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Pine Coffee Table Makeover

The year 2013.

The date, December 24th, yes Christmas Eve.

I was working on a gift project and had a fail.  It was a dresser with a photo transfer that I messed up.

Old Dresser
So I went to plan B which was to paint all the pertinent information on the dresser front, of the couple it was being gifted too.

You know, their names, city, state, birth-dates, wedding date, all the stuff I don't put on the internet about other people and invade their privacy.

So I couldn't show you the finished dresser then and I can't show you now.  It's white with brown letters, the photo is before the finish coat.

I loved how it turned out and so did they, and I was able to use the original copper handles.

Fast forward to December 2014.

Pine Coffee Table Paint Redo

The dresser needed a coffee table to match it since both are housed in the same family room - the dresser used like a sideboard.

I picked up this very basic pine table in August.  It was the last day, the last few minutes of a city wide garage sale.   I spotted it still in the yard so I jumped out of the truck to read the tag.

It was marked $10 bucks and I said would 'ya take five, and it was sold.

Pine Coffee Table Paint Redo

Sanding it down I got a wee bit close, taking off all the veneer in one spot, so I changed from staining it to painting it, which was a better choice for this gift anyway.

Pine Coffee Table Paint Redo
I won't go into the issues with the 35 year old Sears Craftsman belt sander, because really, who can complain too much about a power tool that still works after 35 years?

Well I can, just at a later date as I've composed a post about the vicious beast.

Pine Coffee Table Paint Redo

I blended Maison Blanche in Wrought Iron and Chocolate to mix a custom color that was darker than the chocolate, lighter than the black, more of a dark brown color.

Pine Coffee Table Paint Redo

This custom mix was painted on the legs and sides of the table, and ivory went on the top.

Pine Coffee Table Paint Redo

Maison Blanche dark wax was used to age the top and accentuate the grooves which gave it the look to match the gifted dresser.

Pine Coffee Table Paint Redo

The coffee table went off a couple days after Christmas to live in it's new family room.  When next I wander over for a visit I will take a photo of the whole table all snug at their home.

That would be the same home we also gifted a laundry room makeover  to..... 13 months ago, yikes!  Lets just say that makeover is a gift that they can't get tired of, because it hasn't been finished yet.


  1. LOVE this look. Are those colour chalk paints?? Let me know cause I'm thinking this is what I'm going to do to my kitchen floor... :)

  2. oh wow it looks so good! nothing like the before AT ALL.

  3. That looks awesome! I'll bet your kids LOVE the gifts you make!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. girl, get that azz moving. you are as bad as me!

  6. I remember that photo transfer fail (was that really a year ago ?) and the gift of a laundry room. However long it takes, your kids have got to be so pleased with the results but you really like to leave it right down to the wire, don't you !

  7. those are some nice gifts! Those gifts came with a lot of blood sweat and tears too, I bet. I love how you redid those pieces.

  8. Ummm can you adopt me and make me last minute Christmas gifts too??

  9. Oh, do I ever feel the pain of that last statement! My house is full of those unfinished details that complete the project, sadly. I love the coffee table and can't wait to see it in it's new home! ;)

  10. The table turned out great.

  11. Gorgeous! You did good, Bliss!.

    Jane x

  12. Love those projects...even the ones that never end.

  13. I love your coffee table and ten bucks is a score! Thank you for showing me a dresser you couldn't show me! LOL!

  14. $10, no way! Love it!! I can't wait for yard sale season.

  15. I READ that you bought the table for FIVE... can I have the prize???
    It turned out beautiful Bliss!

  16. Looks great! How many things do you get done on Christmas Eve?? Superwoman!

  17. Another awesome makeover Bliss! And I wish I could see the dresser, I am sure it was fab. I love that you talked them down to $5, a girl after my own heart!

  18. $5 table? that's my kind of deal!

    I love the new look, as I'm sure they do.

    ps I wish I could see the dresser too!

  19. It's one of your signatures to create and uncolor color. I'm inspired and the table is gorgeous!!

  20. Okay, so you're telling us we can't see the dresser, right?

    Dang. I'll just bet it was beautiful.


  21. Did you sand the legs of the table too?

    1. I did not sand the legs. I'm lazy, sanding would of been a good idea though.


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