
Old Door Headboard

Wanna see the talents of daughter #2? 

Or should I say more talents.  You can see some of her painting talents where she made her mama cry making a sign for me, or her famous one of a kind lampwork bead cake testers .... 

But to see the parts of her room that didn't have wet towels and clothes laying all over, you have to go visit Shannah at JustUsFour

You will find the headboard Beth made from an almost 100 year old door, complete with the key in the keyhole, the $3 Goodwill lamp she painted with a chevron print, and her first try at making string art.

What her room lacks in having a clothes free floor, it makes up for on the top half.

This IS my party face.
Happy dog day to Riley @WhileWearingHeels
but Mo wants to know who that other doggie dude is with his girl?

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  1. Ooh very nice! I will be stopping over there pronto!

  2. She clearly takes after her talented mama!

  3. I checked out the wet towel room as well as the sign that made you cry...I must admit that I got teary-eyed myself!!


  4. I obviously welled up the first time I read that post and now you've made me do it again !
    Love your daughter's style, all of it. Do all 6 have the creative talent gene ?

  5. Wow! Looks like she's got the creative gene that you have! I'm impressed with all of her creative projects. Love that door with the crystal door knob being used as a headboard.

  6. love that headboard and love that it has a shelf!

  7. Just went over Bliss - wow she's done an amazing job!!!
    Love all of it but especially that lamp!

  8. How do you test the cake with that? I'm confused, or is that not the cake tester??? I love the headboard and the styling, now I'm off to visit her.


  9. How wonderful, she is very talented.

  10. Just checked out the cake testers and signs, and clean room or not, she's got talent and initiative for not only making crafts, but selling them, too. Off to check out more of her craftiness:)

  11. Love the door headboard... Love that crafty family!

  12. I love the lampwork that is amazing! I've heard around the town that it's Riley's cousin so Mo probably has nothing to worry about.

  13. I know you're proud of her! Love that she's tapped into her own style... and so glad you reminded me about her cake testers! I need to order a couple for Christmas gifts!
    xo Heidi

  14. You taught her well :) She's done a wonderful job and I am loving her style!!

  15. Oh Bliss you just made my morning :)

    I visited your guest post and left you comment love over there. Somehow I missed this so glad I found it now :)

  16. Love the idea of using an old door as a headboard! I am off to visit. Thanks Bliss.


  17. Your daughter is so creative and artistic~ I can tell she has grown up in a home that has fostered creativity! I love all of her projects...and just used my wonderful cake tester yesterday!

  18. I enjoyed the post and her talents!!

  19. Loving the headboard, like mother like daughter! :)

    I hope you're having a great weekend Bliss!

  20. WOWZA! The apple doesn't fall far from the tree! Absolutely gorgeous and I may be stealing her letter idea for the boys' room. BTW... Savanna adores her cake tester (although she initially said it was too pretty to use LOL) and I've even been putting mine to use. That is one talented daughter you have, Bliss. Hmmm... Wonder where she gets that from? ;)

  21. Love that headboard! It looks great!

  22. How did you raise such creative kids????? Secret recipe please.


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