
Dollhouse Furniture #4 Clock Upcycle

This week in the dollhouse renovation project I'm going to share the redo of this ugly Goodwill clock.

What caught my eye was the fact that the bottom of the clock had little drawers, so I took it outside and cut it's top off with the saw.

Dollhouse Upcycle, Clock to Dresser,

And just like that I had two separate pieces of potential furniture.

Dollhouse Upcycle, Clock to Dresser,

The obvious choice for the bottom half was a dresser and I decided I liked the design on the front of the drawers, but the little star handles had to go.

There is a container of little parts in my daughters beading paraphernalia and I had dumped these old blue earrings in there in case she could use them for something.

I didn't think I'd be the one fishing them back out of the junk parts container.

Dollhouse Upcycle, Clock to Dresser,

The earrings became the perfect knobs for the dresser, complimenting the bits of blue on the drawers and helping to set the color theme for the master doll bedroom.

The stars popped off easily with a screwdriver, and a dab of E600 on the drawer fronts attached the little blue earring parts, which are made of some sort of thread.

A coat of white paint, light distressing, and you would never know this was the bottom half of a clock someone probably had in their kitchen.

Dollhouse Upcycle, Clock to Dresser,

I'm looking forward to showing you one of the dollhouse rooms all furnished for the upcoming Dollhouse Therapy Challenge with Cassie from Primitive and Proper.

I've had some sneak peaks from some of the other participants and they have some pretty darn cute stuff!

Dollhouse Renovation Project:

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  1. oh my gosh those little knobs are perfect- so cute!

  2. This is so adorbs! Love the earring knobs! So clever!

  3. Darling! I just bought an old yucky clock to redo at the sale this weekend. Am so anxious to get started on it. Hopefully, this week.


  4. So cute! This series is so much fun...I'm loving it!

  5. Who knew you could decapitate a clock and come up with something even better. I'm warming up to this dollhouse thing...


  6. OMG Biss, what a change you made with a few simple steps. The white is so much better than that milk chocolate color. Love it.

    1. Ooops ... missed an "l" in your name.

  7. Another adorable piece! I love the detail on this piece.

  8. You really make me want to start a doll house. But I fear I would never do anything else. The little chest is adorable.

  9. Very sweet. Lovin' the blue knobs.

  10. If you put the flat top from above the clock back on (without the silly cornice) you'll have more space to put stuff on the dresser, and it will look more finished. Or turn the entire thing upside down and put legs on the new bottom. Most dressers have larger tops than they do bottoms. The white you picked looks so much better with that lovely paper. Great job!


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