
Old Photo Window Valance

I spend way too much time by my computer with one lone window dressed only in a mini blind.

It used to have a fabric valance, which was just something I urgently picked up at Target before company arrived one time.

Since often I don't take things down to clean them till it is also time to get rid of them, there was a rod waiting in anticipation after I took the valance down for washing.

About 15 years ago I picked up a box at a garage sale and it had some vintage photos inside.  I couldn't throw them out, so I hung 'em high instead.  It took 15 years to get around to it and I am sure I came close to throwing them out many times.

I find the hair-do on the groom funny.  He has a highway down the middle, but he's not bald.  Maybe it's a reverse mohawk?  Maybe he's a clown when he isn't getting hitched.  Maybe it's just humidity, something like that happens to my hair too.

This was quick and easy to do.  I had some clips in a drawer so I just strung them on the rod and clipped the vintage photos to it.  Doesn't get much simpler than that.

The walls in here are chocolate brown.  I've had some bead board waiting to be hung for a couple years now.  Maybe this fall?  Painted a nice creamy color it would really brighten up the space.  Or maybe I'll just paint the room instead.   Or maybe I'll convert an unused room to an office?  Maybe I'll just have another cup of coffee instead.

These were all real people, and I'm pretty sure they never thought 100 years ago that they would one day hang as a window treatment in someone's home.

Makes me wonder what will become of all the pictures of me after I'm dead and buried!

The Post Partying At:
Knick of Time Tuesday @KnickofTime
Ivy & Elephants 
It's A Party @DIYbyDesign

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  1. such a unique idea! i love it!

  2. Wow - I didn't think they had hair gel back then, but they must have for him to achieve his "highway"!

  3. Great pictures...great valance. Very clever!
    It makes for a great conversation piece I bet...
    Loved this.

  4. Oh how cool, cool cool! Pinning:)

  5. Ok Bliss - you're a freaking GENIUS !!!
    That looks over the top fantastic - love love love

  6. That is a wonderful idea! I think that coffee gives you some kind of super creative thinking power!

  7. What a fantastic idea. I love it. I have a box full of old photos of my grandmother (which I adore) and this would be such a great way to display them!! Thank you for the idea :)

  8. Oh, I love it! I figure what will happen to our photos is where we find them, in some antique mall or junk store somewhere!

  9. Love it! What a great idea. I have been meaning to hang some vintage family photos (or at least copies) of our family.

  10. LOL and I am truly laughing out loud. First it was the thought of you wearing only a mini blind, then it was the parting of the seas - oops I mean the highway. Wow, that's some hairdo. Thank you darling Bliss for the laughs. I have tears in my eyes.


    and your valence is very cool.

    Don't take off that mini blind - what would the neighbours think? :)

  11. Deep thoughts! Now I'm freaked out about the future of my photos. :P

    Super cute idea!

  12. Wallpaper. I hope I become wallpaper. (Creepy?)

  13. What a fun idea, Bliss! And I have to admit, every time I'm in Cracker Barrel, I look at all the old portraits on the walls and think those people would never have imagined where they'd end up...

  14. Love this idea, Bliss -- and you know you won't see the exact same valence in someone else's home right? :)
    xo Heidi

  15. Great idea, Bliss! I have some old ones myself... Now you've got me thinkin'. Hope all is well around the ranch! :)

  16. Well that was a fun and quick project! Love it!

  17. Great idea! I have hung our pictures on drapery hooks but I like your idea of making it a valance! Clever girl....

  18. Great idea Bliss ... interesting, creative and I like it.
    Audrey Z. @ Timeless Treasures

  19. That dude is definitely Barf from Spaceballs.

    What a fun idea!


  20. Bliss this is way too cool and clever. Love it!


  21. This is such a cute idea, and I have some of those clips, somewhere...........
    and maybe big hair was a sign of status !!!

  22. I always feel so bad when I see boxes of someone's old photos! This was a cool idea to use them! That groom's hair is too funny!!

  23. There is so much history in all those old photos. They're way too worthy to be merely kept in a box! I think you valance is fabulous. Love it and pinned ~ Amy

  24. LOVE this idea-so creative! I have many old photos around-some relatives, some hubby thinks it's kinda creepy, but I like them! :)

  25. Oh my goodness, what a treasure! I love looking at old photos like these and imagining what their lives were like. Of course, I've never surmised that one might be a clown based on the part in his hair. You crack me up! Now, the humidity...that seems pretty likely. xo

  26. This looks great Bliss. I say have another cup of coffee.

  27. What better way to honor these people from the past!
    I have several around my home in vintage frames!
    Enjoy! Thanks for sharing!

  28. Hmmmm ... strange dead people presiding over the room from up high. I think I saw them all nod in agreement about the beadboard wallpaper ...

    :) Linda

  29. Wow, I wouldn't have thought of using photos that way! They look fantastic hanging in the window, great use of those gorgeous old photos!
    Debbie :)

  30. I am having a good laugh at the grooms hair too. Wow, that is a serious amount of poof with a valley. This was before hair products were available to control those things. I wonder the same thing about my photos all the time. I hope I get hung up in someone's window. Just as long as they don't make fun of my hair.

  31. Great idea and so easy! Love your post and the look of your blog. Visiting from What's It Wednesday and following you via Bloglovin'!

  32. How unique and beautiful! I love this idea! Fabulous, thanks so much for sharing, this is one for the books, and magazines and pinterest, and ... everything!!!!

  33. Sometimes I worry you'll get tired of me commenting on your posts because I usually have to say something to the effect of how creative you are. But gosh darn it, this is so creative! And cool! (and the hair made me laugh too)

  34. I cringe at the thought of all of the incriminating photos of me that could be used in home decor - let's just say what happens in Cancun needs to stay in Cancun!

  35. I love what you did with these old photos. I have a box of these as well, and now you have me thinking! I might have to do something at the shop for Halloween. This is another one of your great creative ideas.

  36. Great post. Yes, coffee is always a good idea. Do you get stuck on Pinterest like I do? I am thinking maybe that's why I don't get anything done.

  37. Neat idea!!

    Thinking out-of-the-box!! :)

    Have a blessed and wonderful day!!

  38. Well, better late than never here! I'm glad you saved those pictures! It always makes me sad when I see family photos at the's sad that there was no one at all in the family that wanted them! You had a good idea there!

  39. I love this idea! I'm looking at a plain old ugly mini blind in my office too. I bought a box full of old photos at a yard sale recently...hmm, just might have to be a copy cat.

  40. I love this Bliss! I have some old photos like this that I'm always trying to find a way to display that is different! This is perfect!~~Angela

  41. Oh my gosh I just adore this idea!!

  42. I love this Bliss!! Pinning and eventually copying! ;)

    Melissa @ Shabby Love

  43. So cute! What a great idea.

  44. Really cute idea. I think I would do it with all the grandkid's pictures.


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