If you are wondering what turkey, chairs and Lisa's husband all have in common listen up and I'll just tell 'ya. This is a wordy post, but I have three stories to tell, so just read it and stop complaining......
At the beginning of the week my friend Miss Doo, that's
Debbie Doo had a post for People Magazine about the Sexiest man alive issue. Yes, we DIY blogs and crafty ladies write stuff like that from time to time. We paint, and drill, and use nails, but we're not blind 'ya know.
Bliss had an empty choice |
So Miss Doos posed the question to her readers
if we could pick the man for the cover this year who would we pick? I thought on it and this was my comment to her:
"There is no shortage of beautiful people and handsome men for People Mag
to choose from but I’m just not finding one that I would add the word
*sexy* to the handsome part. I KNOW…. what’s wrong with me??".
It bothered me that I didn't think any man was handsome and sexy both, have I gone blind? (With the exception of course of Brawn, but as far as I know People Mag wasn't considering him).
Help, I'm stuck in this pan and I can't get cooked |
I'm hosting Thanksgiving for my in laws. A pretty good sized group, if everyone were able to attend it would be upwards of 50 people including kids. Brawn is the 4th oldest of 12, no matter how you slice it, or carve it, we need plenty of turkey. We are expecting around 30 which includes our own gang, and when I cook a turkey I like leftovers to get the family through the weekend
while I am out shopping and for my midnight sandwich.
Once upon a time 43 pounds sounded like an ideal turkey size. We bought the bird in the spring and he came to us the day before Thanksgiving all fresh. Forty three pounds of turkey carcass caused several problems, like ummm, Tom wouldn't fit in the pan, or the oven.
Or the fridge.
Or anywhere but on a chair as a guest.
My in-laws are pretty easy to please when it comes to food, but raw turkey isn't on the list. We had to take the gobbler to friends at the local pizza shop to saw it in half. At 10:00 the night before when we realized the beast could not be cooked as he was. Isn't your local pizza shop owner also a butcher at the market? Ours is. Thank goodness!
43 pounds of big bird |
So we cooked one half in the oven and the other on the grill. The one Brawn put on the grill won hands down as the tastiest turkey ever, so since then he is in charge of giving us all the bird. He relishes that - x's two.
Back to the present....... I had to go out in search of the perfect sized turkeys, Thanksgiving
IS a week away you know. I have been looking on craigs list for some dining room chairs. I knew what I wanted in my head plus they had some additional conditions like they had to be affordable. My vision for a redo involved nailhead trim and feed sack backs, easily redone seats, since I can glue, staple and tape but can't sew.
Something like this chair from the famous
Miss Mustard Seed. I covet this chair. A lot.
Just last week I paused the search for chairs realizing I probably needed to paint, and pull the other room things together first. Since craigslist has tons of chairs the right ones were sure to come along for the right price when I was ready.
Then I looked this morning. These were there. For a price I wanted to pay. Apparently I'm ready.
Chair convention on my porch |
I decided to combine getting the twin turkeys with a stop to look at those chairs. They were pretty close to the vision in my head, both the turkeys and the chairs, and conveniently close to a Super Target that just happened to have Butterballs on sale.
We weigh 20 pounds each. We love you Brawn, you sexy thing |
But I didn't need a table, although I was willing to find a use for a huge dining room table in my already over stuffed garage full of projects and treasures. Because I needed to put something else in that garage like I need a hole in the head.
One reason I couldn't think of a celebrity to crown as People's sexiest man alive might be because 'ya know... I'm no spring chicken. Those young actors are cute yes, but I could be their mother. And the old ones, ok, so James Bond is handsome, but he's getting up there in years. Where is the middle of the road man for us middle of the road women? Not too old, or not too young.
Bond, James Bond
Lisa was a petite thing, and she described her husband as a "big guy, a
really big guy" complete with hand motions on girth to emphasize how big, and she said he didn't want to bang in to stuff as he made his way around the table. So I'm picturing someone looking a bit like that mafia actor guy James
Gandolfini. No offense to Mr. Gandolfini, there is nothing the matter with his looks, but I had not even considered him as my pick for the People Magazine cover. I'm quite sure he wouldn't consider me for it either.
James Gandolfini
While I was viewing the chairs with Lisa, Irene called her. As Lisa told Irene the set was sold I motioned to her to see if Irene was interested in
just the table. She was. As Irene drove to see Lisa's table I was at Target lifting 20 pound Butterballs into my cart, on sale for .99¢ a pound.
With the 40 lb. twins safely on the floor of the front seat, I headed back to Lisa's to find out if I was going to be the owner of 6 chairs or 6 chairs
and a table. Irene wanted the table. Perfect! I wouldn't have to bother Brawn to fetch a table he surely knows we don't need or have room for.
Lisa's husband came home and helped me load, and the chairs all fit nicely, two in the back, three in the middle, and one riding shotgun holding down the turkeys. My vehicle is always the dirty one when I go to the city, it has a panel of dirt road brown down the side. With furniture piled in every available spot, I was a new version of the Beverly Hillbillies complete with vittles in the front seat. But minus the black gold or Texas tea.
Keep in mind I'm expecting a BIG guy, like someone who has eaten their fair share of Butterballs or I would describe lovingly as a butterball. Mr. Lisa helped me load the chairs and I told Lisa he didn't look anything like I thought, that he wasn't
that big! Lisa said he's cute isn't he?
Now dear readers is the time to clear your mind of Mr. Gandolfini and all motions of girth, and start to picture someone more the size of The Rock or Vin Diesel big. So I agreed with Lisa that he was cute, I think I said "yes he is, he's
very cute". Trying not to put too much emphasis on the 'very' part for fear of embarrassing myself!
But... OMG!!!
Ummmm Lisa, I hate to tell 'ya but ......... he isn't cute. He's drop. dead. gorgeous! People Magazine didn't ask me, but Miss Doos did so I would put Lisa's husband on the cover
(if Brawn was busy that day of course). If Lisa sends me a photo I'll put it with this post, or under my pillow.