
Farmers Market Crate

Mums the word, but I don't intend to keep quiet about it. 

The world is entering another season of 2020 and the Fall picture doesn't look much different than when we were anticipating the arrival of Spring back in March.

A quick drive around the neighborhood tells me on the outside life looks the same as always, green grass, welcome flags, and blooming flowers.

Farmers Market Crate Trash To Treasure

But for the love of God don't think of making a quick stop without your mask at the ready! 

Preparing to leave the house reminds me of the days of diaper bags and babies..... key's, purse, cell phone, mask, instead of diapers. No baby, but it's the same panic - don't leave home without the darn mask.

So on grocery pick up this week, with mask in hand, I decided to actually go inside a store so I could buy some mums. The store front display had a fresh batch and the plants had mostly buds, not yet in full bloom. Perfect.

Farmers Market Crate Trash To Treasure

I bought one each of the five colors because that was easier than deciding if I wanted specific colors. Once home I set them together and recalled how every year I buy mums and every year they die before their time due to lack of care.

Maybe if I removed them from their potting soil container and actually planted them, their chance of survival would increase?

So that's what I did.

Lettered Antique Enamelware
Dear Liza's Bucket

Three almost dead petunias were dumped from buckets and the buckets became the new home of three of the mums and one ornamental cabbage tree. I added some fresh soil and I'm hoping if I keep them watered, and they get the right amount of sun, that I will keep them alive for more than previous years.

Farmers Market Crate Trash To Treasure
Stenciled Antique Chamber Pot

For the remaining two mums I decided to stain and stencil a crate that came home with me from a free pile of road side junk. I can and do pass up most things on the curb, but a crate always has potential. A little paint can usually cure any ills it might have.

Farmers Market Crate Trash To Treasure
The crate was water stained, pretty beat up and really dried out. The only interesting thing about it was the soon to be stained over black crate markings, which was no big deal because if I really wanted to have crate markings on an old crate I've got an Old Sign Stencil for that.
Old Sign Stencils Crate Stamps

I couldn't really go wrong with whatever I ended up doing to the crate, it was free after all so I couldn't ruin it, and I settled on the Farmers' Market stencil.
Farmers Market Crate Trash To Treasure

A walnut gel stain was used with the intention of wiping it back off, but the crate was so dry it sucked it in immediately and I ended up with a brown somewhat painted looking surface.

Farmers Market Crate Trash To Treasure

Fusion Mineral Paint has the perfect Autumn color, a copper metallic.

I have used this copper paint for a variety of projects including Christmas ornaments but I'm out, it's gone, kaput, so I will have to get more to have on hand.

Farmers Market Crate Trash To Treasure

The copper is a beautiful shade and the metal shimmer is excellent. It was just what the old crate needed.

I added some highlights to the letters as well, I guess because I like to hold my breath in hope I don't mess the whole project up. But remember the crate was free so the lines didn't have to be perfect.

Farmers Market Crate Trash To Treasure

The tag on the mums told me they need about six hours of sun a day. That could have been one reason mine died in the past, a shaded porch wasn't the ideal location. So this time they are all in places where getting enough sun isn't a problem. 

The crate is currently at the end of the front walk, or the beginning if you've just arrived.

Farmers Market Crate Trash To Treasure

I also gave the crate a coat of triple coverage matte varnish inside and out, that way I can leave it out in the elements.

Farmers Market Crate Trash To Treasure

The five colors of mums will be good till a hard frost. Sadly in Minnesota that can come at any time once August is over, but we hope for it not to happen till November. That means planting mums isn't like a spring plant that I have to keep alive for months. If I can tend to these flowers and keep them alive for 6-8 weeks I will consider it a success.

Farmers Market Crate Trash To Treasure

And when the pumpkins from the garden are harvested I'll put some of those at the market too!

Quick Links:

Old Sign Stencils 

Fusion Mineral Paint

Dear Liza's Bucket

Stenciled Enamelware Chamber Pot 

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  1. Bliss, the crate turned out beautiful! I love the stencil (have it) and the inspiration to do more with my stencils. Love the metallic with highlights. :)
    Enjoy your beautiful autumn for me. :)
    Be well!! ~ Christina

  2. The mums are beautiful in all of your fun containers, Bliss...the crate turned out so great!

  3. Oh I love mums! But I love that newest crate even more and how you add shadows and depth! Lucky mums!

  4. Great score on the side of the road for pickup. Love the stencil and color.

    We buy flowering kale instead of mums. Muns never make it past October for us. Kale is a sure thing.


  5. Love this project and so happy your mums are staying so pretty! I bought mine too early in the Texas heat and they didn't make it. :)

  6. I love mums in the fall and now I love them even more displayed in a cute wooden crate like this! Sadly our mums are toast by October because of frost so we only get to enjoy them for a few short weeks.


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