xo Heidi

  22. If possible, I think I may love this one even more!!! And I'm so happy it's not stinky ...

    :) Linda

  23. So awesome! I do think it's an upgrade!!

  24. wow bliss, you outdid yourself! The rock-n-roll dresser Pt 2 looks fabulous. great job painting it, and the belts and all that are so awesome! way to go !

  25. I love it! I like the grey color you used on it. Glad that you were able to make another one without the bad smell this time! LOL!

  26. So cool! Love everything about it!

  27. Love the remake of the rock and roll dresser, but now have the phone number song stuck in my head.

  28. Oh Bliss. you are a freakin rock star... forget about that fabulous dresser , that by the way I am featuring in my weekly wow's on Friday. Rock on!! :)

  29. Well, I certainly hope you paid yourself royalties for the epic idea you stole. This is my favorite dresser of all time. It even beats the original.

  30. Love the road case dresser. You rock and I'm pinning!

  31. I love the new color. This is the coolest dresser. You are a true rock star!

  32. Totally amazing and gorgeous! Love it!!!

  33. BTW.... this post TOTALLY inspired the name and color selection of my latest abstract art piece ;)

    Can you guess which one?


  34. Fabulous! I so adore this piece, just my style!!!

  35. Rock on with your bad self! This looks incredible... again :)

  36. I love both dressers and it's shame that the first one was stinky! You really did a fabulous job on both - so creative! I agree, I think that the new color works better. it shows off the details more and looks more like a roadie case. Rock n Roll will never die! Now, go put your socks away! LOL! Hugs, Leena

  37. Long live rock n roll dressers! Both one and two are SO cool, but win the grey one you outdid yourself. I think it belongs in the R&R Hall of Fame :)

  38. It's even more beautiful than the first!! The gray is perfect!,, bravo Bliss!

  39. That's one amazing copy from one amazingly creative gal!!!!

  40. OMG Bliss - you've outdone yourself ( is that possible )
    It's absolutely fabulous - LOVE the drumsticks and the message :)
    Just incredible!

  41. Super-duper fantastic and mind blowing!! All that and without drugs!!! Rock on baby!!

  42. I'm wandering off topic a little here but I believe I have a ticket stub for Aerosmith from the same tour as the one you have. Mine is Madison though.

  43. Haha, this is great! Thanks for sharing! Stop by my Friday's Five Features and link up this post (and others)!

  44. Anonymous9/13/2013

    LOVE this....even better than Number 1...I'm a new follower and so excited that I found your blog!!! Have a great weekend!

    Suzie @ Dorothy Sue and Millie B's too

    1. So nice to have you here, welcome. Do you know you are a no-reply blogger? That means I can't answer your wonderful comment via email. If you would like help to fix it, drop me a note and I will point you in the right direction.

  45. I love this! Great job - I may have to do something similar for my son - he is in a band!

    Thanks for sharing - visiting from Best of the Weekend and pinning!


  46. Ummm yeah I just realized I was logged into google as my fiance, lol.
    ~Katie @ Upcycled Treasures

  47. Ok I'm clapping because this in the encore, right !
    Great job Mrs. B, is the finished dining room coming soon ?????

  48. Oh Wow wow and another Wow! That is so cool, unique, creative, amazing and I'm jealous it's not sitting somewhere in my house. I popped on over from the Inspiration Monday Party and I'm sure glad I did. Such a cool piece. Rock On!!!

  49. I featured your rock n roll dresser today on Mod Mix Monday at Mod Vintage Life. It is soooo good! Love every bit of it!

  50. That dresser is just over the top!!! You son must be so happy. Love the little drawers with the wire and all the paintings...I just love it!

  51. I think I like this one better than the first one! But then grey is my favourite colour for décor right now. Another great job, Bliss, I love it!
    Oh, and I really do love the before picture, too...
    Debbie :)

  52. You know...this one is BETTER! Only you could do genius, you!

  53. I bow to the queen of orginal awesomeness in funky functional furniture. Sharing at my party today. Starts at 2:00 PST. -K

  54. Bliss, you've outdone yourself girl. I love, love the new color! It was wonderful the first time, but this time it is fabulous! Thanks for sharing it with SYC. I will be featuring you this week.


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