
Thrifty Style Team June, Update a Painted Door Mat...Again!

Just shy of two years ago I got a wild hair not to part with any cold hard cash for a new front door mat.  I didn't know then, that my thrifty welcome mat redo was going to become one of my most popular posts.

So recently when I got a new question on the refreshed door mat post asking how it had held up I decided before I responded I better take a good look at the mat.

For this months Thrifty Style Team I will revisit how I refreshed that door mat.... for the second time.

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Cedar Hot Tub Cover, Patio Updating

I'm gonna get right to the point with this post and tell it like it is ...... the typical spa/hot tub cover sucks!

Those of you with outdoor spas are nodding your head in agreement, and the rest of you are wondering why the typical spa covers suck.

I'm going to tell you why vinyl covers suck, and why our new cover from Canadian Hot Tubs is awesome, but first let me give you the cover story (pun intended) of our spa and its old vinyl cover.

Canadian Hot Tubs Roll Up Spa Cover,
Red Cedar Covers for ALL types of hot tubs and spas!

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Easy Metal Door Update, Thrifty Style Team May

It's May in Minnesota - the birds are chirping, the trees are finally getting their leaves, flowers are starting to bloom, and it's time for the Thrifty Style Team with frugal finds for the month of May.

This month I have done a cheap update to an old, metal, dated dirty door.

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Thrifty Style Team Projects, Where are they now?

April's Thrifty Style Team post is a where are they now? update on five of my past thrifty monthly projects.  You can find the links to all the projects I mention at the bottom.

April showers bring May flowers, but I'm not sure what April snow brings besides more shoveling and mud when it melts.

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From time to time there might be a written review of services or products on this blog for which Bliss Ranch may or may not have received that service or product for free. Receiving a product or service for free or at a discount will never dictate what is written on this blog or guarantee a favorable review. All opinions here belong to Bliss Ranch and Bliss Ranch alone. Bliss Ranch is not monetarily compensated to write anything on this blog... period! For the complete privacy policy please see the tab at the top of the blog.