
October Is For The Birds

This post is for the birds if you like decorating in October for Halloween.

Or live in Bodega Bay.

You know those black birds and ravens that you can pick up at the store this time of year?

They can be a little pricey unless your dollar store happens to have some.

Mine doesn't.

So what's a bird lover to do?

Spray Paint Birds for Halloween,

Well if you need some fine feathered friends to pluck your eyeball out, hang it from a tendon, then gather all the free or cheap white wedding doves you can find.

Or summon up Alfred Hitchcock - which ever is easier.

White wedding doves are nothing that a can of matte black spray paint can't fix.

Spray Paint Birds for Halloween,

Spray, flip, repeat.

Spray Paint Birds for Halloween,

Before you know it you've got a flock of creepy looking black birds ready to swoop down upon you or land all over your house.

Spray Paint Birds for Halloween,

Some of the birds clip on, some have bird feet, some without feet, blue-pink-green, it doesn't matter once you aim the spray paint nozzle at them.

Spray Paint Birds for Halloween,

Because you just never know when you might need to channel your inner Tippi Hedren and fight them off.

Spray Paint Birds for Halloween,

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  1. Getting ready for your Halloween bash I see? I've collected quite a stash of creepy black birds but now I needs some dangling eyeballs!

  2. hahaha...that was such a great costume.
    Party or no party this year?

  3. What a great idea! I'm a big Tippi fan. I went to a Halloween party as Melanie Daniels one year. So easy to do, a skirt suit, tease up your hair, add some bloody cuts and wear a raven attached to a headband on your head. Fun times!

  4. You are a Halloween genius!!

  5. Of course you would be clever enough to think of this! You are a painting queen and so good at repurposing things.

  6. I just need to remember to collect the birds during the year. Birds are my favorite halloween decor item. So if I ever decorate for halloween, I will definitely use spray painted birds!

  7. Bwahahaha ... pretty spooky!

  8. This is an awesome idea! I'm glad I got to read it before the birds plucked out my eyes! LOL! Nevermore! I love creepy crows for Halloween! Hugs, Leena

  9. Black crows are one of my favorite Halloween symbols. I love this idea!!

  10. That is a great idea...I love the look of them all gathered like that...and the Tippi Hedrin costume is so perfect!


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