
Supervising Rock and Mulch Moving

Lest you think I have been lying around for over a week doing nothing......

I'll have you know if need be I can supervise just about any project very well thank you, from one of the windows in the house.

I've. Done. Nothing.

But supervise that is.

I did plant some plants in the buckets I've been collecting.
Those are now hung from chain along a garage wall in the back yard.

And just like I said I supervised the hanging job from the window.

I think they'll look pretty when they get growing and fill in.   I always forget to water what hangs there, so maybe the extra deep buckets of soil will help these from drying out so fast.

This week the iris are blooming, along with everything else.
Spring came s l o w l y here in Minnesota.

The lilac bush below our bedroom window makes the room smell wonderful and this is my first year with blooming peonies bushes.

And this pile of rock in the driveway,
To replace mulch that the chickens scratch in and make a mess........

Turned this area.........

Into this...........

All while I supervised.

Everything but the old metal wheel was already planted there, just in mulch instead of rock.  HA... take THAT chickens, lets see you scratch and make a mess of these rocks!

So the rock pile while not gone yet, is much smaller now.

But then yesterday this arrived on the driveway.........

To re-mulch some areas that didn't get rock.

I will probably supervise the mulch moving too.

And the duckens are getting big.

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  1. At least when I supervise, I provide shirtless boy pictures. But the ducks are cute too.

  2. You are welcome to come supervise (and crack the whip) around my house...I want my yard to look as lovely as yours!

  3. Wow, they grow so fast! They're still so cute.
    I'm loving those buckets. Have you tried using the gel stuff like in diapers?
    I saw on the news that you may be getting some big storms today- those buckets will be watered for you. ;)
    I hope the chickens don't start a rock fight.

  4. Those buckets are such a fantastic idea. I may just have to try that myself.

  5. The dickens are too cute!!! And the new flower bed looks just great! Good supervising!

  6. Sometimes it's best to take it easy and let everyone else do all the hard work, Mrs. B !!!
    Your garden is so lovely, and the newly 'stoned' flowerbed looks great, but it must be hard not to forgive the duckens, when they look so cute !

  7. Your flower bed is looking lovely. The supervisor has the most important job, and you've done well! All of my perennials are way behind this year, so only a few blooms here. And I saw the first 2 army worms today. Where there's one, there are 10,000 followers. Ewwwww.

    Do I have to follow each blog separately with Bloglovin? I signed up a while ago and get a daily email with all my blogs, so I thought that would suffice. Darn GFC!

  8. It looks lovely Bliss, you are obviously doing your job well :) I like mulch but that rock looks great and no more messes!!

  9. The new planting is beautiful! I love the bucket planters, too. And supervising is one job I aspire to...

  10. You have such a beautiful yard. I love the rock area. I'm a big fan of rock and mulch.

  11. I wish I had someone to come do that for me! I hate this grass. Nothing but trouble and costs me money to have it mowed. Wish I had your cute critters too! The dogs would go crazy though.

  12. love the duckens and the wheel. Your buckets are inspiring too.

    You make a fine supervisor!

  13. You're quite the supervisor! A lot of work has gotten done, so you must crack the whip. I love the bucket planters. They're so much fun!

  14. Love the buckets filled with flowers! Keep on supervising!

  15. How wonderful to see a new post from you! Supervising. That sounds wonderful. It means you have workers to do things for you. I want people to supervise. Those duckens are so adorable.

    1. I just added you to my bloglovin feed! And, I borrowed some (ok most) of your blogloving info in the last paragraph, hope you don't mind. Keep on supervising :)

  16. That garden looks great with the stone! I really like the hanging buckets, too. You are an excellent supervisor with the results to show for you expertise!

  17. Your supervising skills are top notch! Love the hanging buckets. Did you drill holes in the bottom for drainage? The garden area looks lovely and crisp with white gravel. The duckens are darling and still on my desk top.

  18. Love, love the hanging buckets, brilliant!! The duckens are getting so big and I'll bet they quite enjoy clucking around in your beautiful garden space. Well done Supervisor Bliss!!

  19. Supervising is hard work!! I see it gets the job done!! Love the hanging buckets!!! The duckets are still adorable and the landscaping is gorgeous!! Girl, keep up the good(hard) work!

  20. I bet you worked up quite a sweat with all that supervising! LOL! Those rocks should do the trick to keep the chickens from making a mess. Love how that bed looks now. Your purple irises look beautiful! Your hanging buckets are cute too. Did you drill holes in the bottom for drainage? You might need to supervise that job if it hasn't been done yet. LOL!

