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Beware of Sharks.... Pool Sign

When crafty kids get bored often times they crack open the paint and design weird stuff.

On canvas.

At least that's how it works at my house.

Then when they're done painting a usually random vision, they expect me to hang it somewhere.

And more times than not, it just doesn't match my decor.

I wasn't hanging that shark in the kitchen.

Instead I got out some of the cedar lats I picked up for a couple bucks for a stack of about 50, as well as my sample pots of Maison Blanche paint and figured out where I could hang a great white shark.

 The lats were all painted first with a coat of Wrought Iron.

I set up my Silhouette machine at it's place of prestige on my computer chair, and printed out some words.

I applied the letters to the lats and painted a coat of Robins Egg blue over them all.

Sometimes I like my signs to bark out orders with things like "walk" and "close gate".

And of course no matter where you are you have to beware of sharks.....

You know where this is heading yet?


About 4 coats of sealer over the lats and canvas, and a few shots from a staple gun and  the shark has a home.

 A silly pool sign that maybe just maybe might remind people to close the gate.


  1. Close the gate???? I think I would the next closest pool.

  2. Pretty cute! I would love to have my own pool. We have to use the one in our subdivision. Not complaining though! Love how you used those letters to paint over and then pull off. Sure does make sign making easier! Your kids are talented to paint a shark like that.

  3. LOVE IT! I'll bet it is great by the pool! And that is an awesome sure have a talented family, Bliss!

  4. This is so awesome! I bet it will work (at least some of the time!). Creative, I tell ya...

  5. You lead a talented group! That is an awesome sign, and I'm betting it will be noticed. Heeded? You'll have to let us know.

  6. You and your family are so talented! Love the sign. Good luck keeping the gate shut. Can't wait to see your "don't pee in the pool sign" Ha! Hope your honey has a great Father's Day!

  7. Fun fun fun! Although I'm not certain it will get the gate closed.

  8. I agree with Sherry - need the "don't pee in our pool - we don't swim in your toilet" sign!!!

  9. I'd close the gate sharks are scary, except gummy sharks, they're like mini great whites very cool to catch.

  10. I'm thinking if you said "Beware of Land Sharks" they gate might get closed ... assuming land sharks can't open a gate. Though, they do seem to be able to ring a doorbell ... hmmm ...

    :) Linda

  11. This is awesome!!!! The Jaws theme song is running thru my mind!!! Happy swimming!~~Angela

  12. it. You make the best signs.

  13. ha! that is AWESOME, bliss!

  14. Very good Bliss and I bet it makes the 'artist' very proud.

  15. Anonymous6/15/2014

    Hey now . . . up here shouldn't you add "BEWARE of MUSKIES". Or maybe "Must Tolerate MOSQUITOS"?

  16. What a witty way to share family art! I love it.

  17. HAHAHA! That's my favorite pool sign ever. I hope you get the shark situation in your pool worked out.

  18. I love this. Great way to incorporate things that just don't go into something super cute. I would definitely close the gate and probably wouldn't even dip my toes in your pool. Just to be on the safe side :)

  19. Well how fun is that? ( and your kids are artists - wow that looks realistic ! )

  20. I think you got your point across. Hit 'em with a threat!

  21. For the love of sharks, this is awesome!! Those kids will never forget this sign, and the fact that you used something they made, makes it all the better for them, I'm sure.

  22. Oh my goodness, that's one awesome shark! I bet they close that gate ;)

  23. Wait. You have a pool??


  24. Your kids are very talented with a paintbrush, I don't think I could do a shark as good as that.
    Maybe stopping to admire their own artwork will remind them to close the gate !


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