While all of blog land is shedding pounds, eating healthy, re-doing crafting rooms and WOman caves, I've been sitting on my rear-end seemingly doing nothing but making every fat laden main course and delicious looking dessert on my
Pinterest boards.
I've cleaned out some kitchen drawers and rearranged some messy piles of stuff, but it's not anything picture worthy.
I started a
dining room redo in February. And then abandoned a dining room redo.
Where is Spring?!?!? I'm putting all my hopes and crafting dreams in the belief that once I don't have to look at snow I'll want to create.
Last Fall my son wanted some book marks. Before I was a blogger I would of just ripped a piece of paper out of something for him, maybe bought a trendy one at WalMart or taught him how to fold over the page corner. Taboo, I know.
Rusty old razor blade is a must have |
But those are not good enough anymore when your mom blogs. No siree.
You have to take to the internet and find out what the other blog moms are doing for their kids' book marks. There are some really cute ones out there, but I didn't want him to get beat up.
(I couldn't find the original inspiration, but this one is pretty close at Green Paper).
There are also more awesome versions of the ones I made, but honestly I wasn't
*THAT* into what they looked like.
I picked up these old Readers Digest books in a free bin. I have lots of them that belonged to my parents, but I wasn't about to slice those up. Free ones I'm not emotionally attached too are fine.
The process was very simple;
Razor blade the spine off, remove the fabric part of the spine from the book board, and Mod Podge it on to some card stock. The only embellishing I did was with an old leather boot lace cut to pieces for the top.
The Podge as it dries |
Let it dry. Mine seemed to take forever - I must of used too much Podge. I am not a Mod Podge Queen like
Ms. Doos, I need her to give me lessons. If it takes over a week to dry does that mean I used too much?
Flatten them under a heavy book. If you try to do this before they dry they will stick. Duh.
A week of watching glue dry is a good way to develop patience, so don't use so much Mod Podge.
Old leather boot laces become the top tassel |
Not only did my son like how they turned out, his older sister asked if she could have one too. Completely free, unless you count the tiny bit of Mod Podge. (I do question that *tiny bit* part).
I reused the spineless books too, they still sit in this same location except the table now looks like this.....
Now that you have a bookmark semi-tutorial, you can "bookmark" next Tuesday as the third month of Tongue in Cheek Tuesday.
TICT has been revamped to debut as a once a month link party, but the rules are still lax, I mean really there are no rules. We found out in February that lots of wonderful bloggers are pretty funny and would love to join in, but a little button only holds so many names.
Danni our design guru makes all the buttons, (insert clapping here) and notice she went with green for March. (
I wasn't sure she was ever going to run out of St. Patricks Day crafts).
Danni also posted all the information about
Tongue in Cheek Tuesday, which I am going to pirate half of here, I mean seriously why should I reinvent the wheel right?
From Silo Hill Farm:
I'm inviting all of my readers to join in a little fun next week. The last two were so much fun, and so many people expressed interest in joining us, we've decided to turn it into a once a month link party. Link on 1, be seen on all 5. It's all in good fun and it's about making fun of ourselves.
The topic..... we're going to dish out some dirt, our own! We're going to be sharing where we keep our junk. We don't really have any rules, like you have to post a button or you have to follow us or any jumping through hoops. Of course we'd love it if you did those things, (especially jumping through hoops - if you do that include a picture) but really we don't take ourselves too seriously.
If you want to join in we'd love to have you. Just write up a post poking fun at your junkiest area and link it up at any of the following blogs on Tuesday March 12th.
Everyone's got a little Junk in their trucks,
(or purse, or corner, or drawer, or on a table, or.....) come share yours.
So there 'ya have it. A bookmark to bookmark next Tuesday. For me the problem will be narrowing down what trunk of junk I'm gonna make fun of myself about!