
Barn Wood Entry Way Shelves

We're busy around here waiting for cement to cure.

That's the equivalent of watching paint dry, only it takes longer.

So while we wait for the cement to cure and the new bathroom flooring to arrive, I decided it was a good time to actually paint a wall and have Brawn make some shelves that he's been meaning to make for the last 20 years.

barnwood shelves,

I can't say for sure its shelves he's been meaning to make for 20 years, but I know he's been meaning to make something for an awkward entry way corner.

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Walnut And Painted Oak Washstand

This is one of those posts that might enrage the folks who never ever paint wood and don't like that look.

To them I say.... that's why paint stripper was invented.

I also say quityerbellyaching.

entry way painted vintage wash stand,

My house has plenty of wood....... of all grains, all species of trees, all colors of stains, natural or otherwise, so if I want to paint one of the gazillion pieces of real wood I have around here by golly I'm gonna do it.

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Dollhouse Mini's, Week 2

Last week I introduced you to the vintage radio that I am turning into a dollhouse for a certain five year old, and from now on I'll be looking differently at every little thing.

And when I say little, I mean little.

I'll be eyeing up bits and pieces of this and that, anything that can be turned into a miniature "something" for the dollhouse.

Dollhouse Miniature Finds,

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Crochet Bunny With A Wardrobe

Hippity hoppity Easter's on it's way, and I've got a little somebunny to share with you.

Last December #2 daughter decided she wanted to make a crocheted bunny for a certain five year old.

I don't sew.  I don't crochet, and I don't knit.

#2 daughter however picked up some needles one day a couple years ago and just started doing it.  No pattern, no instruction, no nothing.

Hand Made Crochet Bunny with Clothes,

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Thrift Store Decor Lettered Sock Bin

March has arrived and with it brings this months Thrift Store Decor, where 10 bloggers breath new life into a castoff item from the thrift store.
Thrift Store Decor Team,

My project was fun and pretty fast, unless you count the hours it took me to sort through socks so I could implement my new sock mating system.

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Poured Concrete Bathroom Vanity Top

One down, one to go.

I'm not going to bore you with all the details of tedious DIY, so I won't be giving you complete step by step instructions on how to pour concrete bathroom vanity tops.

I wouldn't want you to build and pour your own tops based solely on what I say anyhow, what if I forgot to include some important instruction and your project turned out like crap?

I'll just give you the basics and what *we* do that gives us the results we want.  There is plenty of expert advice on the web, you don't need mine, mostly because I'm not really into writing a 'how to' cement book and the fact that I believe experts often tend to over complicate things.

Concrete bathroom Counter Top,

Even with a condensed version, there is still lots of steps to include.

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A Vintage Radio Dollhouse Begins

Soon after a certain five year old was born, I started to think about the dollhouse I would craft for her in a few years.

Vintage Radio Project Dollhouse,
Before - front of the dollhouse

And it didn't look anything like this dirty dusty vintage radio.

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Pink Play Kitchen Featured At Bob Vila

When I was just a young pup - so long ago now I don't even remember when that was - Brawn and I would tune in to channel 13 and watch This Old House.

That was long before DISH, Direct TV, cable, the internet, and the plethora of home improvement shows.

Norm and Bob showed folks the tips and tricks to do DIY the right way.  Their show was how I learned what dovetailing drawers was, and how tedious renovating an old house could be.

Upcycled Pink Play Kitchen From Nightstand,
Painted Pinstripe Wall

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Choosing South Cypress For Tile

One of the hardest things for me in decorating has always been picking colors.

You too?  Well I've done the legwork for 'ya on choosing a tile place. 

It doesn't matter what it is - carpet, wood, tile, walls, counter - the color selection agony doesn't change for me.

Putting patterns and colors together does not come naturally to me.

I've gotten it wrong as many times as I've gotten it right, and it is not a wonderful thing when you choose the wrong tile only to make that observation after it's glued and grouted.

South Cypress Subway Tile
Or painting dining room walls four times in three days because you are SURE the color is perfect.... each time.

Yes that really happened, I'm surprised my husband even lets me pick paint anymore.

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Stuffed Dog House

Last weekend a certain nine year old wanted to build his little sister a dog house for her stuffed dog.

He rounded up some 'additional help' and they discovered he didn't have enough raw product.

At least that's the way the 'additional help' - also known as #3 son, told the story.

So #3 son rounded up #1 dad, who located scraps of wood to make the toy dog house that the certain nine year old wanted to make for his little sister.  Got that?

A dog house is a pretty straight forward design, and I was not consulted in the least on this.  Probably for the best as I would have over complicated the job.

The completed dog house showed up on the dining room table with the instruction, "you can paint this if you want".

Well I wanted.

Stuffed Toy Dog House,

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