
Orange Marquee Letters

A couple months ago I purchased a new rug for the family room in my quest to actually decorate with color.

I know what I like when I see something in someone elses house, but I don't always do so good picking out my own things.

But the rug.........I got it right.

And it's orange.

Adding some color to my otherwise beige toned home was sort of earth shattering for the people that know me.

Marquee Letters Painted Orange,

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Vintage Inspiration Party #198

Welcome back to the Vintage Inspiration Party!
The VIP is the place to share anything old, treasured, passed-down or tattered,
and you can also share projects that were made to look old,
including repurposed and upcycled creations.
Vintage Inspiration Party Features July

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Garage Sale Season

Here in Minnesota I save hunting at thrift stores for the winter time when no one in their right mind wants to be outside.

Spring, Summer and Fall however are made for being outside and enjoying the thrill of the hunt.

Garage Sale Finds

Many cities and towns host city wide sales, which are like a smorgasbord with very little driving once you get there, and street after street of sale after sale.

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Rustic Potting Bench

I used to have a door turned into a hanging potting bench on the side of the playhouse turned potting shed.

But then we turned the potting shed turned playhouse back into a playhouse and the warped cracked door I used to pot plants was sent to the burn pile.

Spring came and I decided not to pot as many plants as usual, but I still missed the shelf I had to do that on.

Enter this big 'ol heavy piece of weathered awesomeness.

Rustic Potting Bench from old table

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New Finds Of Old Stuff

I could just as easy title this post old finds, or finds that find me.

The stuff is old, and some of it shows up in my driveway without any solicitation.

Such was the case with this little oak desk......

Vintage Oak Desk,

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Vintage Inspiration Party #197

Welcome back to the Vintage Inspiration Party!
The VIP is the place to share anything old, treasured, passed-down or tattered, and you can also share projects that were made to look old,
including repurposed and upcycled creations.

Vintage Inspiration Party Features
Vintage Inspiration Party

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Rock River Landscape Removal

I've told you about Albert before, he's the old farmer we bought our land from. 

You can read the story {here} with the basics.  It's a pretty nice post about how we bought this land and how Albert's barn was burned down.

It's also about how I use Albert in my decorating, like this bench.....

Bench From Old Headboard,

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Family Room Coffee Table, Re-do #2

At Christmas time I gave a garage sale coffee table a faux metal/pewter/zinc-ish look, and it replaced a smaller bent willow table that was topped with glass.

I loved how the garage sale table turned out.

I painted it that faux color in anticipation of the gray couch I was going to be ordering in the new year.

Distressed Coffee Table Redo Fusion Paint,

But that didn't work out according to my plan.

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Master Bedroom Perfect Linens With Discount Code

When I do a review on this blog it's going to be because I really like something.

Sometimes I do reviews on things I have purchased myself and just want to share how great it is with you, and sometimes, like today it's because a company contacted me and I still want to share how great it is with you!

As per Thomas, the big cheese at Perfect Linens, they are a "line of superior sheets that aim to deliver truly exceptional comfort"..... because "life's too short for bad sheets".

I have to agree.

Perfect Linens Bed Sheets

And I gotta say..... they are pretty darn comfy.

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Vintage Inspiration Party #196

Welcome back to the Vintage Inspiration Party!
The VIP is the place to share anything old, treasured, passed-down or tattered, and you can also share projects that were made to look old, including salvaged, repurposed, and upcycled creations.
French country cottage decor

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Disclosure Policy for Bliss Ranch:
From time to time there might be a written review of services or products on this blog for which Bliss Ranch may or may not have received that service or product for free. Receiving a product or service for free or at a discount will never dictate what is written on this blog or guarantee a favorable review. All opinions here belong to Bliss Ranch and Bliss Ranch alone. Bliss Ranch is not monetarily compensated to write anything on this blog... period! For the complete privacy policy please see the tab at the top of the blog.