
Cement Plank Farmhouse Patio Table

Math fact - most patio tables will not seat the amount of people that my family needs to seat for a meal outdoors.

Which actually means most tables won't do that for a price I'm willing to pay.

Cement Plant Topped Farmhouse Patio Table,

And then there is the fact that if something I desire can be made by the man with the power tools, basically that adds up to I won't be making a purchase of the item even if I found an affordable one I liked.

We have gone through a few patio tables over the years. 

Glass ones shatter. 

Wood ones rot.

There were a few qualities we wanted in a new table that made making our own seem like the thing to do.

Cement Plant Topped Farmhouse Patio Table,

1.  Able to pressure wash it without wrecking it - good riddance to the tree sap that falls in the spring and the dirt that settles in under the snow.

2.  Must seat a minimum of ten people, the more the better.

3.  Can't blow over in a storm, long lasting and sturdy.

4.  Shouldn't have to sell one of the kids to afford it.

5.  Had to be built where the nosy duck could supervise.

Cement Plant Topped Farmhouse Patio Table,
Clementine the Famous Crapping Quacker

By building the table ourselves we got all that and more, and bonus - no kids needed to be sold to pay for it and the duck was happy.

Concrete forms were made, cement was mixed and poured, un-molded, and left to cure.

Cement Plant Topped Farmhouse Patio Table,

We were then left with strong and heavy concrete planks.

Cement Plant Topped Farmhouse Patio Table,

A base was built using green treated lumber.

Cement Plant Topped Farmhouse Patio Table,

Cement Plant Topped Farmhouse Patio Table,

Cement Plant Topped Farmhouse Patio Table,

Each plank of concrete was poured with bolts in place to fasten it to the wood base.

Cement Plant Topped Farmhouse Patio Table,

Rocks were used to decide on the color pallet and staining with cement stain commenced.

Cement Plant Topped Farmhouse Patio Table,

Custom painting buckets were fabricated when all that was left in the bottom were lemon and coconut jelly beans.

Cement Plant Topped Farmhouse Patio Table,

Concrete stains in four colors were dabbed, brushed and splattered on the bare cement.

Cement Plant Topped Farmhouse Patio Table,

I was skeptical of the staining job, but the man in charge assured me that in the end it all blends together and probably won't be anything like it looked during the staining process.

Cement Plant Topped Farmhouse Patio Table,

That statement proved to be accurate, which was a good thing.

Cement Plant Topped Farmhouse Patio Table,

Layers of many colors of stain were applied and reacted with the cement to come up with a speckled even color in the end.

The base was painted an off white color, the same as the trim on our house.  Because that is what we had.

Cement Plant Topped Farmhouse Patio Table,
The concrete plank top was sealed with a low sheen concrete sealer, contrary to that bright glare coming off the top in the photo below.

Cement Plant Topped Farmhouse Patio Table,

White mesh sling chairs were purchased from Target so the gray ones could slide over by the firepit, but that is a whole 'nother story, and this post has gotten long enough.

I'll show you the pictures of the table top next time, and include the story of my quest for the right number of matching chairs from Target, but till then, this makes two summer projects crossed off the to-do list.

Nine-hundred-ninety-eight to go.

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  1. Wow this is so cool!! Concrete planks...who knew?

  2. It isn't easy being green treated lumber. So THOSE were the form things you showed a while back? Bloody brilliant if you ask me. No one did ask me, but it's still bloody brilliant, I say.


  3. Oh. My. Stars. Andi, Heather and Cassie are right!!! Brilliant and gorgeous. I look forward to seeing more. I hope you are squealing and dancing with delight! :)
    ~ Christina in FL

  4. So, so cool! And Clem approved. Genius idea.

  5. Concrete planks... now that's cool! But a part 2 just when the story was getting really good?! I think you should get into mystery novel writing...

  6. What a great idea to make your own table! I know that will stand the test of time and hold up well in your weather. That looked like a lot of work though. Hopefully, you'll be able to use it this summer and everyone can fit around it at one time!

  7. great DIY. Never, ever would have thought of that.

  8. You guys are amazing! Your projects are always the best!

  9. beautiful concrete farmhouse table Bliss! Brilliant to think ahead about the hardware... not sure I would think of that.


  10. You two need your own show! Love the concrete planks, and the whole table!!

  11. Brilliant idea! Love the stain. You guys are amazing...and if you run out of projects, I have several...and a guest room now that my youngest has his own place....just sayin'....


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