
Glass Light Globe Pumpkins

Fall.  I  love  it.  Not just a little,  a lot.  

Bliss-Ranch.com Glass Light Globe Pumpkins

I don't usually start to decorate till October, and when I do it normally has a spooky twist.  All those years as a Halloween party hostess I guess.

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Quick Set Concrete Pumpkins

Over at Fox Hollow Cottage I spied a guest post from Shayna at The Wood Grain Cottage for some concrete pumpkins, and I knew right away I was gonna make some.

Using quick set concrete was right up my alley since I now have three stone look walkways made using the stuff.

Quick Set Concrete Pumpkins, Bliss-Ranch.com
Terracotta pumpkin, and thick foam light up pumpkin with his electrical gutted and removed

These are my first victims.

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Pallet Halloween Props

Give a man a couple chisels, the back side of a hammer, and two old wood pallets and in no time at all you can have a spooky fence for Halloween.

You wanted a spooky fence right?

I did.  I needed it for a haunted trail.

Pallet Halloween Fence Bliss-Ranch.com
Now don't judge most of these photos too harshly.  When they were taken, I didn't know I was ever going to have a blog and show them to people.

Nor did I know that using old wood pallets was going to become all the rage 10 years later.

This is the tale of pallets and days gone by many Octobers ago.

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Spooky Halloween Silhouette Windows

It's Shock-tober at Bliss Ranch, and that means highlight some of my favorite Halloween projects from around this haunted house.

One dark and gloomy October day a few years back before the Bliss Ranch blog existed, I decided to make my version of Martha Stewart window silhouettes.

I followed her tutorial here.

Halloween Silhouette Windows Bliss-Ranch.com

Well, I kinda followed it.

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Cottage Bench + Link Party

You wanna see some sweet salvage style stuff? 

Salvage Style Alberts Bench Bliss-Ranch.com

Of course you do!

Along with me are 8 other bloggers willing to show you their upcycled, repurposed, or trash to treasure projects and then at the bottom link up your projects because we all want to see what you've been creating.

The Bliss Ranch Project - not to be confused since it's October with the Blair Witch
Project - is a vintage headboard I won at an auction for five buckaroonies.

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50 Shaded Questions

Kirby from Kirb Appeal and Andi from Delusions of Ingenuity, are now on the top of my list.

You know what list that is right?.... my schmidt list.  

Not because I don't like them, I do, they are a whole lotta funny.

They are on the list because they've obviously got my number and know I won't say no.

So, because I am such a gosh darn good sport, I'm going to answer 50 questions that I was tagged in....twice.... that have nothing to do with painting or recycling furniture.

That is twice as in I was tagged twice.  You're welcome -  I won't be answering them twice.

1. What are you wearing?
My birthday suit.  With a jammies chaser.

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$2.00 Box of Wood Hangers

I mentioned in my last post that I had picked up a box of mystery items on the same day I brought home the pine box that I painted with French Lime paint.

The mystery box contents are two dollars worth of wood hangers. 

Some vintage, some with advertising, including some of the short grippy wood ones that hold *slacks*, and some unfinished ones that are a blank canvas for me.

Bliss-Ranch.com box of vintage hangers

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Pine Box with French Lime Paint

I don't want to act all goofy and giddy, but Maison Blanche sent me a new paint to try out, and well, I LOVE IT!

Half Moon Bay California Box Maison Blanche Paint Bliss-Ranch.com

Maybe some of you have painted things like the Sistine Chapel or Italian Frescoes but not me, I'm small pahtatas in the world of art.

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Microwave Corn on Cob Complete With Husks and Silk

Friends, Romans, Countrymen, lend me your ears......

Corn on Cob in Husks for Microwave Bliss-Ranch.com
I suppose by the time I get around to doing a post on a tip I saw - and tried -  that you've all seen and tried this on you own?

Oh well.

I'm gonna write sort of a corny post anyway (as that joke proves to be lame at best).

And I'm also gonna make sure I type the word corn and corny correctly each time.  They are the kind of words if I type them wrong, spell check won't catch - and it will take this post to a very dark place on the internet with stalks stripped down to their golden bits.

At the beginning of August when the sweet corn harvest was bountiful around here, I saw a little video on cooking corn, husks and all, in the microwave.

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Pillows I Can't Make

Well howdy-doo everyone. 

Imma gonna partake in just a slight Bliss Bashing.

Quit reading if you can't fathom that thought.

When I started this blog I announced for God and everyone to read that I. Can't. Sew.

That was no joke, and then I went on to make some coffee sack pillows which was agony for me even though I was pleased with the result. 

Here's my coffee sack version of a burlap bolster with added doo dads for bling.

Bliss-Ranch.com Coffee Sack Pillows

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