Junk Market via camera phone |
Friday was a big day for me for a couple reasons.
First - I blabbed about my blog. It's true, I'm a blog blabber. But I didn't blab to just anyone, it was to my two daughters. Only my husband knew of my blog, if you have followed for a bit you know this of me (also know keeping secrets is not my strong point). I had always wanted to tell my girls but first they had to pinky swear to secrecy so the whole flipping town wasn't voyuering my house my home my thoughts. So on our way between
Junkmarket and
monthly occasional sales, I revealed my secret blog. And what did they say when I told them.... both said similar things like
I thought you might, and
I know. Gee that was easy. Guess I wasn't as secretive as I thought.
I've also created junking fiends out of them, they want to turn our
old barber shop building into a vintage shop. Hmmmm. Sounds fun, and like a lot of work.
Second big deal for me.....
At Junk Market I stopped in to say hello and meet one of my favorite rusty chippy bloggers,
@ChippingWithCharm. (Hope she likes that photo I photo-napped from her blog). Since Hershey was nice enough to name chocolate after me I was going to casually leave her a packet of Hershey's hot Chocolate
"Bliss" so she would know I had been there. But I couldn't
not say hello. She has those kind of big eyes that you just can't lie too, and she looked right at me so I had to admit who I was. I got all tongue tied talking to Lauren and she's just the sweetest thing. I even stuttered. I don't stutter, what the heck? Lauren, I can't believe what a geek I am! I wanted to come back and just yak and yak with her but she was busy selling her goods so I didn't interrupt. I felt like I met a celebrity. Lauren had some really cute stuff too, but of course I'm there to knock off ideas and left with a jar of salsa from another booth.
So what did I buy? Well I discovered that not only am I buying stuff for myself, I'm telling my daughter things would look good in her house and if she doesn't have my vision I buy them and inform her if I can't find a place for it she has to buy it from me. Hence the candle holder and ammo box below. The yard sticks are mine for sure!

I did find a place to hang the candle thing, but the box is still sitting here. As much as I like it, especially the bathroom appropriate lettering, I am not sure I have a spot for it. And other than hanging it on the wall as a cabinet I'm not sure what else to do with it.
I also got this very heavy ladder. I think it's from like a silo or some barn thing. For now it's in the guest bathroom just to get it out of the way. Don't know what I'm doing with that either and daughter didn't see the vision. She obviously has not seen the
link party for ladders over at Funky Junk Interiors.