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Coat Tree Street Sign

This oak coat tree has lived with me for 27 years.

It's held many a fall jacket, and many a little toddler snowsuit.

Coat Tree Street Sign

And for most of the 27 years I had an idea for it.

Now you know how long it can take me to get around to things.... 27 years!

I always thought it would be fun to have old street signs top this coat tree.

But I didn't have any old street signs.

Then about 7 years ago I picked up a couple signs at an antique shop.  I don't remember how much they were, but I know I wouldn't of paid a lot for them.

For those mathematicians out there, that means for 7 of those 27 years I had the components I needed.

Coat Tree Street Sign

I have been using various colors of Maison Blanche paints, products, paint techniques, and waxes for the past five months and I like working with all the products in my arsenal.

Pick a color, brush it on - my kind of getting down to business in the paint department.  I didn't have to sand off the old finish, didn't have to wait days to get it done.  The no prep part of painting with Maison Blanche keeps me coming back.

The oak tree received a coat of Ivory, of which I was supplied by the Maison Blanche Paint Company, along with a creamy coat of their dark brown wax.

Coat Tree Street Sign #maisonblanchead
After one coat of Ivory
 The old brass hooks were removed and I spray painted them a hammered bronze.

Coat Tree Street Sign #maisonblanchead

Brawn attached the signs on top with a wood dowel drilled and glued right into the top piece of the coat tree.

I painted both those pieces black and the signs were simply screwed right to the dowel.

Coat Tree Street Sign #maisonblanchead

 I considered painting the whole thing black, but I wanted it to match the Cottage Bench Headboard  that I painted last month also with Maison Blanche Ivory paint.

The coat tree sits directly across from the bench.

Headboard Mudroom Bench

This tree is tall, and taking it outside for photos was like dancing with a long gangly dude who had too much to drink.

And yes I know what that is like, but I'm not naming names.

Coat Tree Street Sign #maisonblanchead

The leaves had started to fall off the trees, but there was still a bit of color left at the corner of 6th and 8th.

Coat Tree Street Sign #maisonblanchead

The pegs on the bottom were so the little kids could reach to hang up their jackets themselves.

Coat Tree Street Sign #maisonblanchead

The hooks turned out excellent.  I don't usually have good luck when I spray paint, this was a first.

Coat Tree Street Sign #maisonblanchead

I danced around with this thing for a while then put it right back in the corner it had come from, and promptly filled it with fall jackets.... which were promptly exchanged for winter coats when the polar vortex arrived this week.

The Maison Blanche painting team consists of the talented bloggers listed below.
Please click over to their blogs to see what they've whipped up for 
the month of November, as well as what Maison Blanche colors they chose.

November projects dedicated to our fellow painter Doreen.  
No she didn't kick the bucket, she'd be painting it if
she wasn't sitting this one out and recuperating from stuff.


  1. this is awesome!!!!!! love the look and your brain! i want to get inside. or maybe not. it's a little scary at times.

  2. You amaze me and make me want everythin you create! Send it to me :)

  3. I don't how many times I can say I LOVE YOU! I love to read your posts...damn whatever project it is, you can make anything look good; I come for the humor. YOU put sun in my Polar Vortexed cloudy brain! This coat rack IS awesome by the way, but the way you paint humor with words is much appreciated by this sassy, smart mouthed, sarcastic Red head!

  4. Oh, Bliss - you've done it again! I love the addition of the street signs - perfect! I agree about the polar vortex! Can't believe we had snow already! Wish I was up and dancing around with you - give me just a few more weeks!!!

  5. Fantastic, looks like it was made for those signs. I need to check out more posts because you've added wide shots with stuff in that I've missed !

  6. What a fun project! I like the old street signs added to the top. That was a very creative idea. The polar vortex is hitting us all the way down in GA too. But, I KNOW you are feeling it worse! Hang in there.

  7. Only 27 years.... it was well worth the wait up in your brain...glad you got it out! I'm a little scared of being in your brain too (like Cassie).

  8. I keep telling you, if you don't stop showing off... I can't be friends with you anymore.

    Translation = Super unique, creative and full of amazing. Just like you!

  9. Fun project and I love how it accomodates the babies all the way up to Big 'Ol Brawn.
    Fall is dead and gone- even way down here. It's crazy!

  10. That is so cute...great idea!

  11. Love it Bliss! The paint color is really pretty too. Stay warm!

  12. I have to tell you Bliss, my new love is this paint and wax,LOVE. Goes on like a dream.

    What a great idea with the street signs. Very cool.


  13. Love the rack and the addition of the street signs.
    Nice that you made a place for the little ones to 'hang their hat' too.
    Audrey Z. @ Timeless Treasures

  14. OH I love this, was worth waiting 27 years, to get it just right!

  15. I love this Bliss, it's been well worth the wait!!!

  16. Since I live on one of those streets, I think it's only right that it comes to live at my house.

  17. I love you. Your time frames are very close to mine - and that makes me feel a little less like a loser. This is really great by the way.

  18. THAT is COOL! I need a tall and gangly Brawn... did I give anything away there? :)

  19. That is the greatest coat rack I've ever seen!!! <3 <3

  20. oh I love how you added the street signs. super cool and you.

  21. oh my gosh, it was great before, but now it's even better! I love the color, and the street signs. But my favorite part??? those low hooks! I noticed them right off in the before pics. :)

    super job!
    ps am I still no-reply? hehehe

  22. You are so clever! Such a fabulous idea, my friend! And loved getting a little glimpse inside your house too!

    :) Linda


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