
More Stones for Fiona

What a great name.... Fiona.  Fiona has a blog called Just paint it white here and she left me a comment to see more rocks!  So I went in to my photo albums to see what I have, because Lord knows I wasn't doing any dusting today so I could take photos.  I found a couple outside:

This is a photo of a patio pond Mr. Rough-Hewn Brawn got a wild hair to create.  I didn't really want anything else that needed to be maintained, but secretly I love it.  We have our own babbling brook to listen to on beautiful evenings.  Just not this time of year, it's cold in Minnesota and it's frozen!

On the left is one of the two stone pillars at the very start of the quarter mile long driveway into Bliss Ranch.  We had a wedding here a couple years ago hence the decoration thing hanging on it.  Then on the right, I have glass jars around the house that I didn't know what to do with, so for now they hold rocks.  Just like my head. ~Bliss~

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  1. Thank you, and thanks for mentioning me ! I lurve the new header, very nicely balanced. Oh how I love the sound of running water - your babbling brook looks gorgeous.
    Can you not talk of long driveways, I'm jealous lol. No driveway here, just a hop and a skip from our car on the road, to our front gate.
    And one can never have enough glass jars, they look good whatever you put in them !

    1. You wouldn't be jealous if that driveway was covered in snow and you couldn't get out! The winter photo is deceptively pretty.

  2. Anonymous1/12/2012

    What a lovely babbling brook! I'm sure it's beautiful too! Thanks for popping in to see me and I'm so glad to know I'm not the only one picking up straggling Christmases! :)
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

    1. Oh geese Shelia.... today I noticed sitting on my bathroom window ledge two Christmas gift bags waiting to be folded and put away. Maybe that's the last of it?

  3. WOW, how totally gorgeous!!! I hope you're having a great day!!!

    1. The Queen of Shabby Chic ..... thanks for visiting me. The grand kids are still here, but next week I'm learning about interviews, hope your washer is working!

  4. Love all that stone. Decorating with stone/small rocks is always interesting for the texture they bring. I appreciate you stopping by my blog too!

  5. I'm also a fan of the babbling brook. Mr Rough-Hewn Brawn did a great job on it! I wish my other half would make something like that, but the only thing he builds is cars. Sigh. But I do love the look of your rocks, and don't worry, we all have them in our heads as well, it's when we start to lose them thats the problem. Ha! : )..


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