
The Little House Part One

How about some house talk today with a few Autumn tree pictures?

And when I say talk, I mean talk, there isn't a bunch of DIY photos.

Just because I've been busy posting wedding stuff doesn't mean that there isn't the constant renovation of something going on in our world.... there is.

This post is going to start out with a story, and the next post will have some of the DIY.  So if you're not in the mood for a wordy post, you might want to skip this story and stop back in next time.

What you will get this time is the story of the little house, and why it's going through some changes.

Little Minnesota House,

In 1992 my dad had a stroke enjoying his retirement with a round at the golf course.  At that time my parents lived in California where they had been for the past fifty years.

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Updated Mudroom Faucet With Pfister

20+ years ago we installed the hardest working faucet in our house in a tiny mudroom wash and go area.

I say it's the hardest working because in those 20 years it was the faucet that saw the grimiest of hands, and it was the first place of rest when anyone ran inside in a hurry, if you know what I mean.  PU!

Hands working hard in the garage, out in the yard, and the faucet that six kids delivered their dirtiest paws too.

Oh, and it saw animal paws as well.

My family put the mud in mudroom.

Pfister Faucet Mudroom Bath

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Wood Bow Ties Thrifty Style November

Hello hello hello, welcome to the November installment of the Thrifty Style Team, where a gaggle of gals show us how to be thrifty in our homes and lives.

I happen to be one of the thrifty gaggle gals, and today I'm going to show you how around here last month we used thrifty style to be stylish.

I guess you could say I'm putting the style in thrifty style this month.

Now I will tell 'ya, as far as style goes I'm the last person who would ever claim to be any kind of a fashion plate, but I do know a good-looking bow tie when I see one.

Handmade Wood Bow Ties,

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