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Family Room Coffee Table, Re-do #2

At Christmas time I gave a garage sale coffee table a faux metal/pewter/zinc-ish look, and it replaced a smaller bent willow table that was topped with glass.

I loved how the garage sale table turned out.

I painted it that faux color in anticipation of the gray couch I was going to be ordering in the new year.

Distressed Coffee Table Redo Fusion Paint,

But that didn't work out according to my plan.

The story of the couch is a book in itself, but I'll give you the condensed version.....

I ordered it, it was a piece of schmidt, they took it back, attempted to remedy the problems with restuffing, it came back as bad as the first time and I said come and get the piece of quack and refund my money.

I've never had to work so hard to be a satisfied customer, lets just say neither that business or myself made any friends over it.

The big sectional couch was ordered from a reputable local store that I won't name, and this is what the wedge looked like right as the delivery guys set it in our family room....

If it had all those wonky ripples before we ever sat on it, what was it going to look like after teenagers plopped down on it for a month? A year?

The floor model certainly didn't look used so why should a new one?

Some of the seats were nice and taut and some were not, no consistency.  There were other problems in other ways with other pieces too.  Plain and simple it was cheaply made.

Sending it back also meant I had to start the agonizing task of shopping for a couch again.  It took me 3 years to finally order that one, how long was it going to take this time??????

Thankfully it didn't take long or summer movies would be viewed only from the seating on the floor.

I was not in the mood for couch shopping again, I thought I solved that with the purchase.  But I went to a larger furniture store, found one I thought would meet the expectations of the family, ordered it from stock, and it was delivered three days later.

But it's not gray.

It's dark brown leather and the metallic/pewter/zinc-ish gray table didn't look right anymore.

Here is the table before it's gray job.  In November I took out our glass topped bent willow table and I put this in the family room in all it's glory hoping the rotten finish would motivate me to work on it.

Distressed Coffee Table Redo Fusion Paint,

I had no idea how this project was going to turn out, I didn't think hard on it I just knew it couldn't stay the gray it was.

The weather was right for wheeling the table out onto the deck, and my view was pretty sweet while I painted.

It hasn't been unbearably hot yet.

I lined up my Fusion Mineral Paints and enlisted the expertise of a certain 7 year old to help me coordinate the colors by using the colors in the stone fireplace to pick from for our palette.

After we narrowed them down together I finger painted the idea on a piece of paper.

Distressed Coffee Table Redo Fusion Paint,
Then I proceeded to paint the table not till it looked like the finger painting, but till I liked how the colors complimented each other.

Distressed Coffee Table Redo Fusion Paint,

It still has a bit of that metal vibe, in a distressed rustic sort of way.

And that original finish that was awful 6 months ago, well now that my family room is accented with a coppery-burnt orange, I wanted to sand right down to that old ugly finish and have some of the orangy glow show a bit.

Distressed Coffee Table Redo Fusion Paint,

The Fusion Mineral Paint colors I used are, Algonquin, Ash, and Sterling.  The yellow color was an old pot I had and I painted over it with the Algonquin then sanded down so just a bit of the yellow came through.

Distressed Coffee Table Redo Fusion Paint,

There is a huge bonus with repainting the bottom shelf in a lighter color...... the dust doesn't show as quick.

The whole thing is waxed with dark wax.  I love the way dark wax changes the colors and warms them all up.

Not to bad for a seven dollar table that has had two procedures in six months.

Distressed Coffee Table Redo Fusion Paint,

I still haven't set anything on the table.  I'm moving slow this summer - I get something painted and move on to another fire that needs to be put out.

Distressed Coffee Table Redo Fusion Paint, One reason might have something to do with the table getting decorations made of Legos and rescue heros most of the time anyhow.  Who needs a nicely styled vignette when you can have toys instead?

I haven't really missed styling the table, it's summer time and we need plenty of room to set ice tea, a remote control, or a bowl of popcorn. 

Distressed Coffee Table Redo Fusion Paint,

Or amazing Lego buildings and short buff plastic men.

Distressed Coffee Table Redo Fusion Paint,


  1. I love it, Bliss! It turned out great!

  2. You did it again! Great job!


  3. Love it, Bliss! It turned out beautifully! We are in the couch hunt, too...and will probably go in that direction, too. Choices are limited with all the kids and dogs around here lol.

  4. It's perfect! I bought a new couch last spring (from a friend who reupholsters) and wanted gray but got beige instead. For now, it's fine. And DL falls quickly asleep as soon as he lays down on it, which means I get to change the channel.

  5. I think I like it better this way. Great job as always. Too bad about your "almost" couch. I'm long overdue for a new one in our family room and I'm NOT looking forward to the year-long search I know is coming. These things take time, you know.

  6. What a gorgeous transformation! Love everything about it ... Thank you for inspiring us!

  7. I liked version one but love version two!

  8. I hope all is going well with couch number two. The table is great of course. I much prefer real life to vignettes.

  9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  10. That's the best thing about paint! so easy to change up!

    Real life is so much better than magazines. :) what a bummer about the other couch...

    love the new look of the old table Bliss!

  11. Legos always prevail over vignettes! Looks lovely. So sorry about the couch debacle. Ugh!

    :) Linda

  12. I love how paint allows you to decorate around the $$$ items that have limited options. This design-around turned out AWESOME!!!

  13. Bliss ... love how your table turned out. Just perfect and scratches from toys will only add to the distressing. You are so wise. Great job.
    Audrey Z. @ Timeless Treasures

  14. The redo turned out great. Paint is an amazing thing isn't it? Enjoy the Legos while you can, time flies. Just try to avoid stepping on one. BTW what a view


  15. And so, another happy ending in the continuing sagas of bliss. And you let us catch a glimpse of the final couch and the new area rug too. Nice.

  16. You did a great job, again!, on this solid looking table. Perfect for your family and fun times. I miss those buff guys and although my boys had tons of Lego they only seemed to ever make barns for their tractors and Schleich farm animals. Enjoy your summer!

  17. loving it. thinking of finding something to try that finish on. great job.

  18. Your stories are so fun to read, the table looks amazing and of course I pinned it. You rock Bliss! The legos... that is exactly what my tables get used for, in fact my sofa table in the living room got stolen by my oldest son weeks ago to going in his room for lego set ups...I haven't seen it since!

  19. Turned out awesome Bliss!

  20. Don't die from the shock that I am here commenting.....I am slowly digging myself out from underneath the last 8 months of intense new business ownership. With that said....I love the table in its new look! My fave so far. As for that couch, it looks like a giant wet diaper. How awful! Depressing how poor quality and high priced furniture seem to be all too common these days. looks like you might have to figure out how to fashion yourself a new couch from all those spare parts in your shed!


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