
Vintage Inspiration Party

Welcome back to the VIP! We have some wonderful upcycled, repurposed and vintage decor features this week we know you'll love!
Vintage Inspiration Party
Take a look at what your hosts have been up to recently!

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DIY Spindle Mattress

What's that you say, a DIY mattress?

Isn't DIY the initialism for "do it yourself"? 

So you want to know if there is such a thing as a DIY mattress, what is it, and why?

Well let the wise old owl just tell you.....

Spindle Mattress Bliss-Ranch.com

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Rock And Roll Coochie Coo

Last weekend I attended a baby shower for one of my nieces.

Rock and Roll Coochie Coo Baby Sign, Bliss-Ranch.com

When you forget someone isn't a 10 year old anymore it's strange when you realize they are now old enough to procreate.

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Vintage Inspiration Party

Welcome back to the VIP!
We have some wonderful upcycled, repurposed and vintage decor features this week we know you'll love!
Vintage Inspiration Party
Take a look at what your hosts have been up to recently!

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Two Groovey Side Tables

Earlier this year I redid a garage sale coffee table that only a few months prior had been given a makeover.

Fusion Mineral Paint Coffee Table Redo, Bliss-Ranch.com

That coffee table had two side table friends living in close proximity who also had been given a previous makeover, so then they needed to receive a makeover on top of a makeover.

Confused?  Don't be.

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Vintage Inspiration Party

Welcome back to the VIP!
We have some wonderful upcycled, repurposed and vintage decor features this week we know you'll love!
Vintage Inspiration Party
Take a look at what your hosts have been up to recently!

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Cucumber Salsa

Here I am doing it again... posting a recipe. 

Yes I know they are few and far between, and if you've been reading here a while and paying attention, they are few and far between because I hate doing recipe posts.

I just like to do eating posts.

For all I know everyone else in the world has seen cucumber salsa and this is old news. 

I'd never heard of it till #1 daughter wrote the recipe down, handed it to me, and said "don't pay attention to the weird ingredients, just make it".

cucumber salsa, bliss-ranch.com

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Building Update For #1 Son

Another summer has come and gone.

Kids are back in school and the evenings are a bit cooler.

We've had the neighbors I told you about a while back living across the yard now for four months.  It makes me sad to think they won't be there next summer, but excited for them to move in to their new home.

When you're building a house and doing much of the finishing work yourself, each day sort of holds the same routine. 

Get up, get the kids to school, go to work, come home, work on house.  Repeat. 

The weekends are particularly busy, you get to work on the house all day plus do all the stuff you needed to do during the week but didn't have time to get to.

Such is the life of #1 son and his wife right now.

But their house is starting to take on a personality, and some of the things that add their style are in place.

Tile is going up in the kids bathroom.

Building progress, subway tile, Bliss-Ranch.com

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Vintage Inspiration Party

Welcome back to the VIP!
We have some wonderful upcycled, repurposed and vintage decor features this week we know you'll love!
Vintage Inspiration Party
Take a look at what your hosts have been up to recently!

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Trash To Treasure Nightstand

Yesterday I showed you the free trash to treasure dresser that Eddie the friend of #2 son left behind when he moved, and today I have what is now the matching nightstand.

Trash To Treasure Dresser Nightstand, Bliss-Ranch.com

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Vote Apothecary Cabinet IKEA Hack

Almost two weeks ago I created an Apothecary cabinet for a contest I was asked to enter along with eight other bloggers.  (Click the link if you would like to take a peek at the build details).
IKEA Hack, Apothecary Cabinet, Bliss-Ranch.com

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Trash To Treasure Dresser

One mans trash is another mans treasure.

The first time I heard that line I was about 8 years old.  My mom said it as we walked to the house across the street from my aunt and uncles place where there was a yard sale.

I was mortified, I didn't know what a yard sale was, I thought those people were just cleaning out their garage.

Sorry mom.  Knowing me, I probably pitched a fit in the middle of the street.  Times have changed.

Coffee Sack Painted Dresser, Bliss-Ranch.com

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Vintage Inspiration Party

Welcome back to the VIP!
We have some wonderful upcycled, repurposed and vintage decor features this week we think you'll love!
repurposed and upcycled

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JORD Wood Watch

I've got this son.

Well actually I have four of those I guess.  But one of those, well he likes the finer things in life.

Wait.... they all like the finer things in life, maybe he's just better at saving his money when he needs to, so as to acquire those finer things.

His name happens to start with a J, the same as the maker of one of those F.T.'s in life.

And J likes watches.  His new favorites are JORD Wood Watches.

JORD Wood Watch, Bliss-Ranch.com #jordwatch

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Thrift Store Decor, Lampshade

It's the last Wednesday of the month and that means a quick redo of a cast off treasure someone else didn't want, but I did.
Thrift Store Decor, Citra-Solv Lampshade Transfer, Bliss-Ranch.com

Last month I redid an old clock, and for August I'm giving a pottery urn turned pottery urn lamp a new shade. 

