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Thrifty Style Team Projects, Where are they now?

April's Thrifty Style Team post is a where are they now? update on five of my past thrifty monthly projects.  You can find the links to all the projects I mention at the bottom.

April showers bring May flowers, but I'm not sure what April snow brings besides more shoveling and mud when it melts.

Snow Barn View
Current View From My Window, No Spring Has Arrived
Last year this time we were outside in the fresh air sprucing up the yard after winter.  That won't be happening anytime soon this year.

By the beginning of April the lake had thawed three weeks earlier, and this year looks to thaw three weeks later.  That means yard work has to wait, which is fine, but it also means less time to accomplish it.

I will just think of the April snow and cold temperature as a extension of hot chocolate drinking season instead of a slow start to thrifting season.

Maple Syrup Tote

One of my favorite thrifty updates was this old tool tote, bought for a buck.  Or maybe it was two bucks?  I don't remember. 

Before Paint Maple Syrup Tote

The tote has moved around a bit and is currently sitting on top of the fireplace cabinet, filled with dried hydrangeas from last Fall.

I moved it there last year to get it out of the way when we needed the dining room table, and not only have the hydrangeas stayed, that's where the tote stayed as well.  If we never used our table I would probably put it back, but we do and really need something that has a lower height than the tote so you can see the person sitting across the table when you chat.

Maple Sytrup Tote

I like that the tote fills the empty space on the mantel, and although it will probably move again, I have no intention of taking it out of circulation.

It also happens to be maple syrup making season right now so the tote is on my mind.  Our trees are tapped and we are waiting on some fresh maple goodness to pour over pancakes.

Another past project I enjoy on a daily basis are the recycled barn doors that hide the bedroom television.  These were a true trash to treasure project as the doors came out of the dumpster on a job site.

Barn Door Television Cover

The vintage style box car handles are big and heavy and the perfect size for the doors.

All the packages on the hearth are gone, but the barn doors definitely won't be going anywhere, and might just be the all time favorite thrifty project around here.

Barn Door Television Cover

A family birthday chart I made from an old wooden calendar is in use, and every month I update it with the next couple birthdays.

Thrifted Wood Calendar Upcycle

It sits on a narrow slice of wall by the breakfast nook which is a noticeable spot for a reminder.  The calendar has room for two upcoming birthdays, and helps give the whole family a visual on who is next to celebrate.  It also alerts us to the date we might next partake in a tasty baked treat.

Thrifted Wood Calendar Upcycle

The calendar has an old world patina from layering copper metallic paint over a green color.  I painted all the little slats black to look like chalkboard, but the only thing that is chalk is the space to fill in the candle count and favorite dessert.

Copper Painted Patina,

The little suitcase below was almost tossed, but then I decided I could make something that was right at home in my neck of the Minnesota woods.

Before-Painted Suitcase Redo

I painted over the ship and lettering, but used similar colors as the background so I didn't have to paint the sides which would cover up the suitcase stitching that I liked.

It is perched in our guest room, which seems like a good place for a suitcase.

Painted Suitcase Redo

My last featured Thrifty Style Team project is a pair of brown ginger jar lamps thrifted from a garage sale.

Before - Painted Ginger Jar Garage Sale Lamp

The lamps received a new coat of Rustoleum Milk Glass spray paint, a couple of garage sale deconstructed shades, and Edison light bulbs.

And where are they now?  They remain where I first intended them to go - on my painted thrifted dresser next to a thrift store Howitzer box with a garage sale mirror above.

Painted Ginger Jar Garage Sale Lamp

Last but not least are the links to my Thrifty Style Team Partners, so make sure to stop in and see what they have styled for April.

Links to Bliss Ranch featured Thrifty Projects:


  1. I still love them all. Your view is pretty but I'm so over the snow!!

  2. These are some of my favorite thrifty ideas ever Bliss! Love them all, thanks for the inspiration!!

  3. SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO... I just don't think I could love these any more than I do. And that calendar.....fooooorgetaboutit..just send it to me

  4. SO many great projects but I think the barn doors are my favorite!! I was complaining about the rain today but now that I see you're still getting snow I'm feeling a lot better about things. LOL! Hopefully you thaw out soon!

  5. Awesome projects Bliss! I especially love that birthday calendar!!!!!

  6. I have so been missing your clever, unique projects; seems it's been a while. You have such notable ideas and the execution is most ingenious!

  7. May I ask where you got those wire lamp shades/covers on your lamps in the last picture?

  8. WOW! I love all your projects, but I totally fell in love with that tote and how you decorated it! :)

  9. Your lamps will always be my favorite!! And come to Texas...spring has definitely arrived!

  10. You always amaze me girl. Love all your thriftiness, but now, I can't get pancakes out of my head. Cool having your own maple syrup


  11. I've loved all of your projects, Bliss! Good time of year to work on some, too...with all of this snow...

  12. Love them all! Now I seriously need to find me an old tool tote. So cool!

  13. bliss- honestly, it would be so hard for me to pick a favorite project of yours. they are all amazing and truly one of a kind creative.

  14. All of these are my favorites. Could you please just start a Bliss Ranch line already?

    ps. It still feels like winter by us, too.

  15. You always have the best projects but all I can think about after reading your post is your maple syrup!


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