This blog is owned, written and edited entirely by me as a personal blog. For any questions about Bliss Ranch blog contact me at
As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. This means I receive a small commission if you make a purchase. This costs you nothing extra and is directed by Amazon.
From time to time there might be a written review of services or products on this blog for which I am compensated, and I may accept and keep free products, services, cash advertising, sponsorship, and/or other forms of compensation from companies, organizations or websites. When I do so, those posts will be identified in the body of the post.
I blog with integrity, receiving a product or service for free or at a discount will never dictate what is written on this blog or guarantee a favorable review. All opinions here belong to Bliss Ranch and Bliss Ranch alone. I always give my honest opinion on topics or products. How I came to be writing about that product or topic will not influence what I write.
I do not claim to be, nor make an effort to be, an expert on a certain topic, product, or service. I only endorse companies, products, and services I believe are worthy of endorsement, and serve to enhance the experience for my readers. All product or service claims, statistics, quotes or other representation should be verified with the manufacturer or provider.
I accept paid advertising from companies and products that fit in with the Bliss Ranch blog. This affiliate advertising is a means for Bliss Ranch to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to businesses. Sending me an email asking me to promote your webpage by allowing you to write a post for my blog will not happen; I do not accept text links, or link exchanges so don't be surprised if you do not hear back from me.
Disclaimer; Use this blog at your own risk!
A disclaimer is where I tell you that if I made a table and you decided to make one too but you cut off your finger, that it's your problem. I'm not responsible or liable for the loss of your digit. I'm also not responsible if you spill paint, drink it, read my blog while driving and have an accident, or any other of the million ways a person could injure them self, someone they love or a complete stranger.
I am not personally liable for what you do with any of my ideas, thoughts or projects that I share on this blog, they are for inspiration only. What works for me might not work for you, and I write a lot of stuff that is just my opinion on how I do things. If you don't like any of it you don't have to read here, I'm not holding you hostage.
If you are going to try a technique, or to replicate a project you have seen on Bliss Ranch, do not use Bliss Ranch as your sole source of instructions or reference. Seek out help from professionals.
I am not responsible for republished content from this blog on other blogs or websites without my permission. That means websites that have stolen my content and either passed it off as their own, or given credit to me as the original source.
Privacy Policy/Information Collected/Cookies (the computer kind, not the ones you eat)
The Bliss Ranch blog does not share personal information with third parties and information about your visit does not have any personally identifying information other than what is provided through the use of cookies, or the comment form, or when you choose to subscribe to this blog. You can turn off the use of cookies at anytime by changing your specific browser settings. A cookie is a small file that is stored on your computer that contains information used to enhance your website visit. Do not send confidential information to the Bliss-Ranch blog as it can not be guaranteed to be secure although ever effort is made to safe guard your correspondence. We will not sell, distribute or lease your personal information to third parties.
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There will be links to other websites on the Bliss-Ranch blog and Bliss-Ranch does not own those and is not able to control them in any way, therefore those websites are not governed by any policy's on the Bliss-Ranch site. Bliss-Ranch is not responsible for their privacy practices, their content or how/if they collect data. If you click a link on this blog that takes you to another web page, you are responsible for any information you provide to them once you leave Bliss-Ranch, so it is suggested to review the privacy policy on each page you visit. Your information will never be sold or traded by Bliss Ranch to anyone or any business unless you request it or have been asked for consent.
This privacy policy was last updated on January 11, 2020 and is subject to change without notice at any time.
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