Assembly Required |
I was so happy when it was done I began to dance around.
Nothing matches except the bins! |
If you aren't humming Frosty the Snowman yet, slap yourself and start reading again from the beginning.
Down in the village I own that vintage building {here}, with the gutted upstairs and main-floor-barber-shop-turned-band-practice-area for son #2. (But check out that authentic floor!). The window had an old plastic tarp hanging in it so no one could see the mess inside, but outside it's as alive as it can be.
Behind the curtain it's still a mess from jamming and snacking as they laugh and play just the same as you and me.
From the sidewalk the view is much better now, all around the square as a matter of fact.
In August I took every extra frame I had, thrifted some more, painted some with CeCe Caldwells Slate and we set up a photography display, which may or may not have been a smart idea for a semi retired photographer to do. Look at
They were painted in slate or silver so they would match a certain Kodak dresser {here} that we also took to the window. (Sorry for all the reflection in the glass, the sun was hot that day).
All the photos were printed in black and white. I just didn't want a bunch of competing colors.
Behind all the photos are some old doors, windows, corn cob pipes, and behind that is the one and only multi use fabric...... drop cloth - hung as curtains.
Throw in a barber chair for old times sake.........
and little initial tags to match the person in each photo, made from a vintage music magazine. All the people are recent local clients, I thought they would enjoy seeing themselves.
The magazine was .10¢ and it has some great stuff inside. The cover colors are beautiful, I picked it up one day running here and there.
In August two of the loves of my life dropped the 500 pound barber chair on my big toe as it was on it's way to the window. They only paused a moment and didn't hear me holler STOP! It healed up nicely but I didn't set foot or toe back in the window till now. Thumpety thump thump.
It contains everything you need..... eyes, carrot nose, scarfs, twigs for arms, Frosty's broom, but please don't bring the snow. We'll have plenty of that before long.
I've gotta hurry on my way, so I'll wave goodbye saying don't you cry, I'll be back again some day.
Parts of Frosty The Snowman are Partying at:
Wildly Original Party @IGottaCreate
Christmas Holiday Craft Party @MadeInADay
Home for the Holidays
Simpy You @ SimplyKierste
All Star Block Party @FullCircleCreations
12 Days of Christmas @BeyondThePicketFence
Cowgirl Up @CedarHillRanch
Creative Inspirations Party @EmbracingChange
Open House Party @NoMinimalistHere
Transformation Thursday @TheShabbyCreekCottage
Everything But the Kitchen Sink @ALittleKnickKnack
Friday Free For All @FiveWaysFiveDays
Happy Hour Friday @CraftyScrappyHappy
Frosty's bits were featured at:
I Gotta Create

Full Circle Creations
Christmas Holiday Craft Party @MadeInADay
Home for the Holidays
Simpy You @ SimplyKierste
All Star Block Party @FullCircleCreations
12 Days of Christmas @BeyondThePicketFence
Cowgirl Up @CedarHillRanch
Creative Inspirations Party @EmbracingChange
Open House Party @NoMinimalistHere
Transformation Thursday @TheShabbyCreekCottage
Everything But the Kitchen Sink @ALittleKnickKnack
Friday Free For All @FiveWaysFiveDays
Happy Hour Friday @CraftyScrappyHappy
Frosty's bits were featured at:
I Gotta Create

Full Circle Creations
The Kodak dresser keeps on giving.... it was featured at Cowgirl UP from this post