Imperfect Pumpkins Sign
One thing I am positive about is that there is never a dull moment around here, and there is also never a shortage of things to do, work or otherwise.
Along with my new found love of growing dahlias, we have a couple of kids with green thumbs growing their own veggie gardens, and this year Daughter #2 is throwing her hat in the pumpkin growing field.
Last Fall D#2 decided she wanted to have a pumpkin patch so she saved seeds to sow in spring from her unusually shaped pumpkins and gourds that were sitting on her porch.
pumpkin sign
Vintage Bucket September Thrifty Style Team
There's a hole in the bucket Dear Liza, Dear Liza.....
Well not really.
The vintage enamel bucket below is very solid with nary a hole and I'm giving it an update for the September Thrifty Style Team, along with a second update using the inside metal cylinder from an antique ice cream maker.
You will find links to the other Thrifty Style Team members below, so stop in and see how thrifty they are this month.
Dear Lizas Bucket
vintage bucket
white enamel bucket
Bliss Ranch Dahlia Garden
There are flower farmers, and then there are FLOWER FARMERS.
There are people who plant flowers, and there are people who plant, grow, and tend flowers.
There are people who take their passion for growing flowers very seriously, or make an income from it, and some who grow tons of blooms for the pure enjoyment of the whole process from start to finish.
And there are also people like me.
Clyde The Duck Sign
Clyde belonged to daughter #2 and he was quite the character who wandered around the ranch for many years until a vicious racoon tore his head off. Yeah that's a harsh visual, but it's the sad truth.
When more Peking ducks arrived at our house there was a name that duck contest for Clyde's girlfriends. My daughter picked the name Hazel, and Tina (follow her on Instagram at TLC4wwk) suggested the winning name that my daughter chose, and Clyde's main sidekick was named Clementine.
I affectionately referred to Clyde & his harem as the crapping quackers.
But Clyde was her main bird.
Clyde the duck celebrated his birthday, and was a pretty good sport when my daughter made him numbered hats each year to commemorate the day. Daughter #2 will always have a soft spot in her heart for him. A duck, go figure.
But I don't miss Clyde, Clementine and Hazel crapping on my porch and eating my flowers even though they looked cute as they waddled around the yard. Nothing says welcome to my home like duck doo.
Recently at the local auction house I put a low bid in on a pile of junk - that low bid being $2.50. Turns out no one wanted that pile of stuff so it came home with me.
duck sign
vintage duck rocker
August Thrifty Style Team Storage Crates
Hello hello hello, it's time for the August Thrifty Style Team projects, and you're invited to click the links at the bottom to find out how the other ladies are being thrifty for August.
Yikes, that means Fall is right around the corner and I would prefer summer to last a couple months longer. Not that I don't like Autumn, it's my fav, but we didn't really get much of a Spring, June was a wash, literally, with lots of rain, July flew by and now here we are at the middle of August.
Besides, I'm just getting into the groove of summer projects, and I realize there is so much on the list that won't be getting done. Boo, and I don't mean that in a Fall ghost sort of way.
However I did have to add a few things to the indoor list because there is this puppy that came to live with us.
And he likes to chew.
And we like to wear shoes.
Yikes, that means Fall is right around the corner and I would prefer summer to last a couple months longer. Not that I don't like Autumn, it's my fav, but we didn't really get much of a Spring, June was a wash, literally, with lots of rain, July flew by and now here we are at the middle of August.
Besides, I'm just getting into the groove of summer projects, and I realize there is so much on the list that won't be getting done. Boo, and I don't mean that in a Fall ghost sort of way.
However I did have to add a few things to the indoor list because there is this puppy that came to live with us.
And he likes to chew.
And we like to wear shoes.
Variety is the Spice of Doggie Life, meet a Boston Terrier, Bernadoogle and a Lab
If you've been following along you know that Bliss Ranch has gone to the dogs the last few posts (links to the previous posts are at the bottom), and I thought I would tell you the real reason the canines have taken over....
