If you're lucky, you've got one. The one friend who tells things to 'ya
just like it is.
This Tongue in Cheek Tuesday post is dedicated to my one friend who knows about this blog (hi Dii!) and she tells it to me just like it is.
Dii actually reads my blog and I never even threatened her. I "
hey girl'd" her husband without asking, what a friend I am. At the end of this week I've reserved a day to hit some garage sales with her. IF it doesn't snow. Yes, really. Snow. In April.
Dii has a daughter who collects owls.
I don't know if the one above is the exact owl purse Dii saw, I just remember it was a pricey little bird, the well over $100 green backs kinda pricey.
A lot more than she was going to spend feeding her daughters owl addiction.
So Dii decided she would make one herself. Guess she is a wise old owl.
Dii's owl purse knock off |
I asked for a picture so I could see how it turned out. She collected some of the bling on it from garage sales. Her daughter loved the purse and I'd say it's a pretty good knock off for a lot less $$.
Anyway, like I was saying, Dii tells it to me like it is. I have known her for 34 years, well before babies and husbands.
For April's Tongue in Cheek Tuesday I'm suppose to poke fun at how I look in what I wear around the house. I'm pretty sure my family would think I went insane if I suddenly asked them to snap pictures of me wearing stuff I usually run and hide from the camera in. Opps - forgot it's tongue in cheek, so... I mean I usually look like a million bucks in my high fashion hausfrau look.
So back to Dii.
On our last jaunt to Good Will Dii said to me with a bit of a chuckle;
"your profile picture really doesn't look anything like you".
.....I happen to like that sidebar picture!
Unlike this one taken the same day wearing my who-gives-a-rats-behinder look. A few mothers are now thanking their son's for not marrying this crabby looking woman.
When I make this expression I know exactly what I'm thinking. Idiot.
The worst part is, I'm looking in the mirror at myself taking this photo. Idiot.
And trim your bangs.
So Dii, just for you, some Bliss Paper Dolls so you can pick the look you like, let me know what face really looks like me and that's the one I'll put on my sidebar.
I wear this shirt till it's not white anymore. Chalk paint and stain splatters add character. Then I get mad at myself because I wore white to paint and stain.
How I think I look in that sweatshirt.
I probably look more white and hairy like this: Dii would tell me if I did.
If I'm not wearing white, or black formal attire around the house, I'm in some form of jammies or clothes I pretend are jammies because I sleep in them.
What's not to love about my pink-ish robe ensemble?
Does this look like me Dii? I wear this alot to work around the house, maybe I'll wear it to garage sales with you.
When I wear jammies to wax a project this is how I think I look in pink.
And this is how I probably look.
I really thought next time Dii and I got together coats and scarf's would not be necessary but there is a snow storm heading our way tonight.
April 22nd, 2013.... 4 - 8 inches on the way.
(Seriously Bliss trim your bangs. How come Dii never
tells it to me like it is about my bangs?) Dii please tell me this last one on my way out the door looks like me? Because unless I trim my bangs before I see you this is what I will look like at the end of the week.
Now it's everyone's turn to link up what you wear while you hang out around
the house. Have some fun, make me laugh. If you need a great example
of tongue in cheek, check out this post from last month's party by
MissFlibbertigibbet. She nailed it, hands down the best tongue in cheek post. Tongue in cheek isn't really suppose to be true, and I'm not so good at it, I have Pinocchio complex - the fear of my nose growing from telling lies. But maybe I really do look like that girl in the pink when I wax projects?
Visit the other ladies of Haute Couture at:
Linked up to
WhileWearingHeals for the 'this is me' party, because I took every single one of these photos of my head either on the timer or through the mirror. And I never in a million years thought I would be linking them anywhere!