Clyde the Birthday Boy |
Winner winner, ducky dinner
Ok, no.... not a duck dinner, or a duck winner,
but I do have a winner and news from the land of duckens.
In case you don't know what a ducken is,
that's what you get when you are a 3 year old little girl.......
and you put the words duck and chicken together.
Halloween '13, but appropriate for this time of year |
So we don't have chickens and ducks here, we have duckens.
Last year I held a name the new ducken contest.
If daughter #2 picked one of the suggested names the winner received a cake tester.
Tina from
What we Keep won with her suggestion of
Now a year later I am happy to announce that Clementine, Cleo, and Hazel
have started laying eggs - just in time for my Easter basket.
So in addition to the two chickens laying eggs for us, we get up to 3 duck eggs a day.
Duck eggs are suppose to add extra "umph" to baked goods.
I haven't made a cake yet, but I did make a duck egg asparagus quiche.
Anyway.... Clyde the original duck and keeper of the ducken harem, had a birdday,
and in honor of his second birdday
I thought I would let him announce the winner of last weeks cake tester giveaway......
Enjoy the Easter weekend, we'll be having ham.... the duckens are all safe.
P.S. If you want to enter the giveaway for the big burlap coffee sack, go