Honest Abe the Mock-Viz gets up at 5:00 am sharp every.single.day.
And he wants my company.
So to fill my time at the crack of dawn while he gets some outside time, and inside time, and outside time, and inside time, I scroll on Facebook and see what the bloggers I know are up too.
I discovered I wasn't alone in this new puppy business, there are other new puppy mamma's who have cute pups too, and you know the saying "misery loves company", well we might not really be in misery but we all certainly do understand what bringing a puppy home can do to life as we once knew it.
Honest Abe the Mock-Viz gets up at 5:00 am sharp every.single.day.
And he wants my company.
So to fill my time at the crack of dawn while he gets some outside time, and inside time, and outside time, and inside time, I scroll on Facebook and see what the bloggers I know are up too.
I discovered I wasn't alone in this new puppy business, there are other new puppy mamma's who have cute pups too, and you know the saying "misery loves company", well we might not really be in misery but we all certainly do understand what bringing a puppy home can do to life as we once knew it.
Boston Terrier
Honest Abe The MockViz Mutt
With Dog Week continuing at the Ranch, today's post will be breed specific to Abe. You can read his introduction to the ranch (here) and about his puppy fav's (here).
Today I'm gonna write down for the ages what kind of dog Abe is suppose to be, and also is suppose to become, based on his mixed breed personality and looks.
A mutt. Abe is a mutt, that's what kind of a dog he is. Well that's if a mutt has a minimum mix of two breeds of dogs.
A Vizsla, pronounced Veesla, (don't pronounce the Zzz among full bred owners), is a Hungarian dog. I'm not all into what dogs were bred for back in ancient times, my modern intention is that he is our pet and likes naps when I like napping. So far so good on that. But when he's not being a regular pet his natural instinct is to point and find game. That is a trait he inherited from his English Setter mother as well as his Vizsla Pa. Many of his fathers Vizsla qualities overlap with those of his English Setter mother. Except looks. Honest Abe gets his good looks and charm from his papa. The two breeds don't look anything alike, with the Vizsla being the better looking of the two in my opinion.

I have to remind myself he is only half Vizsla, which means regarding his temperament and personality he is just as much English Setter. It's easier to think of Abe as only a Vizsla like his dad, because he looks like one, or so it appears anyway. But digging a little deeper I found out he has some differences from his full bred father and anyone who owns a pure Vizsla would probably look at Abe and know right away he is a Mock-Viz.
Today I'm gonna write down for the ages what kind of dog Abe is suppose to be, and also is suppose to become, based on his mixed breed personality and looks.
A mutt. Abe is a mutt, that's what kind of a dog he is. Well that's if a mutt has a minimum mix of two breeds of dogs.
A Vizsla, pronounced Veesla, (don't pronounce the Zzz among full bred owners), is a Hungarian dog. I'm not all into what dogs were bred for back in ancient times, my modern intention is that he is our pet and likes naps when I like napping. So far so good on that. But when he's not being a regular pet his natural instinct is to point and find game. That is a trait he inherited from his English Setter mother as well as his Vizsla Pa. Many of his fathers Vizsla qualities overlap with those of his English Setter mother. Except looks. Honest Abe gets his good looks and charm from his papa. The two breeds don't look anything alike, with the Vizsla being the better looking of the two in my opinion.

I have to remind myself he is only half Vizsla, which means regarding his temperament and personality he is just as much English Setter. It's easier to think of Abe as only a Vizsla like his dad, because he looks like one, or so it appears anyway. But digging a little deeper I found out he has some differences from his full bred father and anyone who owns a pure Vizsla would probably look at Abe and know right away he is a Mock-Viz.
Honest Abe's Doggie Fav's
Even though around here we spend a great deal of time on home improvements, DIY and furniture makeovers, we also spend a lot of time with other peoples dogs as a pet sitting home, and now a new puppy of our own.