  21. Love the hanging buckets with plants inside. Very clever! And your garden looks great with that rusty wheel tucked in with everything else. I am so jealous that you have chickens and duckens (is that really what they're called?). Been wanting to have chickens for awhile now but they'd probably drive the cats nuts. Thanks for joining the Summer Inspiration Decor party!

  22. LOVE the buckets of flowers hanging!! Genius idea!
    Mary Alice

  23. What a difference the rocks make! That area is gorgeous, although the chickens may disagree! ;)

  24. Your yard is looking beautiful! You are an excellent supervisor.

  25. Bliss!! Those bucket planters are awesome!! I'd love to see a shot of the whole wall! Supervising's a tough job, but somebody has to do it. ;-)
    xo Heidi

  26. OK, that picture of your outdoor space is completely gorgeous..... And the hanging planter buckets is a good idea too. You're good at supervising stuff!!

  27. Anonymous6/24/2013

    Very nice buckets you have there Bliss! Gives me an idea for a few I have in the junk pile... The little ducks are the cutest. Can't wait to have a few myself :)

  28. You make landscaping look so easy.

  29. love it all and you know I love the rocks....yard looks great!!!been traveling a lot lot need to do some pics

  30. Supervising is so much fun, I have to say!

    Your flower pails are so pretty... what a great idea, girl!

  31. Wow you have been busy and those buckets in the front are gorgeous. The duckens have really gotten big and are still adorable. The rocks are going to be so much better with the chickens, I can just imagine the mess. Sorry for taking so long getting back to you but with the over etc., can see it on the blog I am just starting to get caught up.


  32. I was already following you on Bloglovin, but I checked to make sure.

    You have given me several ideas - I have just the place to hang a bucket and fill it with flowers.

    I bought a bike rim and have it on display in the house right now, but I think it might just end up in the garden surrounded by flowers.

  33. Bliss I love the pics! Supervising is our best attribute! Ha!

  34. Love the hanging buckets with plants! So fun :)

  35. Well thank God you were there supervising! Everything looks beautiful Bliss!

  36. Hey Bliss, we have a lot in common...chickens who dig massive holes, piles of mulch, buckets with flowers (although mine drowned because it's been raining here for -EVER!) We have ducks too, are you sure we're not the same person? I do like to supervise -through a window, with a glass of iced tea. Hope you're having a happy week!

  37. Love this title. You are the best title writer! I think I should pay you in ducks to write my titles. You know we are just thinking about doing our mulch and rocks. My bleeding heart are still blooming. What??? Crazy.

  38. You’re landscaping looks beautiful. I love the pails hanging. The ducklings are getting bigger. They are just the sweetest. I miss mine :(

  39. Oh my's all gorgeous and your ducklings are super cute! XO, Aimee

  40. Those duckens are precious! I fear I'd be trying to kiss and hug them!

    I had a good week of supervising here/ planning. I've actually watched weeds grow for days.. And did nothing. That is odd for me- but I'm trying to slow down and enjoy.

    I did not help with painting our living room as I have the past five years. I've cut flowers for inside the house, read, stared at the trees and napped.

    I quite like it!

  41. Cute ducks just chillen around, how cute. Looks like supervising is going well around there Bliss. Looking really good. I love the buckets with flowers too, so pretty.

  42. the duckens are so big! (and cute!)
    great job supervising Bliss. I love the look of the rocks. I have put some in my potted plants, but they get knocked over, then I have a mess in the grass that makes me worry about mowing. :( Even though I like how they look, and hope they keep the moisture in my plants, I think I may have to rethink it.

    Your landscaping looks fabulous and I love the buckets!

  43. Perhaps you could come and supervise at my house and get something done while I'm off working on projects at other people's houses. The hanging buckets are supreme!

  44. I love the rocks around all the foliage. Those duckens are too cute. Do the galvanized buckets hold the moisture in? I would love a few of those scattered in the yard just for some visual interest.

  45. Darn it I like all of this too.....come to my house and was only 102 today. Perfect will love this...My son and daughter in law moved to a place with 10 acres...they needed a mower. Green acres it ain't but crazy way out their crazy ...alpacas,2 great white Pyrenees,chickens( purple eggs) and a Kitty tossed out of a car, plus on Llama.....I thought my house was crazy......and your ducks a little over the edge ....hummming along is s blog she started so I can see what is going on.....take care sweet lady...and stay cool

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