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TV Trays To Patio Tables

Last week Daughter #1 sent me a text asking if I wanted some old TV trays, and I don't think she thought I would say yes. She was cleaning out a closet and if she didn't have a use for them why would I?

But her text was timely, and I did have a use for them.

TV Trays Upcycled To Patio Tables with Old Sign Stencils Bliss

When I was a kid tv trays were made of metal, and in my mind I can still hear my mom's set clanking as they would hit each other on the stand. These days the trays are wood and I don't think they are called trays, the youngsters call them tables, but to me they will always be tv trays.

So a few days after the original text the six tv trays and their stands landed on my front porch.  I knew what I would use them for, and I knew I would paint them but I did have to think on how I wanted them to look.

Four of the trays were a cherry wood stain, two were a clear natural color, and both sets came on matching stands, so six tv trays total.

TV Trays Upcycled To Patio Tables with Old Sign Stencils Bliss

Fathers Day was right around the corner and our family has grown to 16, eating on a big cement planked farmhouse style patio table made by us, that can seat about 10 if it has too, which leaves 6 people to balance a plate and beverage on their lap at meal time.

Farm Style cement topped plank table DIY

Balancing a plate while trying to get a fork of potato salad to a mouth is not ideal or comfortable, and heaven forbid a perfectly grilled burger with bun should fall to the ground right before taking that first juicy bite.

Some side tables would alleviate that problem.

Farm style cement topped plank table DIY,

About the time the table was built, on clearance at Target I purchased a stack of white and gray mesh chairs (which was an adventure in itself) for those times when we need everyone to have a seat.

If all were not able to sit around the patio table, at least everyone would have a chair to sit!

TV Trays Upcycled To Patio Tables with Old Sign Stencils Bliss

The trays would be used when the mesh chairs were called into duty, so I decided a gray and white palette would blend nicely between chair and table. With the addition of the tables, there will now be a seat and table for any hungry family member

TV Trays Upcycled To Patio Tables with Old Sign Stencils Bliss

The set of four cherry wood tables were the first lined up for paint, and I wanted to get close to the gray frame on the mesh chairs.

I sent one of my sons to the local hardware store, you know the kind - the one that charges $6.99 for the same spray paint that costs  $3.99 everywhere else.  His instructions were to purchase three cans of spray in a darkish gray similar to the gray in his plaid lounge pants - also known as pj bottoms - which he was wearing to fetch the paint.

TV Trays Upcycled To Patio Tables with Old Sign Stencils Bliss

$21 dollars later I started my project.

I thought I would need two cans of spray for sure, but didn't want to run out, hence the request for three, and I used every last drop of the third can.

I don't usually use spray paint on projects, but the thought of all the tedious brushing of paint on to the table legs made me not want to start the project at all, and I knew if I didn't work on them right away they would go to the shed 'o schidt never to be seen again, and then on Fathers Day there would be six people balancing their plate on their lap.

TV Trays Upcycled To Patio Tables with Old Sign Stencils Bliss

Three cans of paint covered six tv tray bases and one of the table holders.

I used Fusion Mineral Paint for the tops of the trays.  The white on the four tops is Casement, my go-to Fusion white, and the gray on the other two is a custom mix of Casement and Ash.  All of which I am currently dry of, so need to replenish my supply so I can paint all summer.

Once I had a nice white top as a backdrop I thought the tables needed a little something.

I pulled out my collection of Old Sign Stencils, eyeing the ones with patterns. I don't own every pattern available in the Old Sign Stencils shop, but I had a couple that I could mix and match to give each of the four trays a different look.

TV Trays Upcycled To Patio Tables with Old Sign Stencils Bliss

Buffalo Check, Plaid Shirt, and a combination.

TV Trays Upcycled To Patio Tables with Old Sign Stencils Bliss

Three colors of Fusion were all used differently on the trays so the colors were complimentary, but no two were alike.  Casement for the background, Coal black, Ash, and the custom mix of Casement and Ash for the gray.

I also used two of the Grain Sack Stripe stencils to create my own pattern, and that tray happens to be my favorite.

TV Trays Upcycled To Patio Tables with Old Sign Stencils Bliss

The two previously natural color trays were given a stencil treatment that mimics the resort theme I've got going on in the backyard.  I think I used a total of 6 different stencils to create the look on the table tops.

TV Trays Upcycled To Patio Tables with Old Sign Stencils Bliss

I also went back and hand shaded the letters, which requires a steady hand that I really don't have, so the lines are not perfect.

TV Trays Upcycled To Patio Tables with Old Sign Stencils Bliss

A light sanding, and all the tables received a coat of varnish for extra protection out in the wild.

In the resort theme we have a shed sign with Old Sign Stencils and Fusion Mineral Paint .....

Resort Sign on Shed,

Some hanging plant buckets also with Old Sign Stencils and Fusion Mineral Paint...

Old Sign Stencils on Vintage Buckets,

And yard art also known as a bean bag yard toss game that I lettered myself with information exclusive to our own backyard.....

Bean Bag Cornhole Game,

There is also a beach sign made with Old Sign Stencils on a gate that currently leads to nowhere because the pool that was beyond the gate was removed to make way for something better.

The tray/tables will serve their purpose just fine. They are sturdy and the pattern on the tops is nice against the sea of gray from the cement patio.

TV Trays Upcycled To Patio Tables with Old Sign Stencils Bliss

The tables won't be left out as I'm sure eventually the weather would take it's toll on them, so four will go back onto the holder and the other two will just rest against the holder since I didn't paint the second holder only to hold two trays.

TV Trays Upcycled To Patio Tables with Old Sign Stencils Bliss

The two lettered tables that were originally the light natural colored ones were a set of four. My son in law split them with a room mate named Jeff when they moved out. He snapped Jeff a picture of them now. Maybe I'll inherit the other two?

TV Trays Upcycled To Patio Tables with Old Sign Stencils Bliss

The two lettered tables also have a grain sack stripe between words. Having a stencil definitely helps get straight lines, and it is much easier than taping off lines with masking tape.

I hope we get to use the tables a lot this summer, but with the social distancing it will be limited to our family.  I gave up not seeing the ones that don't live here right about Mothers Day.  If I'm going to get this virus and be isolated, the last thing I want is to not have seen my kids for the previous four months.

Backyard updates,
These days everyone's home has become more of a sanctuary than it was before. I'm just floating along trying to make ours a place we all still like to hang out, one coat of paint at a time!

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  1. Wow, Bliss, GREAT makeover!! Your family is going to enjoy hanging out without balancing plates. Sweet! Donna has to be thrilled with the use of her stencils. You rocked this!!
    ~ Christina

  2. Hi Bliss,

    You definitely don't want that burger to fall after waiting. You want that baby right in your mouth .

    I remember them being called trays too.

    Love the end result and the Buffalo check stencil.



  3. Okay, tried to Pin but I can seem too. I wanted to save it for myself too.


  4. They're tv trays to me, too. And yours are super cool. Oh, to hang out (feel like I'm camping) in your back yard...What a delight!


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