
Custom DIY Recipe Box Dividers

Lets see now.... for my last project I gave a makeover to a pine box made in school by a child named “ME”, up-cycling it into a useful recipe box.

It was a sweet redo using a sweet sugar stencil from the Old Sign Stencil collection. You can see the recipe box details here, and the sugar stencil here.

But a recipe box needs dividers so a gal doesn't get confused and concoct something like strawberry meatball poke cake sauce, and when I couldn't find the right sized dividers, with labels that said exactly what I wanted, I made my own. 

Because I have a pretty swell new recipe box, and recipe storage issues.

Recipe Box DIY Dividers

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Vintage Dirty Laundry Basket

Do you ever pick something up that you don't need, but feel like you could find a purpose for it just because it's a good price and you kind of like it?

Of course not, I'm the only one.

You can't fool me, I know you do it too, maybe at Home Goods or Target, something ends up in your cart because you can't pass it by?

Well that's what happened to me a few years ago leaving a flea market with some friends. I saw a vintage basket and stand combo marked twenty bucks, and I briefly thought on it and said sure why not, and it came home with me.

First it sat in the garage for a year collecting saw dust. 

Then it went to the shed o'schidt for a couple more years compacting the dirt on it's facade.

And then last week my washing machine broke.

Vintage Laundry Basket On Stand, stenciled makeover,

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Old Time Wood Christmas Stockings

For many years I've had my eye on antique sock stretchers but I never looked at them as a Christmas decoration.

Stenciled Wood Christmas Stockings

If you don't believe "sock stretchers" are a thing, Google it. 

They're from the early 1900's when most socks were made out of wool. Wool socks took a long time to dry and like anything made of wool, when washed they could shrink. So the wool socks were put on wood forms to stretch and keep their shape while they dried, hence sock stretchers.

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Skiing Into Christmas

I don't have to type it but I will, 2020 can move on out after Christmas, but wait... I can't keep the new rules straight... is Christmas cancelled? 

It doesn't really matter the "official" rule on this, Christmas is not cancelled in my house or heart, and not at my craft table either.

As if everyone's lives weren't a mess in at least one aspect, be it maneuvering through child care and home schooling, working from home, or not working, or just trying to stay healthy among a million other little worries, inside my walls is an actual mess. 

We started a remodel in February with removing walls, and all the mess that goes with it, and here we are 9 months later and I haven't birthed a new kitchen yet. And you know what? While that mess has gotten old along with me, there are more important things, because in the big picture of where the world is at I don't really care about my kitchen. Well I guess that's a lie - I do care because I have to live among the disarray - but not like it matters much to me since the important things haven't stopped. I'm still able to put meals out, stand around the counter, albeit plywood ones, and I've got a broom and know how to use it to keep remodel rubble at bay.

And skis. I've got skis.

Painted Stenciled Ski Winter Decoration

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Farmhouse Table For Kids

I have mentioned before about the local auction house where if you see something you want to bid on it is often bundled with stuff you probably don't want.

I don't recall for sure, but I think what I wanted to bring home from a Spring auction was an antique sleigh bed, because there is one to work on in the garage, and to get that bed frame I had to take the other "junk" too.

Upon arriving home when the bundled stuff is inspected, occasionally the real jewel isn't what you thought you wanted and instead you discover a diamond in the rough.

Such is the case with this unwanted thickly painted black table that came home with auction items I did want.

While the table was in the garage, it was used for many things. It became a saw horse, and a narrow work table, then when my kids camped by the lake this summer it was hauled down the driveway as a camping food prep table.

Farmhouse Kid size Table

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Farmers Market Crate

Mums the word, but I don't intend to keep quiet about it. 

The world is entering another season of 2020 and the Fall picture doesn't look much different than when we were anticipating the arrival of Spring back in March.

A quick drive around the neighborhood tells me on the outside life looks the same as always, green grass, welcome flags, and blooming flowers.

Farmers Market Crate Trash To Treasure

But for the love of God don't think of making a quick stop without your mask at the ready! 

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Tin Sifter Flour Sign

Welcome to the Bloggers Fall Tour Of Ideas. 

 I'm glad you're here, and so are the other 20 blogs with at least 20 more ideas and projects that are waiting for you in the links below, hosted by Angie at Postcards From The Ridge.

Mantels and Tablescapes, Porches & Decks, Decor, Wreaths, Crafts and signs. A little bit of everything, with hopefully something to inspire you for a project of your own. There is a tour graphic below and all you need to do is click the links to visit the other blogs, but don't go just yet, I've crafted up a sign I want to show 'ya.

The ideas tour might be arriving as we head into Fall, but my project won't be fall-ish looking. Instead you'll have to use your imagination, because mine will be fall-ish smelling.

In Minnesota we like to make our summer last as long as possible, and when the leaves actually change that's my cue that fall has arrived, the apples are ready for pie baking, and the days might be cool enough to turn the oven on.

I don't have to remind everyone what an unusual year 2020 has been, we all live every day with the ever changing new rules and information. For me this changing landscape of life has left me a little creatively .... dry ... I guess would be a good word. I haven't exactly been tearing through the days creating much, the ideas are just not flowing.

Vintage Tin Sifter 

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TV Trays To Patio Tables

Last week Daughter #1 sent me a text asking if I wanted some old TV trays, and I don't think she thought I would say yes. She was cleaning out a closet and if she didn't have a use for them why would I?

But her text was timely, and I did have a use for them.

TV Trays Upcycled To Patio Tables with Old Sign Stencils Bliss

When I was a kid tv trays were made of metal, and in my mind I can still hear my mom's set clanking as they would hit each other on the stand. These days the trays are wood and I don't think they are called trays, the youngsters call them tables, but to me they will always be tv trays.

So a few days after the original text the six tv trays and their stands landed on my front porch.  I knew what I would use them for, and I knew I would paint them but I did have to think on how I wanted them to look.

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Antique Chamber Pot Planter

You never know what you'll get in a box of junk from an auction.

Like a pot to piss in.

Sorry if that's blunt, but back in the day before the advent of indoor plumbing and bathrooms, lots of folks weren't about to take a walk in the snow in below zero temps, just to make a little water in the middle of the night.

And the saying "didn't have a pot to piss in" meant you were pretty broke if you didn't even have a pot to do your business in.

When I went through the box of auction items I hauled home last spring, I pulled out this cute little antique red and white enamelware pot, but really all I saw was a planter.  It wasn't until after it sat on the steps holding a plant last summer that I realized what it really was.

The little red enamelware pot was actually an antique pot to piss in. Gross!

Updated Antique Chamber Pot Turned Planter

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