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Vintage Inspiration Party

Welcome back to the Vintage Inspiration Party. We're so glad you are here!
The VIP is the place to share anything old, treasured, passed-down or tattered.
You can also share projects that were made to look old,
including repurposed and upcycled creations.

repurposed and upcycled

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Bagel Make'n

Oh Bliss, if you hate blogging about food stuff so much how come you keep doing it?

How come you are talking to yourself too?

The answer to both those questions is... I don't know!

Easy New York Style Bagels, Bliss-Ranch.com

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Vintage Inspiration Party #202

Welcome back to the Vintage Inspiration Party. We are so glad you're here!
The VIP is the place to share anything old, treasured, passed-down or tattered.
You can also share projects that were made to look old,
including repurposed and upcycled creations. 

repurposed and upcycled
Take a look at what your hosts have been up to recently!

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IKEA Rast Dresser Hack

I love a challenge.

I love to create.

So a creative challenge is right up my alley.

And a creative challenge where everything is supplied compliments of sponsors, with the chance to win something, well heck yeah - I'm in!

I 'm anxious to show you all the details of this hack-redo-conversion, and what basically amounted to a total transformation, so all of the build details are included.

But first you.must.see.the.finished.hack.

Feast your eyeballs on this beauty........

IKEA Rast Dresser Hack, Bliss-Ranch.com

Now pop those same eyeballs back into year head so you can see the before.  

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Online Auction Wins

I'm fortunate enough to live within a reasonable drive of a few large auction houses.

These days with the internet they don't always host live auctions where a person has to stand in the hot sun or a cold shed for half a day waiting for that one item on the wish list.

With online auctions if you lived in Abu Dhabi you could bid and have your hearts desire shipped to you.  I just hop in the car and go fetch my auction wins.

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Vintage Inspiration Party #201

Welcome back to the Vintage Inspiration Party. We are so glad you're here!
The VIP is the place to share anything old, treasured, passed-down or tattered.
You can also share projects that were made to look old,
including repurposed and upcycled creations.  

Vintage Inspiration Party

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Feeling Beachy Sign

I started a Christmas gift for my BFF who lives along the beautiful Northern California coast.

Beach Sign, Bliss-Ranch.com

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Building Progress Two Months In

Anyone who has ever built a new home can close their eyes and still smell the fresh scent of the pine wall studs.  

I know I can, and walking into #1 sons house as it was being framed took me back to the time I first encountered that smell.  I loved that smell then and I love it now.

New Home Building, Bliss-Ranch.com

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200th Vintage Inspiration Party

Welcome everyone!
Would you believe that today marks the 200th Vintage Inspiration Party?!!
We're so glad you are here to join in with us.  
There are some party giveaways for you as well, so don't miss them below.
party features
Take a look at what your hosts have been up to recently!
Knick of Time
Connect with Knick of Time - Facebook / Pinterest / Twitter / Instagram / Hometalk
Knick of time VIP 200
My Salvaged Treasures
Connect with My Salvaged Treasures - Facebook / Pinterest / Instagram
milking stool
Organized Clutter
Connect with Organized Clutter - Facebook / Pinterest / Twitter / Instagram
Organized Clutter
Bliss Ranch
Connect with Bliss Ranch - Facebook / Pinterest / Twitter / Instagram / Hometalk
vintage clock sign
Connect with Villabarnes - Facebook
shabby chic decor
Here are our feature picks from last week's party!
VIP Features
Angie pick
vintage card catalog
Betsy pick
vintage Shasta trailer
Carlene pick
ironstone collection display
Bliss Pick
nautical decor
Rosemary pick
antique crate storage
You Can Buy It
vintage wooden cutting board
VIP Featured Blog
Patina Paradise
If you were featured today, feel free to grab this button!
Giveaway #1. Win your choice of any 2 Vintage Sign Stencils!
To enter Look at the stencil styles HERE, and leave a comment telling me which 2 you would like if you are the winner!
Giveaway #2. Visit My Salvaged Treasures HERE to enter her wonderful giveaway as well!
Winners will be announced at the party next week!
VIP It's Your Turn
Let's see your Repurposed, Upcycled, Vintage & Vintage-inspired creativity!
(No foods or general crafts please)
By linking up at the VIP, you agree that your photos may be shared on social media to promote the party or featured in a round-up, with a link back to you.

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Disclosure Policy for Bliss Ranch:
From time to time there might be a written review of services or products on this blog for which Bliss Ranch may or may not have received that service or product for free. Receiving a product or service for free or at a discount will never dictate what is written on this blog or guarantee a favorable review. All opinions here belong to Bliss Ranch and Bliss Ranch alone. Bliss Ranch is not monetarily compensated to write anything on this blog... period! For the complete privacy policy please see the tab at the top of the blog.