I know you do because you email me. Thanks for missing my projects. I miss my projects too!
I've got the best readers who enjoy DIY, so I've gotta tell you that today I'm departing from the normal paint and build, so feel free to depart yourself if you're not wanting to hear boring life stuff that's void of DIY photos.
Karen from the blog Somewhat Quirky posts a "20 Things" list when she has been MIA, so I'm gonna steal that idea from her, but no promises mine comes in right at 20 or that it goes in the actual order of things.....
1. We hosted a high school graduation party where I fed a hundred people and the weather was beautiful. My BFF flew in from Half Moon Bay for the occasion. I love her.
Now before you think things like HOLY CRAP 100 people at a grad party????, let me tell you that my husband comes from a family of 12 siblings. Just them and their kids is close to 50.