It's dog week here, but rest assured there are still some DIY projects that go along with new dog ownership, and I am not becoming a pet blog. And lest you think I favor dogs, I also like cats, we just don't have one anymore, and I'm worried I could become the crazy dog lady. But the truth is this little pooch has been occupying a lot of my time and the last three home projects all involved keeping the house and dog safe.
In the last post I told you how a new pup has claimed this place as his domain, what went in to the decision to get another dog after not having one for 1.5 years and how we were turned down for a rescue puppy because we have a doggie door that goes outside. Today you'll find out his breed, and the products I am finding to be money well spent.
Abe's age is now 19 weeks, he's lived here for 10 and he's catching on to the rules very nicely.
And yes he is spoiled.
It's dog week here, but rest assured there are still some DIY projects that go along with new dog ownership, and I am not becoming a pet blog. And lest you think I favor dogs, I also like cats, we just don't have one anymore, and I'm worried I could become the crazy dog lady. But the truth is this little pooch has been occupying a lot of my time and the last three home projects all involved keeping the house and dog safe.
In the last post I told you how a new pup has claimed this place as his domain, what went in to the decision to get another dog after not having one for 1.5 years and how we were turned down for a rescue puppy because we have a doggie door that goes outside. Today you'll find out his breed, and the products I am finding to be money well spent.
Abe's age is now 19 weeks, he's lived here for 10 and he's catching on to the rules very nicely.
And yes he is spoiled.
Abe on his outdoor Coolaroo Dog Bed
Honest Abe
Meet The New Dog On The Block
Right around Mothers Day life around here got a little more energetic.
No I haven't signed up for a marathon, although I might argue that chasing a new puppy around should certainly qualify.
Meet Abe, the new dog in the yard.
Well I guess I do.
English Setter
Rusty Crusty Antique Milk Cans Refreshed
Around here sometimes yard junk goes to the woods to die.
You know, it's that out of sight out of mind thing.
And such is the case with some antique milk jugs I have had forever that were stashed behind the backyard garden shed where I didn't have to see their rusty crusty-ness.
I hauled them out with the intention of giving them a makeover, I just wasn't sure what sort of a makeover that would be, but it seemed a shame to leave antique milk cans rotting in the woods.
The cans were sporting spray paint in a salmon color with sun signs stenciled on in yellow, from I don't know... maybe 20 years ago.
I picked the cans up at a garage sale and I think they were used on the deck holding plants till they were decommissioned behind the shed to wait for their next makeover.
You know, it's that out of sight out of mind thing.
And such is the case with some antique milk jugs I have had forever that were stashed behind the backyard garden shed where I didn't have to see their rusty crusty-ness.
I hauled them out with the intention of giving them a makeover, I just wasn't sure what sort of a makeover that would be, but it seemed a shame to leave antique milk cans rotting in the woods.
The cans were sporting spray paint in a salmon color with sun signs stenciled on in yellow, from I don't know... maybe 20 years ago.
I picked the cans up at a garage sale and I think they were used on the deck holding plants till they were decommissioned behind the shed to wait for their next makeover.
Antique Stencil
Bakery Stencil
Milk cans
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From time to time there might be a written review of services or products on this blog for which Bliss Ranch may or may not have received that service or product for free. Receiving a product or service for free or at a discount will never dictate what is written on this blog or guarantee a favorable review. All opinions here belong to Bliss Ranch and Bliss Ranch alone. Bliss Ranch is not monetarily compensated to write anything on this blog... period! For the complete privacy policy please see the tab at the top of the blog.
From time to time there might be a written review of services or products on this blog for which Bliss Ranch may or may not have received that service or product for free. Receiving a product or service for free or at a discount will never dictate what is written on this blog or guarantee a favorable review. All opinions here belong to Bliss Ranch and Bliss Ranch alone. Bliss Ranch is not monetarily compensated to write anything on this blog... period! For the complete privacy policy please see the tab at the top of the blog.